Why do you want to fill America up with non-whites?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Super21, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    We wont because part of my culture is to have an open mind and listen to the truth. Remember, its like in capitalism. We have an incentive to lower cost. It doesn't matter who comes up with a better idea, just as long as they come up with it.

    Learning their culture, their ways. You're learning, it doesn't mean its right though.

  2. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Yeah. But why do you want people who are unlike you to move ahead of people who are more like you with immigration laws?

    Look if you don't want a group of people here, fight for it. Choose the people you will be happier with.

    It doesn't make sense to accept the poorest unskilled immigrants. I choose rich, skilled immigrants any day. In fact its a really bad motto not based in much reality.

    There is nothing wrong with uniformity. Its a lie to say that your policy is pro-diversity when all it does is annihilate the pretty appearance of Europeans.

    My reason for opposing this death is because I have a preference for the European appearance. I love blondes and I don't want them to go extinct.
  3. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    Hard to see things from a different perspective if everyone has the same perspective. Same with ideas and new ways to do things. We need a dose of different to keep us thinking, and learning and growing.

    I disagree. I learn another culture and I find it improves my own.

    Do you not see the contradiction in that?

    No, not at all. We are constantly finding new ways to do things. Look at medicine, I mean, we have improved and changed the way we treat people because of the influx of new ideas and new thinkers. Otherwise we would still be using leeches.

    Look at Cars. If we hadn't looked to the future, we would still be on horses right now, and using ships to sail the oceans.

    In that I think you have a good point. There does have to be a balance or we will all end up looking like Goobacks :D
    But I would never have a problem if my daughter married a black guy or a brown guy, as long as they treated her and us with the respect we are due.

    People will always compete with each other. Whether by race, by blood, by caste or whatever. It's human nature to compete with each other, even within races and cultures.

    Change isn't always bad. Bad change doesn't last very long. We are very Darwinian like that.

    That's cool, I disagree, and choose to live within, but everyone is entitled to their views :D

    There are to be sure, but over time I think that will change.

    Why only eat steak? Why only wear brown? It's boring. I like experiencing new cultures. My trip to europe was one of the best times of my life. Seeing the history, experiencing how other people live. Gave me new insight into my own life and my own culture. And maybe they learned a thing or two from me as well :D
  4. Bluebird

    Bluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Well, I will say your attitude comfirms what I have been saying all along about the old white men's GOP strategy,ie; inhibiting voters rights & Women's rights, to keep "US" Women barefoot & pregnant to rebuild the "white" population, it's just refreshing to finally see it in writing,HOWEVER, it's like everything else the GOP has done-it will "FAIL"!
    How do I know it will "FAIL", SIMPLE--- I'm a WOMAN & I have my own mind & have lived with a great deal of independence all my life as has millions of other Women,too late to start suppressing "US" now!
  5. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Actually, when everyone has the same opinions and beliefs it pushed me harder to find my own. But that is just my experience.

    I do believe there is no difference in people. People think the same. Other races are not unique or different or more inclined to find truth. If anything that is racist.

    What cant you get from visiting another country that you will get by having them among us?


    Maybe your culture was wrong.

    Do you not see the contradiction in that?

    I don't because there are people here who want to put immigrants first, which is the reason I am against other races naturalizing here.

    Diversity is good, but I don't want it to increase racemixing.

    Not really. New research is based on prior knowledge and theories.

    We don't need other races to be creative. Some people just are.

    That is saying you don't care if don't have a hot blonde daughter if she is treated nicely. I don't believe race mixing is wrong but I think people look the best if they marry someone who is very genetically close to them (no incest though).

    I know.

    I have a desire to uphold races.

    Why are you disagreeing? Because having different races here weakens us by needing things like affirmative action and quotas, and we have people with dual loyalty and hence homegrown terrorism. We need people to assimilate.

    What is to say they will change?

    Why only have relations with dark eyed dark haired women? That is very depressing.
    Me too.

    Basically i visited Europe when i was ten. What I learned from the experience was that the world is set up well if we can be friends with other cultures. I go and visit them, learn, respect their ways and leave and they in turn come to America and do the same thing and learn from me. This way both cultures are preserved, we mutually benefit and we avoid integration problems like affirmative action.

    We have a duty to preserve our race.

    Totally agree.

    I don't think i disagree with you on anything except bringing multiculturalism to the US. I think racial and cultural uniformity is better and I value assimilation.

    Another thing is all cultures are not equal.
    Cubed and (deleted member) like this.
  6. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    What is wrong with old white men?

    This is nonsense from the socialists.

    Do you want more less educated people to vote?

    What do you mean by womens rights?

    I'd like to see a breeding program where we breed more leaders, celebrities, beauty, scientists etc.

