That isn't how the OP presented it, though I've come to the conclusion he was lying and the thread being moved here was correct. This will be my last post here. That isn't what I said though. I made it perfectly clear I'm treating all claims equally. You're clearly incapable of doing so though, presuming that anyone who isn't for you is against you. This is why nobody sensible is willing to engage in discussion of the topic. I've made the point I posted in the thread to make (and thanks for your assistance in that ) and I don't think there's anything else to say.
I never thought otherwise on your behalf. I can't blame you if you insist on keeping your blinders on. That of course is completely false. All one has to do is read your posts to know that's not true. You are pretending to for those who cannot read between the lines. 9/11 is not about me. That is also another popular fallacy peddled by defenders of the official 9/11 narrative. This is why they are always readily armed with indoctrinated labels (i.e. "conspiracy theorist", "truther", "tin foil hat", "retard", etc.). They refuse to accept the contradictory facts for what they are so they tend to divert these topics to personal attacks and insults. This is exactly what I mean and proves my point about your false claim that you're "treating all claims equally". You're saying no one SENSIBLE is willing to engage in discussion of the topic. So anyone who does is not being "sensible" and should be dismissed as such. Again I agree, you don't have the capacity to discuss an issue when you readily admit you haven't done the research and are unwilling to. And besides, even if you did, you've already concluded it's way above your head without even looking at it! Anyway thanks for being a perfect example of the type of person this topic addresses.
ROFLMAO Yeah, physics does not belong in a science forum. Most of the Conspiracy Theory wackos don't give a damn about the physics and probably don't understand it. How do you determine how a 1360 foot building can come down in less than 30 seconds without knowing how the steel was distributed to hold it up for 28 years? psik
And psychology (although I consider psychiatry/psychology pseudo-science, most believe it's science). What is a "Conspiracy Theory wacko"? Depending on the conspiracy theory, one does not need to know or understand physics to formulate a conspiracy theory. For example, the US government coverup of the facts about 9/11 is a conspiracy to suppress the truth. It doesn't make one a "conspiracy theory wacko" to believe the US government conspired to suppress the truth even if one knows zero about physics and even if one does not care about the physics. You don't need to if you know or believe it was a controlled demolition. If you "determined" it wasn't, then you better be prepared to prove via accurate data and science that it wasn't a CD and by the same token, what it actually was that caused it.
Anyone who thinks this problem can be resolved without doing the physics. And people who primarily emphasize the Conspiracy aspect, that is the BS that gets this kicked out of science threads. But I figure most of the self-styled "science enthusiasts" who do not question the physics have a problem also. I do not understand how this problem could not raise eyebrows and arouse curiosity. Not wanting experiments for SIXTEEN YEARS! Fascinating psychology! psik
Who is "The Government"? Isn't your mailman part of the government? If "The Government" did something to cause 9/11 how do you figure out who was involved if you can't determine what it took to destroy the towers? psik
One first has to recognize what the problem is. And the first problem is the lies, not the physics. Not everyone understands the science but lies are much easier to recognize. One is not a "conspiracy theory wacko" just because one can only see a conspiracy to deceive via lies and obfuscations. Recognizing that the official 9/11 narrative is filled with lies is not just about the science. Any "science enthusiast" who has done the research and is truly well versed in science should be able to recognize the problem with the official conclusions. Agreed. Elements within the US government who are in control of the US government. That's why a legitimate, unbiased investigation is a critical necessity, not a dog and pony show (9/11 Commission and NIST) intentionally intended to deceive and coverup the crime.
It will be interesting to see how you get this unbiased investigation with all of the schools responsible for teaching physics not doing their jobs. psik
But then how many people would have to admit to themselves that they are stupid? This entire 9/11 business is an admission that intelligence is unAmerican. LOL
It's never going to happen either way. If a true investigation revealed that elements of the US government were involved in any way or even stood down, it would expose the "war on terror" for what it is, a massive scam, not to mention it would make the Bush administration complicit in 9/11. The military industrial complex would never let that happen. They want to keep the myth going forever, their $$$profits$$$ depend on it. You can't paint a broad picture like that. The majority of Americans believe the US government lied or covered up the facts about 9/11. And that doesn't mean the majority believe the US government was involved, it just means the majority are not that utterly stupid.
