Why can't we discuss UFO's honestly?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Agent Zero, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    There isn't a ton of discussion on the subject on the forum, but it seems like when it is talked about, it is immediately dismissed by most. I genuinely wonder why. Many people have seen them, and they certainly aren't all farmers or otherwise people that people believe are clueless. Some are police officers, military personnel, air traffic controllers, and politicians. I think part of the reason it is dismissed is that people assume that UFO automatically means alien craft, and that isn't the case. Certainly that is the broader definition usually associated with it, but its exact definition only includes objects in the sky that cannot be easily be identified. It need not be from another planet.

    I think a few things need to be pointed out for the subject to be discussed honestly. The first thing is the sometimes complex relationship between government and the UFO phenomenon. I'll use the example of the United States government for this point. In 1947, something crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. At first, the military stated that they had recovered a "flying disc." Shortly after, they had retracted the story, saying it was a weather balloon. It was only two years after WWII, and the people accepted the story. Decades later, information came out that led some to believe that a UFO had indeed crashed. A UFO never crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Ultimately, the claims that one indeed did crash fall on unreliable testimony. Most likely, it was the result of a military operation called Project Mogul. During the 50's and 60's, reports of UFO's skyrocketed. This is due to what I believe is legitimate UFO's and because of secret military aircraft like the SR-71 and the U-2 spy plane. The government was willing to play up the existence of UFO's for their own purposes. They would much rather the Soviet Union believe that people were seeing alien space craft than secret military aircraft that would eventually be used against the Soviets. Somewhat of a similar trend emerged when the stealth bomber was being tested. Its appearance was very unconventional, and not surprisingly many people reported seeing UFO's during its testing phase. Also, I believe the government isn't telling us everything it knows about the existence of UFO's, and not the secret military kind. But it isn't because they are hiding alien bodies or because they have flying saucers stashed away somewhere, I believe it is because the government (the military in particular) doesn't want to admit that they don't have control over their own airspace.

    The second thing is the volume of reports. I believe there are just too many reports for all of them to be hoaxes, natural phenomena, and secret military aircraft. We have yet to have solid physical evidence, but there is some pretty (*)(*)(*)(*) good visual evidence--pictures. There is that fairly small percentage of cases that just cannot be explained. So why can't we discuss this issue with an open mind? Why can't we consider the vast amount of evidence and examine it on its merits, to truly determine what is good evidence and what is not?
  2. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I believe there are human beings living on a similar earth in different galaxies, and I believe there are aliens as well, universe is too infinite for there not to be

    good post agent
  3. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    I personally don't see how there could be human beings on another planet somewhere, but I certainly believe (as indicated by my OP) that aliens do exist and that they have visited us for whatever reason.
  4. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    there's always a chance of that, im skeptical about it, I think what people seen were top secret government projects but hey maybe they were aliens
    wow how cool would that be

    my doomsday scenario is for earth to be invaded by hostile aliens
  5. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    I highly doubt aliens have visited us, though I don't doubt their existence. I think a lot of them are just misidentified everyday aircraft.
  6. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    Certainly some of them were secret military aircraft, but some of the reports lead me to believe that not all of the actual unidentified objects (as in not natural phenomena or a hoax) were of military origin.

    I guess it's possible for us to be invaded, but obviously it's highly speculative at this point. We don't know what they might want, or if they would be hostile at all. Maybe they would figure that we're so inferior that there's no point to even attack them. Who knows.
  7. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    i love listening to coast to coast am when they talk about UFO encounters
  8. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    I've heard of some stories like that. I am especially intrigued when it is someone of a higher profile (police, military, etc.) that allegedly had encountered a UFO. In that case, it pretty much eliminates the possibility of someone making up the story for publicity. People such as in law enforcement, the military, and government are more likely to be telling the truth, I figure, because telling their story often leads to repercussions within whatever profession they're in. For me it raises this question: Why lie if you have everything to lose? It would make more sense to keep quiet.
  9. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Because it is nonsense.
  10. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    This is what I'm talking about. Some people dismiss it immediately without actually taking the time to discuss it, or to even explain why they think it's nonsense.
  11. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Some people have already discussed it at length, thought about it logically rather than like some comic book convention geek and have concluded that it is nonsense. It will not become less nonsense through more silly banter.
  12. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    you're religious right tkensensei, do you believe in angels and spirits?
  13. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    Then why can't we discuss it again here? And I'm not taking the science fiction nerd approach to this; it's quite evident in the OP that I'm not. I deserve more credit than that.
  14. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Who told you that?
  15. tksensei

    tksensei Banned

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Knock yourself out. It will still be nonsense no matter how long you discuss it.
  16. fpolitics

    fpolitics Banned

    Apr 1, 2010
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    I will just list these facts to make it clearer:
    - people see lakeness monsters, big foots, UFO's, dead people, ghosts etc. because they are bored and want something to talk about, attention etc. same reason people make up and believe conspiracy theories
    - US government media had the UFO theory linked to US government in the 1990s while it was powerful to make themselves look invincible, but now it is clear US is not so invincible since UFOs area 51 aliens did not save it from the depression, so now we know that was bogus theory
    - sure you can discuss it but not here where even 9:11 fact threads get consistently moved to conspiracy sections, and these are much more related to political opinions section
    As I read on your post I found just what I expected and I will translate it into my own language as I hear it: "US government welcomed aliens after ww2, therefor it is the most powerful nation on earth it has contacts with supernatural, god bless america, simply the best number one, ruler etc. we and aliens, we hide our aliens, but truth is we have connections so watch out the world".....
    am i on target?
    it is not the aliens that are responses to advancements in technology, it's faith, oportunity, imagination, creation, seeking of knowledge, love etc...
  17. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    The New Zealand military has released hundreds of reports about UFO sightings and alien encounters.

