Why defend the school murderer?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Pred, Apr 8, 2023.

  1. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    9/11 comes to mind.
  2. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    We have two trans people, one deceased and one arrested, for a school shooting. We have had plenty of "white" people doing the same starting with Columbine and going on from there. But in all, the MSM, as you called it, never went after the group for those school shootings. They reported the facts from the police, the deceased, and the outcome of any trial that may have occurred if the suspect was captured. With rare exceptions, the Virginia Tech Shooter empathized once his own story was known. Furthermore, with some 378 school shootings so far this year and hundreds every year, the call to try to get something done is not vilifying any group. That is a natural reaction to try to prevent further school shootings. Other incentives include making schools safer through technology and other avenues, including, if decided by the local school board, arming teachers. But the main question is why Trans should be treated differently, a group, rather than as an individual like most other school shootings.

    And that gets us to modern conservative idealogy. The US has had a long, storied history for marginalizing groups beginning with the Irish in the early 19th century. Mostly because they were catholic, but nonetheless, they were marginalized to a great extent. It is why John Riley bolted from the US Army. From an American point of view, he is labeled a traitor. From the Mexican point of view, he was labeled a hero. We have had Germans, Poles, Russians, Greeks, French, and so forth before we even get to the Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese in the late 19th century to the 20th century. and then we had Muslims after 9/11, Mexicans by DJT, Chinese again by DJT, and so forth. It seems it is not all whites that are insulated, just conservatives who have no backbone to begin with or are tolerant of accepting people who are different than they are, think differently, act differently, and so forth. So, in conclusion, modern conservatives should look into the mirror first and start asking themselves those hard questions of why disparage a group like a bully on a playground first before you start pointing the finger at groups you dislike the most.
    Rampart and StillBlue like this.
  3. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Tons of people defend killers if by that you mean saying they didn't do it, rather than saying it wasn't wrong.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
  4. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    So mandatory psychiatric testing for anyone who wants to buy a gun then? Is that what you are saying?
  5. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Sorry, was the Tenn shooter not white also? The DEFINING story the MSM covers up about this shooter was a Trans shooting up a Christian school!! A state that just signed legislation against “care” for children that permanently changes them before they’re old enough to have the slightest clue what it all means? You know HATE crime?? You don’t find that particularly interesting that the MSM ignores the motivation for the shooting? Not calling it hate?? It was NOT random. When a night club got shot up that was a “hate crime”. Bias related crime. Any mention of it here? No??

    If you noticed, Trans folks weren’t “disparaged” by anyone until they started demanding that kids be medically transitioned or that they should use any bathroom or the need to convert language to cater to them or they should be able to compete in women’s sports. Before they were no more persecuted as anyone else with mental disorders. And it IS a mental disorder. Someone Trans in many cases wouldn’t even be noticed except for those extreme cases where it’s literally a guy in a dress and makeup LOOKING for attention. Those people SHOULD be shamed because it’s no different then someone walking around in a cat costume all day and demanding that they be treated “normal”. No your mental illness shouldn't be acceptable or normalized. You’re NOT a cat or a lizard just because you’re dressed like one. And that’s the key. Democrats normalizing mental illness and using children as the experiment. Just like they’re normalizing everything that’s bad for society…obesity, laziness, mental illness, and on and on. And it’s getting worse. Pedophiles are THIS close to being normalized. Democrats are teetering on the edge because the LGBTQRST+ community is casually accepting MAPs into the mix. SORRY but that’s a line that ends society and democrats are opening the doors. Age is also on the chopping block because the same argument to accept all the new variations on gender is easily applied to age as well. So if a 50yr old feels and identifies as 13, why can’t they sleep with another 13 yr old? Gender, sex, age all fluid. And if you claim “well stop right there, THATs actually sick”, welcome to the party pal. You’re a little late. :)

    Nobody cared about what Trans people were doing until Trans people started demanding that the world change to cater to their illness Sorry. Nope. Line has to be drawn. You don’t normalize sever mental illness. You treat it.
  6. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    No, I didn't say that. Go back and read what I said.
  7. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The El Paso shooter, yes. And the Uvalde shooter yes. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. They were demanding anything. It became a problem when the right started going after LGBTQ people in general, trans in particular, with bathrooms and the sort. I think you got it backward.

