Who Was The Clever One?

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by aussiefree2ride, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Julia Gillard suffered a turbulent reign as prime minister because many Australians could not handle seeing a women in authority, departing crossbench MP Rob Oakeshott says.

    The NSW independent says it's disingenuous to suggest Ms Gillard did not experience greater scrutiny because of her gender.

    "I'm not a gender politics expert, but it was there and no one can deny it," Mr Oakeshott told reporters in Sydney on Tuesday.

    Speaking at the launch of a book charting Ms Gillard's troubled three years as prime minister, Mr Oakeshott said the 43rd parliament had shone a light on Australian attitudes to gender.

    "One of many issues was how we deal with women in authority," he said.

    "I think many Australians couldn't handle it."

    Mr Oakeshott said Australians did not need to be ashamed over how events unfolded, but they should use the experience to "reflect" on their attitudes towards women in power.

    Ms Gillard was deposed as prime minister by Kevin Rudd last week following a prolonged period of instability during which her character and personality were often attacked.

    Mr Oakeshott said the subsequent boost in the opinion polls for the Labor government reflected an unhealthy preference for personality over policy.

    "That there is a 16 per cent change for no other reason than a personality change should be a mirror on all Australians."

    Mr Oakeshott said people should look beyond party leaders when deciding how to vote in the upcoming federal election and instead investigate local candidates.

    He said Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's campaign against Ms Gillard had been more intense than usual because the media landscape had allowed it.

    Speaking at the launch of her book - The Stalking of Julia Gillard: How the media and Team Rudd brought down the Prime Minister - Kerry-Anne Walsh said she had not seen a campaign like it in her 25 years in the Canberra press gallery.

    "I started noticing fairly early on that the minority government was being ignored," she said.
    She has called for an open assessment of how the media does its job.


    I`m trying to remember who here named Oakeshott, "bum fingers". Whoever it was, they`ve nailed it. Hopefully, the upcoming federal election, will relegate clowns like Oakeshott to more suitable employment. Whatever that would be. :roflol:
  2. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Was it you CD?
  3. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I have to give all the credit to my Aunt for naming him ""bum-finger". On their first meeting, my Aunt nailed him as the most sleaziest, effeminate man that ever crossed her path in 84 years - and that was saying something coming for her.

    She has never hated a soul in her life, but she despises him.
  4. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    CD, when a waste of oxygen like Oakshott can attain a position of influence. It screams out, "something is wrong with the system!!!!", don`t you think?
  5. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    It think it suggests there is more of a problem with the "people" who would vote for such a sleazy two-bit character like Oakeshott in the first place, rather than the system. The people ("headless chickens") have to take personal responsibility for these voting these two-bit losers into responsible government positions. Oakeshott couldn't even get elected into his local Council, but somehow, got elected into Parliament. LOL LOL

    If the people want scum-bags governing the country and them, then keep voting the same scum-bags into power. This is not a criticism, but a known fact. Australians are renowned as being backward and dumbarse, and the only money being spent in the country is buying up our resources, land and infrastructure on the cheap. If no one wants to believe this, then just look at how many NEW manufactures are coming to Australia, and HOW many are leaving. LOL LOL

    The only BIG investment in Australia in the past five years has been an influx of Chinese $2 shops, which are now everywhere. Australia; the land of $2 shops. LOL LOL

    No wonder Kevin07 is kissing so much Asian arse.
  6. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    We have a glitch in the system when people like BF Rob, get involved. Bob Brown was another one, more useless than a chocolate teapot, but the numbers allowed him too much power. Neither of these clowns could run a lemonade stand, but they found themselves in positions of influence way beyond their abilities.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We have a glitch in the system when people like BF Rob, get involved. Bob Brown was another one, more useless than a chocolate teapot, but the numbers allowed him too much power. Neither of these clowns could run a lemonade stand, but they found themselves in positions of influence way beyond their abilities.
  7. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Look at how Oakshott & Winsor became elected. Both areas had been previously held by the National party for decades, but the people (headless-chickens) decided they would make a protest vote against Howard, and vote for an independent candidate, instead of an ALP candidate or a National party candidate. These pair of clowns getting into Parliament and having power over the Government and the people was all about a protest vote, and that is just not good enough.

