Who did you vote for in Presidential, or other elections? Me: 1996: Dole 2000: Bush 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Romney 2016: Probably Rand Paul, if the Republican is really bad I may vote Democrat.
The first and only time I voted in a Presidential election was in 2012, and that vote went to Gary Johnson (L).
I should have clarified, they more than likely will. If the Republican candidate is bad enough I might vote Democrat out of protest. I'm not proud of voting for Obama in '08.
The last D I voted for was Carter, but I didn't know better plus I didn't believe the Warren Report of which Ford was a part. I did vote for Perot which was a mistake as it likely helped Slick Willie get in. In all others, I voted R. I am now too enlightened to ever vote for anyone but a R for national office.
1984: Reagan 1988: GHW Bush 1992: GHW Bush 1996: Dole 2000: Bush 2004: Bush 2008: McCain 2012: Romney 2016: Rubio is my first choice, but anybody but the Democrat is the real answer.
2000:Not old enough to vote pulled for Bush 2004-Didn't register-Pulled for Kerry 2008-Chuck Baldwin-Constitution Party 2012-Gary Johnson-Libertarian Party In both 2008 and 2012 I voted Ron Paul in the primaries.
Don't beat up on yourself for voting for Perot. You got half of what Perot campainged for, a balanced budget. That's better than getting nothing. All I remember about he Perot campaign was "Balance the budget, balance the buget, balance the budget" and "Stop NAFTA, stop NAFTA, stop NAFTA." What happened was the Dems and the Repubs looked at the 20 million or so votes Perot got, even after dropping out and decide to cut a deal to keep a third party from replcing the Dems and/or the Repubs. The Dems sat still for some budget cuts and the Repubs sat still for some tax increases, and over time the budget was balanced. I'm currently supporting the American Freedom Party.
Me, 1964 Goldwater 1968 Wallace 1972 Nixon 1976 Carter 1980 Carter 1984 Reagan 1988 Bush the first 1992 Perot 1996 Perot 2000 Browne 2004 Browne 2008 Barr 2012 Johnson As for 2016 I haven't made up my mind yet. - - - Updated - - - Interesting, I usually used the primaries to vote against the one I disliked or trusted the least. Georgia has an open primary and I can choose which party's primaries I will vote in.
When one has a choice between the two major parties candidate where the best one can do is to vote for the least worst candidate. One still ends up with a very bad president. I too voted for Johnson. But he didn't have a couple of billion dollars to get out his message. But he wasn't owned heart and soul by mega money donors, corporations, wall streets firms, special interests, lobbyist etc. like the two major party candidates were.
1976 . . . I was still very much anti-republican after Nixon and then after Ford pardoned Nixon, and so I held my nose and voted for the total unknown Jimmy Carter. Huge mistake! 1980 . . . I felt very guilty for doing so, but I voted for Ronald Reagan simply because Jimmy Carter had been the worst president of my lifetime. 1984 . . . I decided that Walter Mondale could not possibly be as bad for the nation as Jimmy Carter had been and by then I was feeling rather uneasy about Ronald Reagan who (to me anyway) no longer seemed to be 'all there' mentally. 1988 . . . There was no way that I wanted to see eight years of Reagan followed by four to eight years of G.H. Bush and so I voted for Michael DuKakis. 1992 . . . I happily voted for Bill Clinton. 1996 . . . I not so happily voted for Bill Clinton. 2000 . . . After eight years of Clinton being in charge of the Executive Branch I felt that the nation needed a change and so I rather reluctantly voted for G.W. Bush. 2004 . . . Already firmly in an Anybody But Bush mindset I held my nose and voted for John Kerry. 2008 (During the Primaries) . . . I held my nose and voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries because I figured the nation needed to switch control of the Executive Branch over to the Dem Party after eight years of G.W. Bush. Then since there was no way in hell that I could in good conscience vote for a first term U.S. Senator with ZERO meaningful national level experience who had been mentored by a series of nation hating radical leftists, I donned a gas mask and with total reluctance voted for John McCain and then I tore up my Dem Party registration card and became (permanently so) a political Independent. 2012 . . . I reluctantly voted for Mitt Romney because Obama had been an utter foreign and domestic policy disaster (just as I had predicted), making even Jimmy Carter look competent in comparison. 2016 . . . ANYBODY BUT A DEMOCRAT!