    Trans is not a mental disorder, neither is being gay. That is an old, very old argument, from the 1950s and backwards. But have been marginalized for a very long time. So were women who were not married by the time they were 21. But historically, and globally, there were disparaged, even a king of England at one time, the possible first gay king. But that was mostly due to cultural norms. And it is those same cultural norms that protestants were disparaged in the UK and Holland for instance.

    When it comes to gender affirmation therapy, has been around since the 1950s with Sweeden pioneering the surgery. And now, the GOP is now going against one of the foundations of our medical system, patient-doctor privledge. They are doing this with abortion and now gender-affirming surgeries. There was a thread awhile back about a doctor who thinks we are going to fast with gender affirmation and more medical protocols need to be developed. And I agree, but what the GOP wants to do is punish physicians who may need to be called to do this because it may be the only alternative left under certain medical conditions. And that takes us back to the middle ages time period, a dark time in European history.
  8. StillBlue

    StillBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Some would consider being concerned about someone else's sexual orientation or gender identity to be a mental illness as well. If someone does no harm to you or anyone else then let them be, they should be of.no concern of yours. This is one point Jesus nailed that people ignore, did he reject or remand a prostitute? No, he remanded those that would deny her.
  9. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Nice try. Cute but nice try.

    Sorry but it wasn’t a concern to anyone until they MADE IT A CONCERN for ALL of us. Republicans didn’t start using gender pronouns to announce themselves at meetings. They didn’t put them on resumes or profiles. Who wants to be called he on a drivers license, when they have boobs and a vagina? Not republicans:) Calling someone what they were used to be obvious. Not anymore. Who wants to be referred to in the plural? But yes, we’re the problem:).

    This is the sake lame argument BS. Stop noticing what we’re doing, but when you do, YOU'RE the problem. Just stop paying attention.

    This is called projection. A tactic of the Left when they want to stop you from noticing the **** they’re doing. It’s so adorable.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
  10. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    NEVER called simply being gay a mental disorder. But trans is most certainly one.

    And nobody cared what bathroom anyone used until dudes wanted to go into women’s bathrooms. And let’s not forget that non binary whatever student that raped a girl in a bathroom and the school tried to cover it up. NEVER happened I guess. Seriously, you truly think it just popped out of thin air? Nobody noticed until YOU started trying to normalize what is NOT normal.

    And Trans people all have gender dysphoria which is a mental disorder. And most have severe depression also mental illness. You are NOT of sound mind if your brain sees something radically different from what others see. No difference from bulimia. The mind distorts reality. That’s called mental illness.

    Those who simply want to dress up are more in line with fetishists. When it’s a character or an act it’s just entertainment. But when that character becomes an identity it’s not longer a fetish. That’s the shift into illness. You want to be called plural because you feel like different people at different times? You want to be fluid? That’s a mental disorder and no amount of PC rewording of scientific terms can change that. But the Left is certainly trying REALLY hard to normalize it…like obesity. That’s an eating disorder. Very mental actually. Very chemical. Being unsure about what you are and who you are, what you look like, how you’re perceived, etc. All mental illness in one form or another of varying degrees. And just because you want to spare the feeling of those who need help, doesn’t change that they NEED help.

    Or, we normalize everything? No decorum. No standards. No checks. No balance. You be you. That’s all fine until you want society to change AROUND you. You want to world to adapt to YOU instead of how nature actually works. And that’s the kicker. The left wants to control nature. Manipulate it. And force everyone to accept it. Civil Society can’t function when one side wants to scientifically shift the rules and force everyone to accept what is NOT reality. They want us to believe what they think in stead of what we can see. CONTROL.

