Donald 4 president He is already going for it in Sweden
Darn it, I forgot to edit: *DISCLAIMER: This thread is a joke. Please treat it as such.* EDIT: I'm so messed up today. The poll was supposed to close on Election Day, but it closes the day before!
Mate of mine, not a commie, asked me a few months ago for a bit of help. Her 6 year old daughter had decided she was into Karl Marx and was doing a talk about it in class. Basically she wanted a bit of 'marxism for 6 year olds'. Talk went well I believe! So, a 5 year old it is! Got to be better than Palin.
That would require that it be humorous and as you can see, the few liberals responding consider it a serious poll.
AWESOME This is a questionable voteing pole that will proove one thing. That Ignorance is Bliss in America.....At this moment - I'm right. Because there are too many *******s on these site....Donald Duck....Well close enough to the present President.. AWESOME
Tell me.....Why are you scared of Sarah Palin.? Do you believe there is another person better qualified to be President.?
I went with the five year old. Robots aren't trustworthy, inanimate objects, much like Sarah Palin, aren't dependable, I never liked Donald Duck, and ghosts are biased against the living. The only logical choice between the options given is the small child!
Any American with a functioning brain should be scared of the thought of someone without a functioning brain becoming president.
If you are just here to criticize us and bash Obama, you are invited to leave. Don't spoil a good laugh for so many people. P.S. You do know this is a joke, right? Oh wait, of course you don't.
WHAT IN THE HOGS CRAP!!!! Ask those squirrels in your head...... if what we have now, has a functioning brain. With whats going on today with this nation heading into Hyperinflation. I'm scarred knowing Clueless Obama is at the wheel stirring this sinking tubb.
Why worry about Palin? since Obama loses to any candidate according to Gallup That means the Duck stands a better chance than Obama..... Any Duck......
Correction: Obama loses to Generic Republican. He doesn't lose to any specific Republican, and certainly not to Palin.
Do you realize what that equals? it's how Obama won. It was a vote against Bush, not a vote for Obama. Obama will lose with the same type of voting that gave him a win. You do not seem to understand Generic numbers, they are saying ''Any of them instead of him'' that sir includes Palin. The same way they were saying ''Anybody but Bush'' Let me explain better. I am not crazy about Romney or Palin in fact I would much rather Perry. However,,,if Palin or Romney win the primary I would vote for either one, anything ''but'' Obama. So yes she does stand a chance against Obama,,it's not a vote for Palin, it's a vote against Obama. Understand this...Obama is running under 50% approval he's at 45%, and all signs are he will drop further. Remember before Bin Ladden he was at 41% Gallup...that's almost a full ten points from what he needs. The only thing that has helped is the announcing of the Troops leaving, and using the surplus fuel, after that there is nothing left to hold his numbers, follow? Even the forecasters are saying things wont get better by election time, there is simply not enough time. I'm curious, what is it specifically that you hate about her? some of the Gaffs she has made? Obama has made just as many, and forget about Biden,,do you like Biden? Is it her faith? Look at the Church Obama came from, you cant get much worse than that. Is it you hate her kids? her Husband? it cant be her experience? she had more than Obama. Do you realize the Democratic party might stand a better chance of winning if he steps down? Look at this....This was the LA Times in April... A new Quinnipiac University poll shows President Obama's approval rating at.... ...a pathetic 42% - down four points from early March. The American public isn't impressed with his handling of the crisis in Libya either - with 47% of the public against the war and 58% of registered voters saying the president has not clearly stated U.S. goals for the mission. Hillary Clinton 2012 button These numbers are bad - really bad - CNN prime time ratings bad. To put them into context, according to Gallup, 76% of Americans supported military action against Iraq in 2003, 90% gave the A-OK for strikes against Afghanistan in 2001, and 65% approved of putting boots on the ground in Somalia in 1993. It's also important to state that this isn't part of a "throw all the bums out" mood directed at Washington. The approval numbers for Hillary are nearing an all-time high - with Gallup showing 66% of Americans giving "Hill the Thrill" a big thumbs up - up from 61% in July. She has a much better chance than Obama, so let me ask you...Should he step down for the good of the party?,,or just lose it for them?