Why do liberals call themselves "Intellectual Liberals"?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by EZ-E, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Buzz62

    Buzz62 New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    OK...here we go...
    John Lillpop is a former LIBERAL CANUCK! He's also an alcoholic who is in the process of drying out and changing his life. He is also now a Tea-Bagger. Some change huh?

    Ya...can you say, "Gawd I need a drink"?

    That's why you have the ability to make AMENDMENTS!!! Get it?

    Freedom of speech is sacred and must be protected. Flag-burning, Limbaugh and Savage are all are exercises in "Shock Therapy" and exist purely for effect.



    Hohoho...this guy is really off his rocker...isn't he...
    Fact is...Supply-Side economics has been proven to exactly the opposite of what Ronnie-Raygun told everyone it would do. Wealth redistribution TO THE WEALTHY has been going on for decades...and is a major contributing factor to the economic woes we all; have now. The REAL economic power of any economy lies with the middle-class...who have been raped.

    What exactly is it that bugs you so much about 2 men or 2 women being in love and wanting to express their love by making a symbolic life-time commitment to each other? This is just NOT RATIONAL...

    In a way...I agree with this point. But society goes through changes like a tub of water that has been swished about. For a while it ebbs back and forth violently, but eventually it calms to a happy medium. Nothing we can do but wait out the swishing...

    Immigration is a problem. And a rather uncomfortable on at that. I would have no problem with the USA impossing MUCH stricter immigration laws...in fact...I wish Canada would too.

    Oh hog-wash...looks like ol' Jonny-boy fell of the wagon momentarily...As a CANUCK, he knows GAWD(*)(*)(*)(*) WELL that there is more oil in the Alberta Oil Sands than the Saudis could ever suck outta the sand. Fact is Alaskan oil extrication would only benefit Alaska. What's wrong with maintaining a reserve cache?

    BTW...Oil prices are skyrocketing because of GREED...not supply. Ya wanna kick someone for this...take a trip to Texas and go kick the entire Bush family. Between their greed and the conditions they set forth by invading Iraq...voila...

    BUSINESS is concerned with PROFIT. It is the government's job to protect the population...and in this case, to protect/regulate so the population does not get shat upon in the name of PROFIT. Don't believe me? Compare how Wall Street is doing with the average American. Little unFAIR...isn't it...

    see above...

    Don't be foolish. Huge profits are acceptable IF the working Middle-Class is also rewarded.

    Dude...this "War On Terror" is a joke. Y'all might wanna join the UNAFRAID...One of your county's biggest financial problems is that your military is WAY TOO BIG and is sucking the balls right outta your economy. Don't give in to the politics of fear...fear works...but never prevails.

    Well IF such people exist...they are what I like to call...DUMB!

    Oh PLEASE! Did Clinton start a war? NO! Bush did...2 of them.
  2. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    I've known and believed that the war on terror has been waged on false pretenses and a lie. It's NOT our Military's fault.

    However, I blame our corrupt politicians(of all parties, but NOT all politicians), for the out of control government spending for being the reason why we're in the financial mess we're in.

    Some in D.C. say, oh, let's just print and spend more money, and that will fix the deficit. Yeah, going further and further into debt will pull us out of debt. That's liberal thinking at its best(sarcasm). :bored:

    The powers that be are bank rupting and destroying the U.S. on purpose. It's all part of the global plan.

    Liberal thinkers.
  3. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    You realize that the war you note was "waged on false pretenses and a lie" was conducted by a conservative government? Dont reserve your criticism for liberal leaders.
  4. Buzz62

    Buzz62 New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    And you are free to try...but while it may not be complete freedom, your chosen path is unreasonable and you will only get hurt in the end.

    I hear what yer saying...and the young anarchist in me applauds your courage. But the elder and more experienced father of 3 knows that:

    A. Government...usually...imposes laws and regulations in order to enhance OUR lives and to protect us from any number of threats. This is the very idea of a Democracy. A Democracy...I might add...that you seem to cherish and want to protect...AND...the very Democracy YOU vote for.

