No it was not a job interview. All the Senate does is provide advice and consent on nominees. But Kavanaugh was appointed despite the democrat dirty tricks.
No they're not, if anything female sex offenders get more the benefit of the doubt and lesser sentencing than male. I feel that you are treating me like Senator Flake being harangued in the lift by that hysterical protester at the Kavanaugh hearings. You suffered a sexual assault by a stranger, the cases of he said/she said with drugs and alcohol involved are quite different. I'm not blaming the victims, I'm demanding fairness for the accused. I hope you don't have a son who is one day falsely accused.
that is a job interview, then from that job interview they pass on their recommendation for hiring or not, Republicans did not care what he might of done, they said hire him
what part did the right like, the being accused of sexually assaulting a women.... or the "I like beer" defense it's almost like Trump supporters see this more as a reality show then actual reality
Oh how people see things through different eyes. He was bordering on hysterical rage and if a woman acted like that you would be all over her case. And you wonder why women don’t report sexual abuse? I just hope you don’t have a daughter
The fact that he was eminently suited and qualified for the job and kept his composure whilst enduring horrific abuse as the Dems desperately sought anything to disqualify him.
And you make my point beautifully, yes, he said/she said! 2 people can see the same things through different eyes. Of course he was angry, who wouldn't be, accused of sexual assault? Receiving death threats? His family mocked? Dems so desperate to discredit him they ask him about his high school year book and how much beer he liked to drink? Gonna be such fun when RBG retires! I understand totally why women (AND men!) are reluctant to report sexual abuse but that doesn't mean we can take them at face value, too many McMartins, Kern Countys, Tawana Brawly's, Duke Lacrosse, the Rolling Stone case, the list goes on. Look at the facts of the Kavanaugh allegations; 1. 36 years later, whilst you can have successful prosecutions from that sort of time gap they're few and far between, the memory gets worse over time, not better. 2. Ford admitted she was drunk at the time as did Ramirez and Swetnick, again whilst drunk testimony can stand you have to combine it with the time gap? 3. Ford cannot recall keys aspects of the scene, the house, the time, the date, how she got there and back etc Ramirez states she can't even be sure it was Kavanaugh who exposed himself. Swetnick states all she saw was Kavanaugh trying to get girls drunk in order to gang rape them (or so she presumed?) and that he was present at a party where she was gang raped (but took no part in it himself). 4. None of them reported at the time. They only reported all this time later when they saw Kavanaugh on TV. 5. Ford 'recovered' her memories in therapy, a massive red flag to all sex crimes investigators after the fiascos of 'Michelle Remembers' and the McMartin 'Satanic Panic'. Ramirez recoverd her memories after 5 days 'consultation' with a notoriously anti-Trump lawyer. Swetnick was a stooge for Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels lawyer. 6. All have solidly left wing credentials, Ford going so far as to wipe her online history before coming to the stand. 7. Ford in particular seems to change her story repeatedly, over the number of people involved, when she decided it was Kavanaugh responsible, the doors on her house and her fear of flying etc 8. Last but not least this is not a 'he said, she said' situation. This is a 'she said, EVERYONE else disagreed', every one of the witnesses who the accusers claim can corroborate their stories say they can't, unlike Brett Kavanaugh who can produce plenty of witnesses that he never did any such thing. Some would argue that the whole Kavanaugh affair has retroactively justified people for voting for Trump, that it was the whole crazy behaviour of the protesters they were voting against, the sheer patheticness of the Dems attempts to keep him off the court plain for all to see, asking about his high school yearbook and that he drank beer in college? When the American people knowingly elected falling down drunk George W Bush and cokehead Barack Obama? Still, at least it gave us some funny t-shirts and a killer Matt Damon appearance on SNL. Some would also argue that this was the apogee of the #MeToo movement, that its' excesses will now be curbed. Certainly it had an affect on the midterm elections, the GOP actually increasing its' majority in the Senate as well as a Republican President, Supreme court and majority of governerships. True the Dems retook congress but 39 seats is not a 'Blue Wave', Bill Clinton lost 54 seats at this stage and Barack Obama 63, what he memorably referred to as a 'shellacking'. I hope you don't have a son who is ever falsely accused and has to undergo what Kavanaugh went through or worse.
