I think that Dr. Joseph Ahrens should be given serious consideration based on his statement: "The difference between Ebola and influenza is that inflammatory response" (Dr. Joseph Ahrens after the 5:50 mark in this video: An Interview with 2015 Nobel Prize Nominee Dr Joe Ahrens You guessed it..... I am thinking that that particular statement is relevant to more viruses than merely influenza and Ebola!
On a somewhat related note Dr. Robert Lustig does, (in my opinion), a good job of explaining how processed sugar increases the inflammatory response in the human body. I would assume therefore that people who consume less processed sugar would tend to respond better to various viruses? Sugar: The Bitter Truth
If you don't know who Dr. Stanislav Burzynski is this documentary will fill you in: Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover Up (Cancer Documentary) | Full Documentary | Reel Truth
There are some interesting physicians and scientists on this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nobel_laureates_in_Physiology_or_Medicine I read this book back in 1999 and think that MSM tends to help so many people due to its ability to reduce the inflammatory response. Perhaps this helps to explain why? http://www.msm-info.com/#Cell Membrane
This is rather amusing.... but I actually prefer the version of MSM for horses...... partly because it is Vegan Grade.... and is powdered and so much easier to get down than the rather huge one thousand mgm capsules that I get a Walmart! I took it since 1999 and every word that Stanley Jacobs M. D. wrote about MSM is true based on my experience with it. At the time that I began to take MSM I got three to five serious bouts of colds or flu each year not to mention nasty cases of hay fever. Within a couple of years of taking MSM I got to the place where I only got one bout of colds or flu annually. In 1996, 1997 and 1998 I got pneumonia in one lung in 1996 and then a case of bronchitis in each of the following years that had all the same symptoms as pneumonia but in 1999 I began taking MSM and never again got bronchitis or pneumonia. I assume it was due to MSM really boosting my immune system?????
I borrowed the book from the library and picked up some this afternoon. Hopefully, I will have a positive review soon!
One caution is that detoxification can be uncomfortable and can include diarrhea. Drinking extra water along with MSM can assist you to get rid of the released toxins by urination. Starting with smaller doses of MSM and building up is another way to lessen the detoxification symptoms. Both my wife and I now take in excess of ten thousand mgms of MSM most days because it has zero toxicity itself but.. .it does assist our bodies to detox much easier than almost any other method that I know of. http://www.msm-info.com/#Detoxification
Thanks for the warning. I have fasted several times and used alternative medications so I'm not going in blind. Thanks again, though. I hope and believe that your input will be valuable for anyone visiting this thread.
Dr. Ben would be awesome........ he would be on the side of average Americans rather than on the side of Big Pharma!
Nobody. Trump will pay no attention if it does not serve his short term goals. No one with an MD after his name should come near this administration.
Dr Oz, Deepak Chopra, or Dr House. I'm torn here. Dr House did solve all those cases on tv. He is really smart and can devise good treatment for patients. He can team up with Chopra who can supply the natural treatments for covid. Dr Oz is good at finding miracle cures and I'd put him on the vaccine task force.
Dr. Fauci has the same problems that have caused all kinds of confusion for the entire medical community -- NOBODY WANTS TO FOCUS ON THE FACT THAT COVID-19 WAS AN ENGINEERED CHINESE BIO-WEAPON! Truth? How does Fauci or any other medical expert know how a BIO-WEAPON is going to behave? How is a BIO-WEAPON going to spread? How is it going to mutate? Which segments of the population is it going to affect, in what ways, for how long, after what 'incubation' period...? It's really weird how often that ALL of these medical experts, including Fauci, have to change their minds about nearly everything related to this virus, and helplessly mumble, "... we don't know...." at press conferences. . You can get rid of Fauci, and replace him with another physician, but it won't make any real difference. And our wonderous government officials will go on 'not knowing' until they start asking the right questions, and consulting bio-weapon experts! We have lots of them right here in the United States and in other countries, where Chemical-Biological Warfare has been developed and studied for over a hundred years! Ask somebody who knows how to construct diseases that kill mass numbers of people, not another garden-variety 'doctor'... then you'll get somewhere....
~ I do not think it is a good idea to put the trust of contagious disease advice in one person. A team should have been assembled consisting of different specialists and doctors actually in practice treating patients - not government officials. ( I believe India does this ? ) ~ Looking back at flip-flop Fauci's suggestions / advice we would be better off without him. He is obviously politicized and not ethical. ~ Sorry. Could never afford them.
Oh, yes, that's just what we need -- a doctor running the entire country whose most quotable-quote is "...We don't know...." NONE of these doctors know! How can they? Yes, it's a "virus"... yes, it's a "disease"... but unless we fully acknowledge that this is a CHINESE BIO-WEAPON, we will simply go on bumping into each other, saying, "...We don't know..." and, changing our minds about the virus and what it does every month! BTW, has anybody else noticed that while the United States has the greatest number of proven cases BY FAR, China has been doing quite well for several months now...? One of the first things that mankind figured out is that you use your WEAPONS on your ENEMIES....
The public trusts Fauci, the global medical community loves him. Somebody needs replacing, but firing the best would be spectacularly stupid.