    Failure is their middle name.

  7. Cubed

    Cubed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 28, 2012
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    I appreciate your point of view, but yeah I think we are along the same lines except for the notion of intermingling cultures. I am for anyone going anywhere and integrating.

    The one thing I think that anyone who moves to another country though, is to learn the language. Expecting others to deal with you when you can't even learn the language of the land, is bs.
  8. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Because racism is not dependent on an objective definition of race. All racism means is that you apply traits to people based solely on their race, however you define "race". Even if you are defining it with superficial criteria like skin color alone.

    You would need to prove that races exist first. Show me traits that are unique to a single race.

    As my link stated, every trait you can think of is share across multiple populations. Because no populations of humans have remained isolated long enough to diverge from humanity as a whole. The traits racists often use (skin color, eye morphology, ect) can be found in many populations...often populations very distant from each other.

    A lab and a pitbull can breed just fine. They will even do so entirely on their own...a pitbull will not care whether or not it's mate is another pitbull. It is not going to favor other dogs that look like it necessarily. To the pitbull, they are all the same species, and all viable breeding partners.

    Racists like to bring up this example, and ironically, it proves exactly the opposite of what they hope it will prove. There is a great deal of physical variation among dogs, yet they are all the same species. Even on a genetic level.

    Finally...dogs are not natural. The Pitbull and the Lab did not evolve into what they are now. They were engineered that way by us. The different dog breeds are not products of evolution as humans are. Labs and Pitbulls never existed in nature as they are now.
  9. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Um...yeah we do actually. The united states had over 1 million immigrants in 2010. There are no other nations that even come close to that. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration#United_States

    Thats just the ones that got in legally btw. Also...we are the top DESIRED destination as well for people who want to move.

    I have no idea why immigration rate "per 1000 people" would be at all relevant. Why does it matter how high the existing population is in the country in question? LOL
  10. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Why? You think because you look like me that you are like me? There are many other variables that have nothing at all to do with appearance.

    Good for you. But that does not mean you are the norm. Especially in the US.

    Whites invented communism. And the white nations of Europe are heavily socialistic.

    I want the opposite. Uniformity is stagnation. Organisms that are uniform do not adapt or evolve as rapidly, and the same can be said on a social level as well. Uniform cultures are clearly inferior...America has already proven that. Every culture that has embraced racist ideology has failed.

    We do. We choose people who embrace democracy and ambition and capitalism.

    There is a really good reason it is called the "American Dream". There is no "French dream" or Chinese Dream". You will not be able to coast on your race here. We are a meritocracy. It is the one thing we all have in common regardless of race or religion...we all originated from lower cultures. No one is truly native here.

    That is factually incorrect. I have already met pure-breed Europeans with far darker skin than mine. And I have met people of African ancestry with skin lighter than mine.

    If their skin is dark are they still considered white?

  11. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Still peaking apparently. There used to be 2 superpowers on the planet...now there's one.
  12. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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  13. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Um...what do race and education have to do with each other? I know black people that are way more education than white people I know. Are you trying to make the claim that once race is inherently more educated than another?

    Using your criteria, such a program would fail even if it was attempted.
  14. Bluebird

    Bluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    There is an "old" saying; " HE/She who laughs last,laughs best"
    If you don't understand what I meant by " Womens Rights", may I suggest a little research?
    Old White Men used to think,all they had to do was throw some money(mostly to the GOP) to a politician & that ploitician (when elected) would do their bidding,However, that culture is changing,no matter how much money they throw at these GOP candidates,they just can't get them elected now-a-days,their plan will "fail"just like every other plan. One big reason is those pesky BAGGERS,just won't go away & the other big reason is "us" women just aren't co-operating!
  15. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    You want us disenfranchised?

    This doesn't make sense. White guys aren't your enemy. What race and gender has done more for women rights than we have?

    It seems you aren't cooperating with us and are cooperating with non-whites who want to destroy us.
  16. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    No, but its likely in some ways.

    There are many other variables that have nothing at all to do with appearance.


    Karl Marx was not white. Without Jews there would probably be no communism. Adolf Hitler would have whipped it out totally.


    Its the opposite.

    So we do not undergo evolution? We do not learn anything new because of our appearances?

    America was racist and was the most successful country in the world, and now that we are not racist we are declining.

    Asia is clearly inferior?

    Why are they set to take over?

    Every country that has adopted universalism doesn't survive and doesn't exist. They breed themselves out of existence.

    Okay. But I was talking personality wise and culturally. We should be more exclusive.

    Given the race mixing in Europe throughout history its highly unlikely they are pure. I see lots of Europeans who have non-white traits from a long time ago.

