One reason - Spielberg. Actually, all of Hollywood. And some goofball Christian idea that they are going to salvage Jewish souls on Armageddon Day.
Then why are we more concerned with kicking muslims out of israel than with kicking them out of Europe?
Common, ordinary, garden variety 'Mericans don't seem to be very pro or anti anything in particular. But most of them think Muslims are mean and did the 9/11 thing. And most of them know that Israel, except for attacking and sinking the Liberty, a U.S. Navy ship, hasn't committed any overt terrorist acts against them. It's the lesser of the two evils, or the enemy of my enemy is my friend thingy. When asked to choose sides, them 'Mericans are gonna say they like Israel better than them there Muslims. Most 'Mericans don't even know where Israel is located and they think the land of the Muslims is Dearborn, Michigan
Muslim extremists are a threat. Everywhere. I think this is the main reason, in a nut shell. Sure some support them for crazy religious beliefs, but it think they are far from a majority. (All religious extremists are dangerous to society IMO) Guilt over the holocaust?? Are you serious? No, that's not why. Aipac? Well I'm sure they're the main reason our government financially supports Israel. But Americans, normal everyday Americans, I don think so. I personally don't like the lobbying and think Israel should get out of our government. The questions was about American opinion, why would we be kicking them out of Europe? I've not heard a European government say that is their objective... Hasn't Europe allowed their immigration?
Once you get outside the Deep South and past the Religious Right, that is. The religious right has a strong affinity for Israel. They are a very fertile field for Israeli fundraisers.
the USA has been targeted many times by Muslim terrorists. 2001, 2000, 1993, and lots of other times. plus the bombings in Spain, England, riots in France, etc etc...
Ignorance of the reality of the situation. When was the last time anything was heard on the US media from the Palestinian side, I wonder? All you ever hear is what poor, suffering victims the Israelis are. - - - Updated - - - Rubbish, name one city under Muslim control.
somebody lied to you. the American media is full of scenes of Palestinians living under Israeli attacks, facing roadblocks, having land confiscated, etc etc. newspapers, tv, cable, radio, etc..
By the way, these European cities which have been taken over by Muslims? Which are they so I can go visit for some great food.
Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East and is the only true democracy in the region. Palestine is a country which is governed by a terrorist organization.
Ignorance play a part in some cases, I'm sure. There are still those of us who are informed, and no not by western media only, who would side with Israel with no hesitation. The alternative is unacceptable. I'm not PRO Israel but I am anti Muslim extremists. I'm anti religious extremists period. I'm PRO education and human rights. I do sympathize with innocent people over being used by everyone, I don't deny their existence. But if they are the majority, they could help themselves and show the world, through dialogue and action that they will no longer allow the violence committed in their names and want to build a future in peace.
I am pro freedom, democracy, tolerance, equality. which side better represents those values: Israel or Palestine? clearly Israel.
That too i just add education because hopefully these kind of things wouldn't happen as much if people were educated. And not by religious texts of any kind- as education.
Israel is VERY far from being perfect. they are severely IMPERFECT. but as far as Western values go, they are the closest thing we have in the Middle East.
Because the United States are a democracy and like any democracy US adore, simply adore, to deal with other democracies. In Middle East there is only a real democracy ... Israel ...
Israel is the closest we have to a Western-style democracy in the Middle East. who are supposed to support? the Islamist homophobic misogynistic radicals in Hamas?
That's something a lot of people don't get, but evangelicals are pro Israel because they view the Jews, not gentile Christians, as God's chosen people. Jews will get another shot at salvation come the end times, and much of Bible prophecy revolves around there being a state of Israel and the restoration of the temple.