    I know I know. Stop noticing. It’s those noticing who are the problem, not those changing the rules to cater to the insignificant few.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
  11. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I don't agree with anyone defending this shooter or any other. Period. But I suppose when a shooter is vilified for something other than the shooting, hackles will go up.
    StillBlue likes this.
  12. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Really, so why do all the laws by GOP in state legislatures ban trans people from using the bathroom of their gender and not the sex assigned? Or the fact that anything gay with now being proposed to be banned, even closing down public libraries in order because a judge said "no, no, it violates the first amendment. Shall I go on? And with mental illness, it is not too much of a stretch from calling Trans people having a mental disorder to calling all gay people the same, pretty much what happened in the 1950s of what happened. Marginalizing is the name of the game here by the GOP. And the GOP does this through "cultural wars." They have now added "leftist," "radical leftist," or "progressive," "Muslim," and other groups the GOP has marginalized over the last 20-plus years, or using euphemisms such as "UnAmermican, or worse. So, yeah.

    Divorced has been normalized. In the 1950s, it was rare, and the only place for a no-fault divorce was Nevada. Now, almost all states have no-fault divorce and are not normal that we have blended families, reblended families, and so forth. We have people adopting kids whose ethnicity or race is different from their own, and even certain groups take issue with that nowadays. Or do we get into people's private lives through government, GOP style, to make sure they "have decorum, standards, checks, and balances?" After all, in the 1950s, a happy married life was a wife who stayed at home and read normal, standard, decorum, checks, and balance, which one spouse works and one spouse, usually the woman, didn't. And the spouse who worked was usually the man, 99.9% of the time. That was normal then. And by your standard, it should not change, which means divorce, single parents with kids, cohabitating, and so forth is more normal now. And hence, the same with Gay, Trans, and LGBTQ. Or should we start imposing our own religious values onto others, even if they don't agree, well, that conservative "religious freedom" where we can "discriminate" because of our "religious beliefs" even though the very same Holy Book does not say to do that.

    So, when it comes to Trans, I leave it up to the patient-physician privilege, same with abortion, and the same with any medical procedure. The checks and balances include the FDA, CDC, private pharmaceutical companies, the state medical board, and so forth. Personally, I may not agree with Gay or Trans, but I leave it up to them. And that is their 1st, 4th, and other Amendment rights we have. And somehow the GOP thinks, along with Evangelical Christians, who think they know best for the rest of the country and will put more government interference into the bedroom, the workplace, and public institutions such as libraries and public universities. And why we are having all these problems, cultural wars, and so forth.
  13. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Who is defending the shooter?
  14. Pants

    Pants Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No one. But that's the perception. Because the shooter was trans, it was a perfect opportunity to pile on again. And any who tried to defend transgenderism was immediately pigeon holed as a defender of the shooter.
  15. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Defending a group is not the same as defending the actual participant, is it?

    Groups such as 3 Percenters, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and others have been defended by other conservative media. And from my premise, my first reply, trying not to condemn a whole group based on the actions of a few is more or less a conservative mantra, and a 180 when it happens to a group that they support.
  16. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Not much of a history buff I take it.
    Didn't they say the same thing when the British tried it?
    And we know how that turned out, don't we.

    The US military wouldn't stand a chance against an armed citizen revolt.
    Most wouldn't even fire on citizens no matter how much you threatened them.
    You would be hard pressed to even find a commander to order such.
    And the US government knows this.
    And as a former US Army helicopter pilot, I know it as well.
  17. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    that is really funny. For starters, most civilians would not know what the hell they are doing, even the anti-government militia. Second, the civilians will be outgunned. We are not talking about a group of people who have spent their entire lives fighting an invasion of some sort. We like to thank so with popular movies such as Red Dawn. but it would be a disaster. The military are trained to obey orders from the chain of command, and they will not initiate contact unless ordered to do so or if they are attacked. Very few will actually desert their posts and join the cause, most will be enlisted with very few field grade officers, and some junior grade officers who do so. But they will be few. Then you will need to deal with local and state law enforcement. Texas had this problem with the Republic of Texas militia. And the police pretty much put a stop to that. Now the Texas Secession Movement is trying a different approach, politics, the vote to secede, which has not passed a GOP house or Senate and more than likely will not. So, that leader is going on social media to get people to convince their state reps and senators to vote for it. Instead, the state reps and senators will simply use that slogan to obtain campaign contributions. And finally, in the past, you had Timothy McVeigh and Dylan roof attempt to start a race war by doing what they did through the Turner Diaries. That did not happen. Nor did the four yahoos who attempted to blow up an energy production plant in Washington State, and that did not happen.