    The files — which were released after years of UFO (unidentified flying object) enthusiasts and researchers calling on them to be made public — include reports of a silver object moving at a steady, high speed without any sound, perhaps hovering for a few seconds over a spot.

    Then there are more bizarre ones, such as letters to the New Zealand Defence Force that have the title Ethology of Light. In one of several letters, the writer says they met an alien, known as Dear Old Dad, who was 4,000-feet tall and had size 440 shoes.

    "We are buddies," the letter says.

    In another letter, the writer says Dear Old Dad is the "origin of totem poles" and then adds, "We have had 'visitors' in the house twice this week. Interesting."

    Several of the documents have been posted to the website stuff.co.nz.

    "If you look at the reports, obviously some of them are highly questionable, but others are written very genuinely. People definitely see things that are unexplained," Defence Force spokesman Commander Phil Bradshaw told The Dominion Post newspaper after the documents were released.
  18. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    For those who think the aliens didn't build the pyramids, look at this:


    It runs on Windows 10 Home Edition, and as can clearly be seen is similar to our own technology. The government has been slowly releasing computer technology since the early 80s home PC boom to get humans used to the alien technology (windows, the mac interface was a failed attempt by humans who were trying to create their own system, unix was made by Reptilians).

    Other alien technologies include:

    Crack - Before the CIA used it on minorities the aliens used it to control human slaves. It's a drug that increases productivity and addicts the user. This ensured the human slaves worked hard and would be motivated to work due to withdrawals.

    Remote control - These devices actually work through ESP. The thing is that you really have to concentrate on what you want the TV to do; you have to think that it will, say, change the channel. To aid humans in using their inert ESP buttons have been put on the controller which aids the human in sending the correct signal by giving them a physical connection to the thought. Also to help humans develop their ESP abilities, the FCC has decided that all remote controls must also work though ways other than ESP.

    Space Travel - I mean come on now why do I have to tell you this.

    Velcro - It's actually alive, but unstable. The velcro itself consists of two species; we'll call them fuzz monsters and hook monsters since to type their name would requires too much time. When the hook monsters come into contact with the fuzz monsters they clamp down and won't let go unless physically pulled off the fuzz monsters. I say it's unstable because while both monsters are immortal, hook monsters spontaneously go into permanent hibernation. As more of them do the velcro gets worse.

    Anyway before you think this post is pointless, it's not. I want the people who believe stuff similar to this to see how ridiculous they sound to others and answer why we don't discuss UFOs on this part of the forum.
    fpolitics and (deleted member) like this.
  19. mapleleafer8

    mapleleafer8 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 13, 2010
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    hell yah I believe aliens built the pyramids!
  20. My Fing ID

    My Fing ID Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 26, 2009
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    Lol. They built them in Egypt to compete with the Reptilian ones built in South America. That's why they look different. Man I should make a website, I could come up with all sorts of crap!
  21. DreamsMakeChange

    DreamsMakeChange New Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Most people have a natural aversion to things they don't understand or things that have been deemed abnormal, I think that's why many people never take the time to discuss the topic or find out more about it.

    Personally I believe in life on other planets. The universe is just to vast for there not to be something, somewhere.
  22. misunderstood

    misunderstood Banned

    Oct 29, 2009
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    i saw one. it was a huge triangle. it was a few hundred yards above, flying slowly and completely silent. i don't know if it was et or gi.
  23. armor99

    armor99 New Member

    Jun 10, 2009
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    Just some things to consider. A logical approach as always. Any race of beings that have the technology to travel the vast distances of space (which is just unimaginably big) would certainly have the technology to do just about anything to us if they choose to.

    Does sentient life exist on other planets in the universe? As an engineer, I would have to say absolutely. Probability of 1. Why is that? I could sight the famous Drake equasion, but boiling it down it is pretty clear. The Universe is just so vast, that the odds of just one planet getting that lucky is just not really worth considering.

    Now the other question as to if they have been here or not. I would have to say, probably not. Or at least we have not been aware of it yet. If anything over the last few years, the govts of the world have proved one thing more than any other. They are really horrible at keeping secrets! Wikileaks is just the latest in a long chain of info getting out. I would think something that big would have to have enough people that know about it, that one way or the other.... the word would get out given enough time. And I think over 20 years is a reasonable timeline.

    And just as a sidenote, I think if aliens did come for a visit, they would either want to keep it a secret (in which case our technology to detect them would not help), or they would not want it secret, and I think there are far too many amateur sky watchers, I think it would be VERY obvious what was going on.
  24. SigTurner

    SigTurner New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    If we wanted you to know that we are here, and that we have actually been here for quite some time, we would simply park our saucers in Central Park during lunch hour.

    That being said, please closely examine the following vid and have a nice day:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QboYhJFC8jc&NR=1&feature=fvwp"]YouTube - Neuralyzer flash[/ame]
  25. Agent Zero

    Agent Zero New Member

    Jul 24, 2009
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    As the bit in red is not even remotely close to what the OP states, I can only conclude that you're being a jerk.

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