    It depends on the person.
  17. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    That is not an excuse to terminate my race. Im sure the natives will agree with me.
  18. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Well, we don't make policy based on stereotypes here. Sorry. You'll need to actually explain why policy needs to change.


    His skin looks pretty white to me.

    Too bad Hitler was too weak to resist us huh?

    So if behavior and race are related, I would have to conclude that white people are prone to commie behavior.

    According to who? Can you provide examples? In biology, evolution does not occur if the organisms are all the same.

    Explain to me why the most successful nation in human history is also the most diverse nation in human history. If your theory were correct, this should not be the case.

    We do not evolve by magic, no.

    Evolution is an adaptation to the environment, and adaptation occurs through natural selection. There can be no natural selection if everyone is exactly the same, because the same genes will be passed on indefinitely, with no change. You need different sets of genes to work against each other...the set with superior traits is more likely to succeed, which results in superior offspring. If all of the offspring are exactly the same, nothing will ever change, because the same genes get passed on no matter which of them survives.

    Since we have ceased being a racist nation, we have risen to the dominant superpower in the world...that was not true when we were still racist. Furthermore, we have brought competing racist nations to their knees, and more than once. Both economically and militarily. Racist nations have failed to compete on all levels.

    To us? Yes. The best universities in the world are not in Asia. The most powerful militaries in the world are not in Asia. The most advanced technology in the world is not in Asia. There is no Asian nation that even comes close.

    Take over what?

    Contrary to popular belief, China's economy is still barely half what ours is, despite the fact that they have a labor force five times as large. That is not something to brag about.

    China gave the illusion of a strong economy because they are still developing. When the US was at their stage, we progressed equally fast. As China's economy matures it will slow, just like every other economy has done. There is nothing special or magical about China.

    When that actually happens to us, let me know. So far, we have not had a huge problem maintaining our population.

    How many successful racist nations exist right now?

    We should remain a meritocracy. Unlike inferior racist nations, we do not place artificial limits on achievement. Anyone can succeed here on their own merits, provided they are really better. Our way is the natural way. A meritocracy mimics the natural selection of the biological world.

    Exactly...and that is true in every population. "Pure" is merely a matter of opinion. Go back far enough and no one is pure.

    Which goes back to my original point...race comes down to a matter of opinion anyway. Which is why mainstream science rejects the idea of race.

    Oh gee, you don't say. So I guess we can't go by skin color after all, huh?
  19. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Who is terminating your race?
  20. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I'd also ask "What 'race' is he?"

    "White"? What does that mean? He's already said "Jews aren't white". Are Greeks? Italians? Spanish (from Spain)?
  21. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Proportions. the USA has 300 million people, Sweden only has 9. Around 15% of our population is foreign-born. The USA isn't even close.
  22. yDraigGoch

    yDraigGoch Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Not so Super 21 says "A recent study shows that people are friends with people who have the same DNA."

    Since all homo sapiens have the same DNA, what the hell is YOUR problem?

    You DO know what a homo sapien is, don't you?
  23. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    "Fill up American with non-whites?
    Hey, whoever comes, comes!"
  24. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    "Oh, fudge!"

  25. Super21

    Super21 Banned

    Mar 17, 2013
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    But without facts and probabilities?

    Because multiracial societies dont work, they breed racism, distrust, division, waste, inefficiency and are annoying as hell to live in.

    If you will scroll down...

    "He was born at 664 Brückergasse in Trier, a town then part of the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine.[13] Ancestrally Ashkenazi Jewish, his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.[14]"

    So because I have white skin, why dont you let me go/live/immigrate to Israel?

    You are a lair if you are saying that I claimed that. Where did I say that race and behavior are the same?

    Japan. America. Israel. Rome. ancient Greece. Many racist countries flourished and advanced faster than multiracial countries.

    Explain to me why every multiracial country is in decline or struggling?

    The reason because America was founded on racism and is still a majority white nation but as it happens to get more diverse its going down the drain.

    #1 Racial uniformity is about appearance. It doesn't mean we are identically the same. There is enough diversity among the world's billion whites for natural selection and evolution to take place. In fact dont you believe there is enough diversity in the Jewish population for Israel to advance? Why dont you invite more arabs, Asians, blacks etc?

    Majority white.

    We were racist until the 1960s. You do know America was a superpower then, even more than it is today.


    Israel is racist, and they are doing just fine.

    But there will be.

    The world.


    Asian countries are racist. Israel.

    Fine with me.

    A meritocracy was always practiced in racist countries.

    There are pure whites going back since we came into existence 30 thousand years ago. That is good enough for me.

    For fear of losing their jobs. Its not politically correct.

    You are misleading to say we cant go by skin color. I was thinking the person may have a tan. That doesn't mean he is not white. But in practically all cases if they have dark skin they probably have non-white ancestor somewhere.

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