    B. As I said before...if you insist on pissing into a windstorm...all yer gonna do is get wet with yer own (*)(*)(*)(*). That is NOT a wise thing to do. Pick your battles carefully...accept what cannot be changed and focus on things you can actually do something about. Railing against government management of society is NONE OF THEM! Mostly because...that's exactly what "We The People" put them there for...isn't it.

    I was baptized a Catholic and come from a "formerly" Catholic family. But 3 things happened when I was younger, that convinced me that organized religion is merely a tool for mass control. A convenient utility created by Constantine.

    1. I was never comfortable in church. More so than my younger brother...who regularly pulled a "Damien" on the church steps, but he says he was just scared...but none the less...never comfy. I saw the worship of a dead guy tacked to a cross...as idiotic and quite frankly...morbid. When I voiced my opinion and questioned the priest...well...lets just say I immediately became labeled a "Problem Child". My queries were never addressed...

    2. First my Father was incensed that the priest would label me a "Problem Child" and I remember him arguing with the priest that what he was doing was CREATING a "Problem Child" out a normally inquisitive boy. Then my Gran'pa passed away. Now...my Grandfather had worked in his free time to help build that church. He attended every single Sunday. After which...the randy ol' Hungarian fart, promptly went home and got soaked with rye whiskey...which Gran'pa loved so much...he made it a family tradition to teach all his children and grandchildren to drink. It was our "tradition". So when he passed on...we bought a case of his favorite rye...and drank it straight like Gran'pa taught us all. The priest did not like this and lectured us that we were acting in an "EVIL" manner. At that point...Dad left the church and none of us ever returned.

    3. My second year of University, I needed an extra course to fill-in my curriculum. Dad suggested I take Philosophy...as he'd had so much fun in it. So I did...But my Philosophy prof. was a bit of an odd-ball and had some interesting metaphysical ideas...which as a young man with a religious vacuum in him...I naturally gravitated to. I was introduced to Buddhism, Judaism, Satanism, what i like to call "Crowley-ism", and various teachings like those of the Free Masons, the Golden Dawn and of course the Illuminati...who are really the Golden Dawn but...that's the Gawd-Biz for ya... The end result was...I formed my own religion. To me...the entire universe...is what you call "God". I'm simply a small cog in the works...a "Little God".

    My Gawd has no desire to "Revelate" anyone. It just wants to exist and learn.

    Now that yer bored to tears...onwards...lol

    I whole-heartedly agree with your first statement. I have seen things that...well...I've seen some strange things...But the Bible is NOT any sort of "truth" as far as I'm concerned. It just Constantine's tool for quieting the religious riots that were plaguing Rome back then. Its based in the premise/fear that if you don't do as the Bible tells you...you go to hell. FEAR...my friend...is a VERY useful tool. But it IS just a tool...and rule through fear can never be maintained indefinitely. people eventually lose their fear...like we are seeing in the Middle East right now. No Sir...FEAR is DOOMED to fail...eventually.
  5. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Bush looked, sounded and acted like an idiot, and made the statements of an idiot. You're free to disagree, of course, but I think that an objective analysis of Bush indicates a man of average intelligence who wasn't a good speaker and thus came across as below average.

    I don't think it's very deniable, though. He campaigned on his idiocy. We were constantly told that it wasn't a bug, it was a feature.

    Now, you can say that my comments are not much different than the Obama-haters' comments on Obama, and that my opinion is no more valid. And you'd be right on both counts. And no, it's not very intellectual to call someone stupid, however ironic that may be.

    But then, as pertains to the OP -- we're not the ones that call ourselves intellectuals.