    This wasn’t the systems fault, it was the people’s fault, and the buck has to stop with them.

    I believe I previously explained how it took an 84 year old woman 5 minutes to comprehend that Oakeshott was a sleazy man not to be trusted. If an 84 year old woman saw straight through bum fingers, then what excuse does the rest of the mob have for voting for him.

    Both Winsor and Oakeshott stood for election at a time when they knew that telling the people basically noting would get them elected, because the people were going to protest vote against the National party candidates in those areas. Who do you blame for this; bum fingers & no-nuts, or the people who just threw their votes away on idiot donkey’s. An informal vote would have been better than these pair of clowns, considering they both sold their constituents votes to the ALP anyway, for a packet of beans. LOL LOL
  8. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    No, I don`t blame bum fingers, or no nuts, they can`t help the way they are. I can see where you are coming from, re these WOFTAMS getting elected. What I`m on about, is in a marginal govt, or hung parliament situation, these types of microbes tend to float to the top of the cesspit. Bob brown was another dunce who was in his brain dead element in a hung parliament, parliament couldn`t be too well hung for "Three Brain Cell Bob".
  9. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I also undertsand what you mean by Brown being a waste of tax payers money, and how the system facilitates these idiots to be elected. This moron sucked millions of tax payers money as a salary, and accomplished NOTHING during his time representing the public.
    Under a system I would welcome; cretins like Brown; Gillard and her cohorts, would never get the opportunity to be elected in the first place.
    I agree, that out voting system is garbage. Unfortunatly, the only recource is to rely on the "headless chickens" to one day stand up and want to change it for the better. Until then, we are just going to keep going around on this endless merry-go-round of voting in incompetent politicians who are simply in for themselves and their party, and couldn't give a flying toss about the people or the country they represent.
  10. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I am of the opinion that the incompetence of these politicians is getting worse and the Australian people are accepting it. In the lead up erosion of respect and decorum has been insurmountable right up until you see possibly the most incompetent government Australia has ever seen, with incompetence in policy and management. Will it continue to slide as quickly as it has since Rudd? Many blame Rudd for the erosion of the decorum as with the Kevin07 and the way he interacts with the general public. However, much would actually go all the way back to Keating. No matter how much anybody considers him as a politician, his arrogance came to the surface to the respect he showed the population and what was given in return. During the Howard years politicians entered game shows and reality programs to generate celebrity status (I am not sure what party began this but both were at it) and now we have the questions by the politicians about why respect for representatives is dwindling. Do these questions demonstrate the inept ability of the politicians?

    I would wonder exactly how to return to political representation of the people in the best wishes of the people. Alas, I think there is no easy answer.
  11. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Agree with most of your post Gary. Keating was / is an out and out pig (if he could get any more up himself, he`d be inside out), but there is demand for piggishness in some quarters. As for pollies going on game shows, I haven`t a problem, providing the show isn`t titled something like, "Wanna See My Budgie?". Rudd was / is, a National embarrassment, Gillard portrayed herself as an egotistical, brain dead misandrist. What a freak show these two have been.

    Re : "I would wonder exactly how to return to political representation of the people in the best wishes of the people. Alas, I think there is no easy answer." I don`t think there is an easy answer either, because there are so many negative factors at play, eroding the Australian spirit. For one, our history has been selectively represented to the point of dishonesty. In truth, we have a history to be proud of, not perfect, but neither are the low lifes who slander our pioneers, who wouldn`t last five minutes, if put in the pioneers` position. Feminists are another group responsible for some grubby tactics in this way.

    Perhaps a good start would be, to redouble our efforts, to correct the damage being done by those who want to see our kids hang their heads in shame?
  12. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I agree with you both they we face big problems with the current political atmosphere, and the answers are not easy.

    As parents, we made a difficult decision to have all our children finish their higher education in Europe with their grandparents. This decision was based on numerous contributing factors; an Australian education system that was failing our children, and our children being indoctrinated by Governments that it was wrong and inappropriate to be proud of their white heritage, because standing up and being proud of your white heritage automatically meant they were bigots and racists. We didn’t want our children labeled with this kind of Australian bigotry at such a young age for being proud of who they are. Black people; Asian people, and Middle Easter people can publicly advocate they are proud of their skin colour and their heritage by saying; “I’m a proud back man” or “I’m a proud black woman” without any racist or bigotry accusations made against them, but when a white person publicly makes the same claims, they are called bigots and racists. Yes, there are fanatics within all ethnic groups, but not every white person who publicly advocates they are proud of their skin colour and their heritage is a bigot or racist. The double standards regarding this is simply staggering!!

