Is evolution that difficult to understand? You have already asked these same questions and buligerently ignore the rebuttals.
The point is evolution answers nothing and has proved nothing and does not begin in the beginning but in the middle.
evolution is intuitive. ie... you are just the evolved life from your previous generations. people breed dogs to obtain the evolution of the previous and likewise, people learn (evolve) with each day religious wingnuts are what cause the divide because within the comprehension of todays sciences, the math to define and evolution is not taught in schools but to observe how an airplane is thought up, drawn up, then manufactured, then built.... and flies; anyone can see an evolution likewise; each embryo from a single celled egg to the walking life can be captured on camera and the evolution from each step recorded but few acknowledge the process because of stipulations of 'bone' records in archeology, yet the evidence is conclusive in many many many observations. putting these together is what 'we the people' can do for our next generations to eliminate the doubt for the future. ie.... did you learn something from this post? Are you evolved?
Evolution most likely started with self-replicating molecules. Should I say biogenisis? Not yet life...but close. Just because science cannot answer every single question a person asks does not mean it is wrong. A four year old can constantly ask why...and you will run out of answers pretty quickly.
Most Likely? is that science? Shows it is theory and we know very little. You can not start in the middle and say this fact
I knew you were ignorant of evolution. How does evolution create the question of where gravity came from?
HAHAHAHAHA! Where did the Earth come from........... please get a primary school education in science before trying to tackle science, please. The formation of the Earth is entirely separate question to where life came from, which itself is an entirely separate question to evolution.
Yes, most likely is science and most likely provided everything technological that you see around you. Ignorant.
Actually we have to start where we are now. Examples of man made evolution are everywhere. Take a look at brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, raddicchio, rutabaga, brocolli flower, etc... They all came from a common ancestor...the wild cabbage. Yes, forming a hypothesis is science. So "most likely" is a possible explanation.
Not knowing the first lifeform is not a gap in evolution. We do not need to know what the first life was to show what evolution is and how it works. I don't need to know what the first house was to know how to build a house and what a house is for.
If I knew what the first lifeform was and the conditions that created it I could reproduce it and win a Nobel prize. Sure would help the bank account!
No it is not. You need to know the beginning to know where the first life came from to figure out how evolution truly happened.
[ame=""]Ben Stein Retard Alert - YouTube[/ame] Maybe you should have actually watched this vid before commenting on it?
Most likely is not science. Well maybe it is since it seems much of evolution is opinions and guesses
No you do not. You are grasping at some very (*)(*)(*)(*)ing tiny straws in your effort to discredit something that you are totally ignorant about. We can watch evolution happen in real time. We do not need to go back billions of years to see it first start to understand how it happens.
Sorry, but your ignorance of science is showing again. Science works on probability. There is no such thing in science as proof.
Man made? That is not evolution that is cross breeding. To know evolution they should be looking for proof of the beginning and following evolution as it progressed. Starting in the middle with time gaps and missing links shows little proof.
ALARM! ALARM! IGNORANCE DETECTED! ALARM! ALARM! Cross breeding is an example of evolution. Bzzzzzzzzzzzt! You lose again.
You came from your mother. She came from her mother. Blah blah blah. Human evolution has a huge amount of evidence in support of it if you actually bothered to look instead of looking on your stupid religious sites.
Just say you pick up your flashlight and turn it on and you get no light. You form a hypothesis..."most likely" dead batteries. It could be the bulb is burnt out, it is not making a connection, or the batteries were put in backwards. So you put batteries in and you get light or not. If you get light you can be pretty sure it was dead batteries. If not...form another hypothesis.