    Technically, I think that everyone participating in this discussion qualifies as an intellectual. By the strict definition of the term, I mean. We are hashing out ideas, which is essentially the function of the intellectual class. The degree to which any of us are successful in that function is, of course, subjective. Sort of like George Bush's degree of intelligence. I'll submit to objective analysis when it presents itself.
  6. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Where does that term come from?
  7. cenydd

    cenydd Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2008
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    That's exactly why I don't believe he was an idiot at all. He played his apparent 'idiocy' to its maximum effect, and it worked extremely well (got him 2 terms as POTUS - becoming a 2-term president is not something an actual idiot would ever be likely to achieve). I don't think he was anything like as foolish as he appeared - appearing foolish can be an extremely effective tactic.

    I had a former boss who did the same kind of thing on a regular basis. By appearing to be a bumbling fool in meetings to the point where everybody just wished he'd shut up and go away, he could entirely manipulate the meeting into only discussing what he wanted to discuss, and on the terms that he wanted to discuss it. It was like watching a work of art being produced - very, very clever, and a very, very effective way of conducting politics. The current Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has used the same kind of approach by appearing as nothing but an upper-class fool all over the TV before standing for election (despite being extremely intelligent, and very well educated). He won the election by gaining genuine affection from the people for him as an individual, as well as appealing slightly to a public sense of the ridiculous when it came to casting their votes.

    Bush used the appearance of idiocy to be constantly (mis!)underestimated, and to do things like avoiding being taken to task by tougher interview questions. When he responded by playing the fool, it was ignored because it was expected, because that was his way, because 'he was an idiot' (or seen as being one). That's a pretty useful device to avoid answering tough questions, which is something that politicians always want to do, and is much harder if everyone is expecting an 'intellectual', logical and well constructed, coherent statement.

    Bush is not a man I would ever have voted for, or someone I would ever be likely to agree with politically, but an actual, genuine idiot he wasn't. Those who thought he was a genuine idiot were fooled by a deliberate (and very smart) political tactic.
  8. myview

    myview Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    I don't know about all that, but being able to speak well does not make a person more intellectual.
  9. Erls

    Erls New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    Because graduating from a school is not the same thing as having knowledge and being intelligent.

    I have to do nothing more than point to the thousands of college graduates each year who are complete and utter morons and unable to figure out that they one day have to pay off their credit card.
  10. Daybreaker

    Daybreaker Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Yeah -- maybe -- though I'm unconvinced that it was act. Maybe that just proves it was a good act. But still, the president's job isn't to score his own political points, it's to preside over America and fulfill the function of the executive branch. And he didn't do that, or to be more accurate I suppose he did it very, very, very, very, very badly.

    If he wasted the opportunities present in the office of the presidency to better himself and a few wealthy friends at the expense of his country ... then he's still an idiot.
  11. discovery721

    discovery721 New Member

    May 24, 2011
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    Dude. Chill out, it's not big deal.. Listen you really CAN'T paint all liberals with the same brush. It doesn't work. Most of what you wrote is incoherent and pretty untrue.. But really, why do you even care? Does it really matter? This doesn't seem like a pressing political issue.
  12. NCstudent

    NCstudent New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    so all conservatives then also support all other conservatives. ronald reagan, conservative. he was bought by the oil companies and proposed something called the "superfund" in both of his terms only sixteen of seven hundred ninety nine sights were cleaned up. also fourty million dollars, a lot back then, was spent. it was seen as a terrible waste of money. it didn't make the oil comapanies clean up there own messes. love canal in 1978 was reinvestigated and they found birth defects and disease. it was because a waste company was dumping waste into a trench, then sold the filled in trench to the city, which built a school there. they punctured a pipe and leaked sewage, chemical waste and other toxic material into the land. this led to leukemia, chromosone deffects, and low weight births. still wanna back reagan? or are you going to admit that both liberals AND conservatives have problems but as a whole they are both admirable groups with good views, even though we disagree.
    also remember that if one side goes uncontested for too long, then it becomes more of a communist society because of a serious power imbalance. so please stop throwing around slanderous comments about liberals being stupid, whenever the truth is, we just have different views
  13. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    The large majority of liberals are mindless drones that simply parrot what ever the party tells them to.


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