He seems to have what most other canidates lack...the respect of the American people. I know of no one in my circle that would vote against him.
Colin Powell knew that Richard Armitage leaked the identity of Valerie Plame. Then Powell sat in the White House and said nothing when Bush asked his cabinet if anyone knew who leaked the identity of Valerie Plame. And Powell said nothing while Scooter Libby's life was destroyed. I hope Powell does indeed run for president. We remember Colin Powell. We look forward to the opportunity to rip him a new (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).
Powell has too much self respect and dignity to be owned by corporate mogules, and be slave to the broadcast meida propaganda spinners. He is a real leader who had to distinguish himself in the Vietnam war. His past years in serving the USA in the military shows that he is not a self serving selfish greedy republican, nor is he a butt kissing democrat. IMO Powell gave enough years of his life to serve the USA.
Powell is the day before yesterday's news, he has no constituency, no traction and no loyalty. After Powell endorsed Obama in 2008, he is no longer welcome in the Republican party, so let the Democrats run him for something.
I agree with these 2 posters. These days, generals are as globalist as the entire regime in control. It is not the day and age where a "Lee" would leave the government to defend his native state. For some reason, the military industrial complex is so sold on how much they are making enforcing global police action, like free traders, they don't realize a strong, independent America is where the money is at. Just like all the profits made from globalism will disappear overnight with the appearance of world government, so shall any rogue nations left to police. Maybe they are hoping for aliens to fight.
Americans are sick of the global regime. Democrats or republicans. A couple years ago on this site all you read was right vs left, now it is 50% that old argument, and 50% (*)(*)(*)(*) a globalist. The same can be said for c-span, or any other venue where you actually get to hear the voice of the people. It is the "(*)(*)(*)(*) a globalist" side that is growing. And as more and more catch on, anyone who supported the old guard, whether being "forced to" or not, will be seen as traitors.
All Powell would have to say is he supported Obama because he wanted to have a black president for the first time in American history. Say it was a mistake...and run as an independent.
I have seen nothing from Powell that would indicate he would have the level of nationalism needed to take on the traitors. Hell, Ron Paul is pro-free trade and open borders, and he is still labeled the "crazy outsider" just for being anti-FED. I don't think the world has ever seen a more powerful banana republic.
Absoluty, Rebulicans were all trying to avoid and distance themselves from Bush and Cheney for screwing up the USA. In fact those republicans were so desperate to avoid the republican trademark, they created the t-party to run so they could not only distance themselves from the republican, but they could blame republicans for screwing up the economy. Now that is some smart shifting. And for people not to see it so clearly is just beyond me. Funny how people forget so fast. LOL.
in the world he will be remembered for this: perhaps the lowest point of the american politics of the last 30 years
Perhaps the GOP turned against him when he publicly came out and supported Obama. I don't blame him. Maybe he should switch political parties and run as a Democrat.
He has far too much integrity to run. I believe his time with the GWB administration poisoned his will to ever be a part of political life again.
He's a social liberal, from what I've read. Also, he lost my respect when he backed Obama vs. John McCain. A so-called Republican should not be endorsing an extremely liberal candidate of the other party. - - - Updated - - - IN the democratic party, he'd get a little more traction that Jim Webb, but not much. - - - Updated - - - He endorsed him in 2012 as well.