    It is why any insurrection or CW will be small, very small groups, with most not willing, not even Ted Nugent, to really get there and fight for real. And it is why you guys keep talking about a CW since the 1990s and have not done anything about, just make excuse after excuse after excuse while thumping your chest anonymously. And that is all you are capable of. So, please. stop with the TV fantasy here.
  18. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Well, actually fentanyl is killing kids in school and out of school. Far more kids than school shootings.

    Here are some examples.






    Must be fake news. Some bloke down under says kids aren’t dying from fentanyl in school so they aren’t. Only guns kill in schools. Some internet purveyor of misinformation says so….

  19. mudman

    mudman Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    Got any other fantasy scenarios you'd like to present to us?

    How about there'd be no plane crashes if there weren't any planes?
    No car crashes if there weren't any cars?
    No fentanyl overdoses if there wasn't any fentanyl?

    You can't go uninvent something and NO, you can't keep people from obtaining a gun.
    Turtledude likes this.
  20. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    and no one with an IQ above sloth, actually believes the leftist anti gun schemes are going to do much-if anything at all-in depriving what the gun banners call "kid killing machines" to someone planning premeditated mass murder.
  21. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    they just pretend their schemes will be more effective than prohibition and the bans on schedule one narcotics. Their real goal is destroying legal gun ownerhip
  22. Turtledude

    Turtledude Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 9, 2015
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    why don't you tell us at what point a normal firearm becomes a "machine designed to kill en masse". We understand that you have absolutely no rational plans that would accomplish taking those "machines" away but I want to know where the gun banning left decides at what point a commonly owned firearm for lawful purposes mutates into the dreaded instrument that causes so much fear and trembling in the victim disarmament cult
  23. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I would have loved to have seen Charlie Pride in concert. One of the greatest of all time. But Darius Rucker has made quite a name for himself as well…I like his country stuff as much as his old Hootie and the Blowfish stuff.
  24. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Right, you just divined all this information from years of your extensive service in the military? You now magically know anything about the chain of command, how everyone will act, and what officers will do? lol That's some imagination you have there. lol
    You have no clue what you are even addressing. But its entertaining watching posters making claims from pretend land like they have some kind of inside knowledge. Hilarious

    Nobody has threatened any civil war and the only fantasy is you pretending you know anything about it.
  25. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Although I have never served, neither has DFT, Eric, Donnie, Laura, or Tiffany, I have met veterans of the service. The service or its veterans are not as homogeneous politically as you might think. Usually, the loud ones are on Social Media to one extent or another. But I do know that military discipline is tantamount in any branch of the service, the US included. And the Miliary does a fine job at that military discipline most of the time. And Discipline means following the chain of command, among other things. The US military has also done a very good job, although not perfect, to minimize extremism within the Military, ever since Timothy McVeigh. And what this means is that if any CW, which is what you are wanting from the previous post, is that the Milittary will join you. Now they would not, not even the national guard which is your best chance. But most National Guard equipment is on active duty bases or in storage, among other things.

    Well you did for one with your previous post. Let me quote you here:
    Try that at Fort Sam, Fort Hood/Cavazos or any other military installation and threaten them. They do have orders to shoot if necessary and will do so. Even in the 1950s, the US military was trained to do this at nearly every military installation. The problem with you is that most US Citizens have a good sense not to do that even if an ICBM missile silo or launch facility was nearby, very nearby, with armed security guards.

    As for individuals or groups, conservatives have made this talk from time to time. The lastest was after the Mar A Lago Search of DJT place of residence in Florida as you can see here inthi s link.

    And then we have these:





    And in the 1990s, I have been seeing a calling for a Civil War on YT mostly by fringe groups, among other things.

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