Who was the worst president of the past fifty years?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by AndrogynousMale, Sep 15, 2013.


Who was the worst president of the past fifty years?

  1. John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

    1 vote(s)
  2. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)

    10 vote(s)
  3. Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

    4 vote(s)
  4. Gerald Ford (1974-1977)

    0 vote(s)
  5. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)

    9 vote(s)
  6. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)

    8 vote(s)
  7. George H. W. Bush (1989-1993)

    4 vote(s)
  8. Bill Clinton (1993-2001)

    2 vote(s)
  9. George W. Bush (2001-2009)

    39 vote(s)
  10. Barack Obama (2009-Present)

    59 vote(s)
  1. KevinVA

    KevinVA New Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    You ignore Conservative Hispanics and Blacks that serve as mayors, governors, senators, representatives, supreme court justices, attorney generals, etc. Merely because you claim that the Democratic Party is the party of diversity, doesn't make it so. You have a hold on certain segments of the population, because you play the part of Santa Clause and practice racial politics.

    Were the Democratic Party truly the party of diversity and as open minded as you claim, they wouldn't continuously attack Conservative blacks for being "Uncle Toms," "Oreos," "Race Traitors," & "house n-word."

    Liberals are hypocritical racists.
  2. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I ignore neither the 90% of Black Americans who vote Democratic, nor the 90% of White Americans who comprise today's Republicans.

    Of course not. The numbers do.

    "They" do not speak for the Democratic Party.

    Where have I ever defended such aspersions? They are every bit as absurd as the Democratic "plantation" analogies some degenerates use to demean Black Americans whose political affiliation, either way, is as intelligent as that of anyone else.
  3. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    The lies are everywhere on the web for you to examine, and with a little effort, you could find many of them, if you really wants to but, I'll throw you a bone here. Just one, of many hits.

  4. teeko

    teeko New Member Past Donor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    The war has not ended soldiers are still coming home dead and without limbs with head injuries. The Vietnam war was a lot worse.
  5. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I won't argue these points except to express a belief that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are probably going to be worse over time related to physical and mental disabilities suffered by the soldiers that participated. One of the huge differences between Vietnam and Afghanistan/Iraq is that medical treatment save many more lives in Afghanistan/Iraq than what occurred in Vietnam. We have a greater percentage of combat casualties missing arms and legs and suffering permanent physical disabilities because many of those would have died in Vietnam. We're also going to face a much higher rate of PTSD because of the number of tours soldiers were required to take in Afghanistan/Iraq. Even one tour in combat causes PTSD for almost all members that engage in combat although it is generally "manageable" by most people. Multiple tours increases the intensity and severity related to PTSD. The number of lives destroyed for the survivors and their loved ones may very well be more related to Afghanistan/Iraq when compared to Vietnam in the end analysis.
  6. dnsmith

    dnsmith New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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    I spent 27 years in the military. I can tell you up front that no combat location is a piece of cake. True, the more recent wars have had more survivals from bad wounds, and I am not sure about the value in that. I spent 3 tours in Vietnam. None of them were fun. But just like in all our wars, we were not confronted with combat every day. It came in spurts of various intensity. I don't envy the young men having to seek out the enemy in Afghanistan. I didn't like the daily sweeps in the jungle around our camp either. But now, looking back it is actually more traumatic than it was just living it at the time.

    My "wound" was a cut on my face, received rolling out of the sack after a large explosion. I hit the peanut can I used as an ashtray on the way to the floor. The exposure was one of our jet jockeys breaking the sound barrier over our camp. Big Joke! The guys had a really good laugh at that one.
  7. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    King Obama is by far the worst president in American history, ergo, he's the worst president in the last fifty years.

    As racist as Woodrow Wilson, King Obama has re-introduced racial discrmination to the United States Department of Justice. Attorney General Dick Holder rejected the CONVICTIONS of two men, one an elected DemocRAT official of the city of Philadelphia, members of the racist New Black Panther gang that intimidated white voters away from their polling places during the election of King Obama. King Obama later injected the office of the President into the irrelevant arrest of a professional bigot, race-baiting professor at Hahvahd, who had created a public nuisance after locking himself out of his own house, leading to his arrest. Later, King Obama deliberately exacerbated racial tensions throughout the entire country by injecting the office of the President into another purely local matter, the shooting of street-thug Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch. The man was later acquitted of all charges in a trumped up kangaroo court. Much of what Attorney General Dick Holder has done are impeachable offences (perjury? And he's still in office? RATS don't care about integrity, they have none themselves.) and the stonewalling certainly indicates that there are paper trails leading to impeachable offences by King Obama, too.

    King Obama can't possibly be as ignorant of economics as his policies, and the results therefrom, indicate he is. His deliberate destruction of the US economy is an act of treason. Just wait and see what happens when the Federal Reserve stops pumping worthless currency into the markets. Treason is an impeachable offense.

