As far as I know, we don't know if this universe is infinite. So, much of the OP seems reasonable speculation.
I agree that "why" questions tend to be out of the range of what science answers. Science tends to answer "how", is in what are the mechanisms, what is the evidence, etc. But, I don't find people being that strict about it, and quite possibly for good reason. And, there are definitions of philosophy that are more broad, of course.
It's the only concept that makes any sense. The expansion and its increasing rate is predicated on nothing more than our current understanding of the Doppler shift, isn't it? is philosophical.......and one can interpret it as the existence defines a purpose. So for what tangible purpose does the universe exist??......... and maybe there isn't just exists. A high level of abstraction and conceptualization factors in here.
Another method comes from the fact that certain types of stars emit a known amount of light. Astronomers can compare the amount of light they are know to emit to the amount of light that arrives at Earth and figure out how far away they are.
YES! And more so. A Spirit FREE until enslaved by a demiuge to physical suffering. etc. etc. Moi
It's a life support lab with beds hooked up to a life support machine, with cables that hook into the minds of those on the outside who want to come in and visit. They're not aliens but humans like us who are more advanced. No you shouldn't bow to them, they don't deserve it. But feel free to thank them for running this simulation if you ever find yourself outside in the actual real world.
If it is true that abiogenesis occurred in Energy from Quantum Vacuum..... much longer ago than merely thirteen point seven billion or so years then..... we are dealing with both Philosophy as well as Theoretical Physics. "I THINK THEREFORE I AM!" Could the Original Intelligence have gotten into the production of eight billion or so Reality Film Projects.....on merely one planet in a massive universe?????
There isn't evidence that life began somewhere besides Earth. On Earth, there is plenty of energy for life.