Lies can't make a skyscraper that stood for 28 years collapse straight down. Physics ain't about BELIEVING! Experiments are done in order to KNOW! UnAmericans don't want to KNOW. psik
I wasn't talking just about the NIST lies, I was talking about 9/11 lies in general. For example, the 9/11 Commission Report is a massive lie that doesn't even address the destruction of any of the buildings in any legitimate way. Agree on both.
What is a lie? The NIST said that global collapse of the Twin Towers was inevitable. Is that a LIE or is it an OPINION? I doubt that what they are saying is correct, but can I PROVE it? I don't even have what I regard as the necessary data and might not know enough to qualify as PROOF if I had it. I do know the NIST never even specifies the total amount of concrete in the towers. I think the burden of proof is on them if they are going to make such blatant and definitive statements. But is it A LIE? People not being stringent enough about this problem is a major aspect of the problem. psik
The 9/11 Commission Report, as admitted by the authors. Since NIST never investigated the destruction of the Twin Towers by their own admission, it's strictly an opinion. And since the Twin Towers did not collapse but were completely destroyed, it's a (false) opinion unsupported by fact and history. Is it a plain old LIE? Most likely, based on the fact that NIST is comprised of experts who know or should know. Not without a legitimate investigation, which NIST never conducted. It's one thing to be able to visually see on many videos that these were not collapses within the definition of the term, it's another to actually prove it. But the burden of proof always rests with the claimant (as you stated below) and it was NIST's claim. OTOH NIST's claim that WTC7 collapsed strictly due to fire has been scientifically proven to be impossible. That is an ongoing 3 year investigation that is nearing its end and will be published for peer review hopefully within the next 2 months. Their publication was meant to be taken as fact, despite that they admitted in a footnote that they never actually investigated the destruction of the Twin Towers. Call it what you want, I call it a deliberate deception meant to coverup the crime. Which is of course a crime in itself. Many are. Those who are not either accept whatever they're fed by authority or don't have the capacity to analyze the issue(s) or just don't care or any combination.
I think it's very much possible to get close to the truth of really happened on 9/11. However, for the average American who knows very little about politics, science, or how the media is used to manipulate them - let alone knowing anything about black ops and false flags - it is a tall order to expect that they're even capable of figuring it out. For those of us who have been studying these subjects for decades, it isn't that difficult to piece it together. Problem is - most Americans are lacking the tools necessary to understand the truth when it is presented to them.
I think there are two CIAs. A white one, and a dark one. The dark one finances its operations by criminal enterprises, like running drugs into america and other crimes. I think they are making a killing off of the poppy fields in Afghanistan. The taliban had just about ended poppy farming. Now they are in full production.
This continuation creating a mass neurosis of fascism perpetrated by suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities as " man is God" in order to be higher than one nation under God with homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming tendencies satisfying pleasure principles is cognitive dissonance if it can't be rationalized where a mass psychosis of fascism has to be just like trying to fight one's way out of a paper bag for 9/11 correctness.
For it to be the truth as best they know it, and not a lie, it would require some pretty dumb bastards in NIST. More likely they were not dumb bastards, but cunning bastards and political sycophants.
Obviously not everyone wants to have to pay one nation under God when they have reasoned it isn't, just like history of the megalomaniacal "serve the Pope or die" Catholic Church crusade of "man is God".
As for the government which has Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS as probably 9/11 Islam flying carpet airline hijackers higher than one nation under God along with the new testament burning Bush's patriot act of higher than one nation under God ....... all too dang lily brilliant white master plan of not so cunning master race......
More of election fixing run-on sentences by a supreme swastika up Uranus court set precedent for new testament burning Bush's patriot act of 9/11 dictating "man is God" with Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11; now deemed a religious standard holiness pedestal equivalent to Muhammad & Allah & higher than one nation under God. To understand this statistical improbability cognitive dissonance of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality ChristHitlers would usually be impossible ......
1. The offending post was deleted so you don't know what you're talking about. 2. Seeing as you've made no contributions to this discussion, you're the one who's derailing it.
I was just starting to, I read the post, then the following post was a derailment by you. I have since continued reading and can do without any more derailments from you. I too agree with his sentiments as he was there at the WTC on the day of 9/11. The conspiracy replies lack factual evidence.