Who's rights are greater. The master or the slave?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by SpaceCricket79, Oct 5, 2012.


Who's rights are greater?

  1. White master

    2 vote(s)
  2. Black slave

    0 vote(s)
  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The point I was trying to make is that both were/are physically abused, both were denied rights as human beings, both were seen as less than human. Perhaps slave is not really the best analogy. At least slaves were given the choice between working and an unpleasant physically abusive punishment. Fetuses do not even have that choice, they suffer the horrible physically abusive punishment.

    Not nearly as many as those on the left who believe the unborn aren't human, but there are a few. It's mostly the exact same arguments that "pro-choicers" use; that the subject might be a member of the same species but is not actually human, that the subject "has less of a brain", that the subject "looks different" than normal humans, even that the subject can't survive on its own! I find it all very demeaning. You would think that the African American community more than any other would be standing up for the rights of the disenfranchised, but sadly this is not the case.

    Really? Are are those just your imaginings, much like the wild imaginings of slave owners? The fetus has not had time to learn any language yet, his movement is curtailed by the confinement of the womb, the insulation of the womb along with the amniotic fluid muffles his cries. What exactly does he have to have to be a "person" ?
  2. Akhlut

    Akhlut Active Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Fetuses are incapable of sensation. Firstly, consider that some 98% of abortions happen prior to 15 weeks of development; the organs have not finished developing yet and the brain is still basically growing and undifferentiated aside from the brainstem, which only controls autonomous physical functions (heartbeat, diaphragm motions, etc.). The portions of the brain that will develop that are capable of feeling any sensation develop far later in the development process (post 20 weeks). The remaining 2% of abortions (so-called "late term") are generally performed due to severe congenital deformity (cyclopia, anencephalia) or extreme health problems for the mother (severe pre-eclampsia), but, at this point in the pregnancy, the fetus is sedated by endogenous hormones and neurotransmitters produced by both the fetus and mother in order to prevent the various autonomic responses that occur outside the uterus (defecation, regular breathing patterns, etc.).

    A 10-week old fetus is incapable of surviving on its own. It literally lacks any capability of living independently from the uterus and placenta. There's also the matter that a fetus is more than capable of killing its mother. Childbirth and pregnancy can and do cause death in women, even in modern, industrialized nations with high quality healthcare.

    A life that does not require physically siphoning off nutrients and minerals from another human being.

    Although, hilariously enough, if you want to reduce the number of abortions occurring, the best thing to do is to strengthen the social safety net so that unplanned children aren't a huge financial risk, and make contraception and sex education freely available so that people know how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Oddly enough, most pro-choice people in the US, at least, hate promoting all those things that would prevent abortions.

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