He kept his composure? LOL he went ballistic and the coming from both sides was the question of did he have the right temperament.If a woman answered questions the way he did she would be bashed for being overly emotional.
I guess if somebody gets caught the best defense is to act out raged. What do you think Dr. Ford just made it up so she could live a life running away from crazy righties
I have a daughter who was raped at 15 and I was sexually assaulted at 23 . At the time she didn’t tell anyone and I didn’t even dream of reporting it because of people like you who would believe the predator...that was common. How do you prove it? That’s why men get away with it By the way one s memory of sexual assault doesn’t get cloudy, you never forget it and every time you hear a man blame the woman it just reignites the pain. One in six women has been sexually assaulted. How many men have been prosecuted falsely?One thing that the me too movement did is make men aware that they better keep their hands to themselves. I think a lot of men in the past didn’t realize what they were doing. I remember being in high school and having a temporary job as a file clerk and the boss kept massaging my shoulders. I hated it but I didn’t know what to do. And I am sure that the guy doing it didn’t realize it was inappropriate because I didn’t say anything. But today he would know it’s inappropriate.How would you feel if a male boss massage your neck and shoulders?
Meh, I did not buy into Dr Fraud's story. It sounded made up. Then there was zero proof it was Kavanaugh.
And then you wonder why women don’t report sexual assaults? Why would she make up a story like that? Sexual assaults like that were common place unfortunately. I sure hope you don’t have a daughter ever. But then again she would probably never tell you if she was assaulted because of your attitude
Or if you're innocent and dragged through the mud you genuinely are outraged? I think Dr Ford; 1. Is either mistaken about a drunken incident 35 years ago whose many details she cannot supply and has repeatedly changed her story. 2. Is doing this deliberately and lying in the hope that she could either disqualify Kavanaugh or delay his confirmation until after the mid-terms when she hoped the Dems could retake the Senate, preventing conservatives gaining a majority in the SCOTUS. 3. Is telling the truth but the burden of proof is upon her and she falls far short of the standard, why should we believe her and not Kavanaugh? Ford had every motivation in the world to make this up, both political and financial, she's become the poster child for the left and a celebrity.
I'm very sorry for your experience and I hope you reported it and got justice. But it's not a question of believing the predator (a term that makes me wince every time Olivia Benson uses it), with the justice system how do we know who's the guilty party and who's the false accuser? No one blames women but you can't blame men either. How many men have been prosecuted falsely? We don't know, how many false accusers have been more convincing than the accused in court? Certainly plenty of people falsely prosecuted/convicted; And you should have spoken up! I think one of the problems with the #MeToo movement is they keep complaining that men make 'unwanted advances' and men's reactions are 'How do we know they're unwanted until we make them?'.
She doesn't have to make it up to remember incorrectly who was actually involved, especially when time and alcohol are involved.
This was many many years ago and there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would be believed. We aren’t talking about men making inappropriate verbal advances as much as the physical ones. In my workshops men will ask me that same question about what they should do and I always tell them they should address a woman the same way they would address a man. They shouldn’t say to a woman you look hot in that dress because they wouldn’t say to a man that he looks hot in those pants.A man might be rubbing a woman’s shoulders thinking it’s fine but would he do that to a man? The me toomovement has brought to Light all the women like me and my daughter who have suffered sexual assault years ago. It’s very easy for you to ask why didn’t you say something. It was hard because we knew we would never be believed and we would be questioned like the women like me and my daughter who have suffered sexual assault years ago. It’s very easy for you to say why didn’t you say something. It was hard because we know we would never be believed and we would be questioned. Men got away with they are aware of how women feel. It has to do with consciousness raising. It’s like when I told my students I couldn’t apply to Stuyvesant high school and Harvard and Yale etc. and they assumed I was really angry. I explain to them that I wasn’t angry at all because that’s the way it was but once I became aware of the injustice because of the women’s movement things changed. Once your consciousness is raised there’s no going back
She didn’t “repeatedly change her story” And then you ask why women don’t report sexual assault? Look how you are dragging her through the mud giving her all these dark ulterior motives. Youreally think she believes that she had the power to do that? You had every right to believe Cavanagh but we women know that that kind of sexual assault was quite common and he was a known drunk
He was drunk..she wasn’t drunk where she couldn’t tell who it was...And you wonder why women didn’t report assaults