The last candidate running for President that I voted for in the primaries who ended up winning that party's nomination was Ronald Reagan. I voted for Reagan in the primaries and Presidential elections in both 1980 and 1984. Since then, none who I voted for in the primaries has every won the nomination. I live in Kalifornia and by the time Kalifornia holds it's primaries, most of the candidates have already dropped out of the race and it's already been decided who's going to win the nominations. So Kalifornia, the largest state in the Union really has little say who will be the particular party candidate for President. The whole primary system is (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up.
I agree with the primary system being messed up. I can remember a time when there was a primary or two each week and not these super tuesday primaries there 10 or 12 states get together. Then too I can remember when there were very few primaries. There were only 15 back in 1964 and Georgia wasn't one of them. Party bosses and office holders chose whom they would give their delegates to. 1976 the primaries had expanded to 28 states with Georgia being one of them.
1996: 7 2000: 11 2004: 15 2008: McCain (very grudgingly - supported Ron Paul in primaries) 2012: Romney (supported Ron Paul in primaries) 2016: I support Rand Paul for the nomination.
1972: Nixon The first time I was able to vote, I was 22 years old. I was raised in a Democrat family but I had just done a tour in Vietnam and why would I vote for the political party that sent me to war and then backed stabbed me and my buddies while we were still on the battlefield ? I was now a Republican. 1976: Ford But in the primary election, I voted for Reagan. 1980: Reagan In both the primary and Presidential election. America was in trouble and the Soviets knew it. 1984: Reagan See above. Reagan didn't save America, he gave America a second chance. 1988: G.H. Bush But I voted for Pat Buchanan in the primary. 1992: G.H. Bush But again I voted for Pat in the primary. 1996: Dole But again I voted for Pat in the primary. 2000: G.W. Bush Who the (*)(*)(*)(*) was this Bush guy I asked myself ? Pat Buchanan broke away from the GOP by the time Kalifornia's primary came around. If I remember correctly I cast a message vote to the GOP for Pat Buchanan during the primary. 2004: G.W. Bush Don't remember who I voted for in the primaries but I did voted for someone else as a message to the GOP. (Note: What Vietnam vet would vote for Kerry who backed stabbed the American soldier while they were still on the battlefield ? What Veteran would vote for a Democrat candidate when the Democrats tried to have the military vote thrown out in Florida back in 2000?) 2008: John McCain. I didn't get my news from Comedy Central or from Weekend Update on SNL and I knew you could see Russia from Alaska. I also knew who Saul Alinsky was. But I voted for Duncan Hunter during the primary. 2012: Mitt Romney But I voted for Newt Gingrich during the primary. (No way was I going to vote for a community organizer with one failure after another for four years in the White House, no second chance.)
2000: Bush 2004: Kerry 2008: Obama 2012: Obama (I'm still kicking myself for this one as I almost pulled the lever for Romney, but switched at the last second) 2016: Any Republican except for Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz. These two men would cause my vote to go to the Democrat.
1980 Ed Clark (libertarian) 1984 Reagan 1988 Bush 1992 Andre Marrou (libertarian) 1996 Dole 2000 Bush 2004 Bush 2008 McCain 2012 Romney 2016-Probably GOP unless it appears to be a runaway I voted for Clark in my first presidential election and was his campaign manager for Yale-New Haven I voted for Reagan because he did a decent job and Mondale was a turd I voted for Bush in 88-I had met him at Yale, and he had the best resume of anyone in my lifetime to be president I voted for Marrou because Bush went back on his promises as to taxes and gun rights in 96 I voted for Dole because Clinton was a gun banner and a tax hiker and I was hoping Dole-who wasn't a great choice for me, could beat him in 2000 and 2004 Bush was the clear choice in 08 I couldn't' stand either candidate (obama or McCain) but the Libertarian party was a mess that year with Barr being the choice 12-Romney was the clear choice after four years of incompetence
Who I really wanted is in brackets. Carter [ Humphrey] Mondale [Ernest Hollings] Dukakis [Bruce Babbit] Clinton ( with reservations) [Paul Tsongas] Clinton ( with even more reservations) Gore Kerry [Howard Dean] Obama Obama If I had been old enough, I would have voted for Nixon over McGovern but that was the last time I was seriously tempted to vote GOP nationally.
what issues causes your loyalty to the Democrats my main issue is Judicial selections with taxes and 2A issues nearly as important
I believe in using the regulatory power of govt, and progressive tax and spending policies to contain the excesses inherent in 'laissez faire' capitalism without abandoning its virtues, and strengthen the hand of workers. In other words I am a typical liberal. I don't see a lot of hope in a return to the America of Coolidge , Hoover and Reagan.
fair enough, I want to limit government as much as possible because the current system is going to collapse since the Democrat politicians cannot keep buying votes with money they don't have