Europcommies chime in here. If USA is no 1 standard living medical tek supports 25million illegals has best schools and makes most fo the computers in the world and software probly one you are typing on why is there all thsi shti like we should copy europe and have commy health care etc. USA is the one who should be emulated by far and away. USA has 5x the welfare of most euopean nations and brazil etc. and if we got rida msot democrats would be even further ahead. I just dont get it. I blame government miseducation.
What are you talking about? The EU is built on the failed experiment that brought us the GFC! The idea that algorithms, and computers can manage risk to the point that capital requirements can be lowered, and credit increased. This is why they thought you could have a currency between multiple countries, where no one can print more money in recession. See the idea was that there would never be a recession. This is the argument that was used to repeal Glass-Steagal as well, and de-regulate the financial industries! This experiment failed, and you are asking the wrong questions.
It is impossible to replicate the formation of the USA on the European continent because the situation is totally different. Europe conts many long-established nations. This is very different from the US, which started pretty much wit a blank slate.
Have you ever been to Europe? I take it you haven't because they do. Also, is it just me or does anyone else find it ironic that this thread was made by someone called "endfedthe". <<<< how this thread makes me feel.
Those countries are also far smaller than the US. Not all countries are the same, just because something works well in one country doesn't mean it will in another. Frankly the blackbox theory is a very stupid one, mostly used by people whose views are radically different from yours and I find it strange that you're seemingly advocating it.
I didnt say any of that, I was just replying to the op stating USA is number 1 living standard in the world or some crap like that, its not, scandinavia is. Im not saying anything more than that, merely stating a fact.
no no not federal europe each european state adopting a limited governmetn power constitution. the opposite of central control
Not to be rude or argumentative but I think you missed my point a little. What does being anti-israel and polytheist have to do with my post? I hate communism too.