    King Obama's complete failure in the foreign policy arena also cannot be due to ignorance. He waged an illegal war in Libya, to help al qeada...even though the United States was then, and is still, at war with al qeada over the minor matter of illegal building demolitions in New York City and the Pentagon. He has worked assiduously to alienate as many allies to the United States as he can, starting with his studied insults to the Queen of Englan, and his irresponsible behavior over Syria. Fortunately for the United States, King Obama, and the dumb(*)(*)(*)(*) DemocRATs in the US Senate, permitted John Kerry, he of the flapping jaws, to be Secretary of State, replacing the Butcherette of Benghazi. Thanks to Flapping Jaw, the Russians were able to give the Stupid King an out to escape his juggernaut lunge to yet another war to help al qeada, this time in Syria.

    King Obama has lost the Middle East, he turned Bush's victory in Iraq into a dead loss, his moron Secretary of State is even now negotiating a "deal" to keep US troops on the clay-pigeon lines in Trashcanistan...FOREVER.... His hand-picked al qeada/Muslim Brotherhood stooge in Egypt has been kicked out, and rightfully so, and the Egyptians are turning to Russia for guidance and assistance. King Obama has even managed to get the UK to, for the first time in a hundred years, to vote against helping the United States, this time, again, in his attempted war on Syria to help al qeada. Much of what he's done to damage the United States are impeachable violations of the Constitution.

    Domestically, with his deliberate acts to create and keep as many citizens as unemployed as possible, KIng Obama and his fellow DemocRATs are pushing HARD for amnesty for some twenty million illegal alien criminal invaders in the US, doing as much as possible to bypass the Congress...which is an impeachable violation of the Constitution.

    Finally, there's the wonderful O-BAAAAAA-MACare Train Wreck, which was formerly known as the MessiahCare Train Wreck. The single largest destruction of civil liberties in US history was passed out of the Senate lacking one vote to be legal, since Al Franken, DemocRAT, holds his seat by voter fraud, and it passed out of the House by ZERO Republican votes, with ZERO amendments, after numerous noted bribes were seen to be paid to various corrupt Senators and Congressthings, plus whatever bribes happened out of sight of the public. The most sweeping intrusion of government on the citizenry created mandates that were clearly unconstitutional, so King Obam corrupted the courts, inducing the majority of the Court to re-write the legislation, though the courts lack any constitutional authority to do any such thing, thus re-defining varous "penalties" as "taxes", to present the O-BAAAAAA-MACare Train Wreck to the public with a pretty with a bright RED ribbon wrapped around it....except, of course, it's seems that the Constitutional Scholar King Obama pretends to be never heard of the Originations Clause...and the illegally passed, illegally re-written, unconstitutionally mandating O-BAAAAAA-MACare Train Wreck....is made completely unconstitutional by it's house of origin....tax bills cannot originate in the Senate, and the O-BAAAAAA-MACare Train Wreck started in ...guess where? The Senate.

    To compound matters, the Constitution requires the president to enforce the law. It does not anywhere give the President the authority to partially implement law, to ignore parts of law, to grant waivers to cronies, to flatly eliminate certain aspects of the law, or anything of that nature. Outside of the unconstitutional actions by King Obama regarding his O-BAAAAAA-MACare Train Wreck doing just that, King Obama has unconstitutionally and bureaucratically granted de-facto amnesty to millions of illegal alien invading criminals on one pretext or another. He's ignored court rulings that his actions depriving oil companies drilling in the Gulf of Mexico permits are illegal and unconstitutional, he's destroying the nation's coal industry via the EPA, and, to top it all off, King Obama and his crony, a racist called Hairy No Discernible Negro Dialect Reid, have destroyed a 225 year old tradition, the privilege of filibuster by the Senate minority party, solely to pack the DC appeals court with radical fascist appointees who are guaranteed to rule in favor of the expanding power of King Obama regardless of what the Constitution has to say on the matter.

    NO PRESIDENT has done more to divide this nation, to harm this nation in a deliberate manner and with such malice, as the treasonous fool the people stupid enough to vote for Obama elected.
  8. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    But Bush is an American, kind of, and King Obama clearly is not. Which means King Obama is like those people stupid enough to vote for him....a traitor.

    That's why he hates Bush, a very liberal progressive disaster area of a president, except when compared to the president immediately prior and immediately following him....and loves King Obama.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's not a coincidence that the Worst President EVER is getting a free pass by the medea.

    They'd be calling themselves racist if they started telling the truth about that guy.
  9. Mayor Snorkum

    Mayor Snorkum Banned

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Prior to the election of the Second Black President, Woodrow Wilson was inarguably the very worst president his nation ever had. Among other things, he forced the United States into a war we had no business getting into, and, coincidentally, thereby inadvertently unleashed on the world the worst pandemic ever, the Great Influenza. Having the same flu, his failures at Versailles led directly to the rise of National Socialist Germany and World War II. He also oversaw the ratification of the 18th Amendment, Prohibition, which made Joe Kennedy rich, as a bootlegger, and as a conseqeunce handed us a Kopechne-drowning drunken sot as a permanent Senator bent on destroying America.

    He created the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is responsible for the Great Depression. FDR is responsible for making the Great Depression the LONG Great Depression.