    Australian politicians have sank to the bottom of the barrel along with their American counterparts; whereby they play people against people using gender and ethnicity if they think it can secure them a few more votes and approval ratings. This is a vile situation we don’t want our children to be involved with, and we want them to learn and discover that all politics is not based entirely like Australian and the American models.

    I personally believe that one of the answers would be to enact Citizens Initiated Referendums (CIR’s) based on a similar Switzerland model.

    This would definitely allow the intelligent people their democratic right to have a voice and make decisions in major Government policies that directly effect their country and them. I believe it would also offer people who have limited interest in politics the opportunity to learn more about the process and what’s happening around them, as they would have to make decisions and vote on referendums. There will always be the "headless chickens" but hopefully, some might start thinking they have responsibility, and with that responsibility, they need knowledge.

    Any process (CIR) that allows ultimate power to be taken away from these scum-bag politicians who have been lying and deceiving us, and mismanaging our country and its people for decades, has to be a good thing, and a good start.

    I’m not suggesting that the CIR be used for trivial matters, but important political issues that effect all Australians, not just 300 politicians in Canberra. The Switzerland model is based on a referendum being initiated if 100,000 signatures on a petition are received with their population of 8 million.
  13. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    CD, if you ask most kids what the motivation behind the White Australia Policy was, they`ll almost unanimously answer, "racism", which is a complete lie. This is one example of the double standard you mention, but the gutless proponents of the left have found it easy to slander dead people who can`t defend themselves. Creeps such as these, who aim to kill the Australian spirit, have no place in a this country. You will have noticed that these parasites are completely incapable of recognising the sacrifices and effort that the pioneers made.

    As for CIR, there is no reason to oppose some form of CIR, as an integral part of a functional democracy..
  14. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    When you look at all the facts with open eyes and an unbiased view, Australian history and education is very biased and erroneous.

    We have had exceptionally close friends called: the Vicco’s (Italian family) who came to Australia in 1948 during the “White Australian Policy”. I might be completely wrong here, but it is my understanding, that Italians are not blue eyed Anglo-Celtic, but people of Southern Europe with a decidedly different characteristic.

    My understand why the “White Australian Policy” was introduced, was because Chinese immigrants were working for cheap labour during the early gold rush days, and this caused disputes and general riots between them and the white Australian workers. South Islanders were brought in to work the sugar fields in Queensland as cheap labour, and white Australian workers were scared they would eventually take their jobs.

    To me, it sounds very similar to what’s happening right now under the disguise of the 475 visas - cheap foreign Asian/Island labour being brought in to replace white Australian labour, but no one is concerned about it.

    History seems to be repeating itself, but this time we don’t have a Curtin to help us.
  15. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    It is right that in both cases, Australian workers were objecting to competition from Chinese, and Kanaka labour, particularly the Chinese. There were also, other more more urgent factors that instigated the introduction of the White Australia Policy.

    In the case of the Chinese, the avoidance of payment of gold mining royalties, actually threatened to bankrupt the country. Colonial Australia`s economy was extremely precarious during the first 120 or so years. The discovery of gold, actually saved the early Australian economy quite a few times. One instance, when the Palmer River gold field was discovered in 1873 (from memory), the Queensland government had less than five pounds sterling, in it`s coffers. The absolute vast majority of Chinese gold miners weren`t free men. They were indentured as bondsmen (usually for two years) to the Chinese gangs who ran Chinese gold mining enterprises. If they survived their indenture period, they were set free, and could then work for themselves. During their time of bondage, they were very poorly fed, unarmed except for their overseers, and worked more brutally than slaves. They had no right to any gold they found, that went to their owners, who as highly organised opperators, then smuggled the gold to China, without paying royalty. The Palmer River yielded thirty tons of declared gold, the royalties from which saved the State from almost certain ruin. Estimations of undeclared gold range from 50 to 70 tons, based on the calculations of regional government gold inspectors, who were knew the productivity of each field fairly accurately. There were other matters that caused friction, but the evasion of gold royalty was the biggest single threat. On the other hand, freed Chinese bondsmen, who stayed on in Australia, proved overwhelmingly to be a great asset to the development of the country.