    He lied to get the Sixteenth Amendment passed...practically EVERYONE was paying taxes within a decade, and the intrusion of the IRS today allows trash like King Obama the power to prevent groups of Americans from speaking out against him. You'll note that the fascists that are stupid enough to vote for Obama won't talk about his use of the IRS to stop Tea Party and other pro-America groups from organizing against him in the 2012 election, nor will they mention that the same IRS that criminally leaked Romney's tax records...are also going to be in complete possession of EVERYONE'S health records very soon. But that's King Obama, not Woodrow Wilson.

    And, naturally, nobody stupid enough to vote for Obama is going to point out that Wilson kicked the blacks out of the federal government, nor will they ever discuss the fact that the Wilson was the first president to see a movie in the White House, and that said movie was Birth Of A Nation, a paen to the perceived (by DemocRATs) glory of the Ku Klux Klan, which the DemocRATs created.

    Until the Second Black President was elected, Wilson was the worst president ever, even though the First Black President came in fourth on that list. But he was just a rapist, a sexual predator, a philanderer, a draft-dodger, a drug addict, a convicted perjurer, and a seller of national defense secrets to the Chinese or anyone else with money. The First Black President, noted as being a rapist, a sexual predator, and a philanderer, was lauded for his speech re-nominating the Second Black President, as proof that stupid women will believe the DemocRATs are their allies in the imaginary War On Women the RATS created as part of their divisive balkanization strategy for the destruction of the US.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Yes, different people in combat situations have different experiences with some seeing actual combat (e.g. fire-fights) more or less than others. I don't know what percentage of my time in Vietnam was spent actually "under fire" but it was considerable.

    The last sentence is especially true and that is reflected in the suicide rates for Vietnam veterans that is much higher than the general population and that the suicides tend to be when a person is in their 50's which is many years after they served in Vietnam. There is little doubt that these suicides are related to PTSD that constantly wore away the person until they finally gave up on living completely.

    For most of these few others knew that while they might have been successful and showed no signs of suffering outwardly that inside they were constantly fighting a "demon" that they were incapable of dealing with in the long run. It was especially bad for Vietnam vets as we knew nothing about it and the VA certainly didn't recognize it for decades. It wasn't until after I read about PTSD that veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq were suffering that I even knew what it was. Doctors were completely unaware of it and often treated it as a mild anxiety disorder if they recognized it at all for many Vietnam vets.

    The point being I've talked with many combat veterans from WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq at my local VFW and all of them admit to having a tough time, to a getter or lesser degree, because of their experiences in war. Those are signs of PTSD and virtually all of them admit it to some degree.

    So when we discuss "worst" presidents I look at whether they sent US troops off to war as being a huge negative. We haven't fought a single war in defense of the United States since WW II. All since then have been waged for purely political reasons based upon Pax-Americana and those are wars I cannot support.

    This is one reason I rate former President George W Bush so high in the "worst" president category because he sent US troops off to two unnecessary wars.

    Obama was a "better" president than Bush but just took a hit in his own right by extending the US military presence in Afghanistan until 2024. A plus for getting us out of Iraq and a minus for not getting us out of Afghanistan. What part of the American people want the US troops out of Afghanistan does Obama not understand?
  11. AveMariaGratiaPlena

    AveMariaGratiaPlena New Member

    Jun 10, 2011
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    I am going to have to say President Barack Obama. He is by far the worst President the United States has ever had. He has attacked our freedom of religion with the HHS Mandate. He has attacked the freedom of the press. He has attacked our right to privacy with the enormous extent of spying. Some would say he has attacked the right to bear arms as well. There is also the fact that he seems to be quite overzealous with his executive mandates. The HHS Mandate was an executive mandate I believe. He should not be enacting laws like the HHS Mandate like that. Any sort of law should have to go through Congress.
  12. vasuderatorrent

    vasuderatorrent New Member

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Wow! 120 people voted in this poll.
  13. Royboye5

    Royboye5 New Member

    Aug 19, 2013
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    How in the world does Bill Clinton avoid being cast as one of the worst presidents? This is the man who sold, for personal wealth gain, the multi warhead technology for missle delivery to the Chinese. This is the man who hired Janet Reno, the butcher. Janet Reno, who raided a private family home in Florida in order to deport Illyan Gonzales, a child, whose mother had died on the crossing from Cuba, back to Communist Cuba. This is the man who instructed his staff to create the "walls" between intelligence agencies, to prevent them from sharing information. Which led directly to the deaths of 3000 American citizens on Sept 11, 2001. (Jamie Gorelick created the walls for Clinton, so that the Waco disaster could never be seen for what it was. This is a man who rode the success of Ronald Reagan's financial policies and claimed them as his own. This is a man who lost his law license, (and should have been jailed) for committing perjury to Congress.
  14. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    that's all the proof you need
  15. Royboye5

    Royboye5 New Member

    Aug 19, 2013
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    I have never seen any other President, with every choice or decision he makes, act so aggressively in a goal to damage and destroy America. This "president" is the only president in our history who simply hates everything about America and is trying to stomp it out. This guy should have been in prison for treason years ago.
  16. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I will say Lyndon B. Johnson.
  17. Heinrich

    Heinrich Active Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    This poll tells us more about the membership of Political Forum than American presidents.

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