    Re the South Sea Island sugar cane workers, again the abridged version. The Queensland government had very strict regulations on the recruitment, payment, care and repatriation of Kanakas. There were some unscrupulous operators, blackbirders, who were no better than slave traders, low life brutes who committed some disgusting crimes of brutality. The government attempted to oversee the conditions on the Kanaka ships, by placing a government representative on each ship (titled, supercargo) but these overseers, too often failed to return. Most people don`t know, that one of the terms of Kanaka engagement, was that they had to be repatriated to their home Island, at the end of their contract period, many chose to come back here, and these were qualified to stay, after the introduction of the White Australia Policy. As with the Chinese, South Sea Islanders who chose to make Australia their home, proved to be popular and highly valued Australian citizens. I grew up amongst a lot of descendants of Kanakas, and no better people ever walked the earth.

    All of this is very abridged. Only a very short sketch.
  16. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Understand your abridged versions Aussie. Have been doing some additional reading and research also.

    “The White Australia Policy” seems to have led everyone to believe that this policy was enacted to stop anyone who wasn’t a blond haired, blue eyed, Anglo-Celt from settling in Australia, which wasn’t a true interruption or accurate description of the policy.

    As you demonstrate; Chinese & Kanaka people were allowed to settle in Australia.
    Under the policy, many nationalities who did not fit “The White Australian Policy” but were also allowed to immigrate and settle in Australia.

    I am staggered and outraged that the Australian education system is teaching Australian children erroneous facts about the “White Australian Policy”. For generations, they have been teaching students this policy was based on racism, and that is a complete LIE and falsehood - and they are still teaching it today.

    How the hell can professional educators teach children that the “white Australian Policy” was based on racism, when it was factually introduced to eliminate the importation of low wage immigration human labour from Asia and the Pacific Islands.

    I believe the immigration restriction act 1901 was based on racial discrimination, but to teach children that the bill was the beginning of the “white Australian policy” is untrue, because it doesn’t take into account all the facts.

    No wonder white Australians feel so ashamed about their skin colour and their heritage, and bow their heads like mongrel dogs, and have allowed other foreigner people to take undue advantage of them. They have never been told or educated in the truth!!
  17. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Wake up, it doesn't matter what angle you look at it from, the policy was based on racism! Stop being utterly stupid! I don't feel guilty or ashamed about the past, that is just a bloody dumb excuse, but I would bloody feel guilty about a particular gloomy future had I contributed with blissful ignorance!
  18. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    :roflol: :roflol: Why don't you? Because you obviously are ignorant :roflol: :roflol:
  19. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Come on Garry, that's not fair!
  20. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Fair??? You want to be fair??? Try providing answers to questions posed to you... Try provide something of substance... Then you might get fair but as you want to continually demonstrate the ignorance you protest about. Stop playing the victim Do something that at least portray something of consideration or thought...:roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:
  21. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Give up already garry, you just love raving on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....………..................................and on and on and on and on and on and on............................................................and on and on and on and on and on etc etc.............
  22. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Got nothing then???? :roflol: :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:
  23. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    On and on and on and on!!!..........and on and on!
  24. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Nothing again.
  25. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    My advise would be to push the ignore button on that clown, because you are going to continue wasting your time on someone who wants to be deliberately ignorant and mentally challenged, because they are too scared to confront and accept the truth.

    We all know that no rational human being with an IQ above 60 would advocate the policy was based entirely on racism after they read it.

    How some people can say protecting a citizens jobs form imported cheap foreign labour amounts to racism is simply staggering.

    There is nothing under the racial discrimination act which states: that protecting ones jobs from another individual who is offering cheaper labour is an act of racial discrimination. These morons don’t understand that the bill was introduced to protect Australian jobs from cheap imported labour, not skin colour. They are trying for a strawman argument, because the cheap foreign imported labour was coming from China and South Islanders.

    The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 was based on racial discrimination, but to say the Immigration Restriction Act represents the entire content of the bill is a nonsense in terms and facts - its only one part of the bill.

    My math might be wrong here, but when did one part of an equation suddenly represent the whole?

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