Why is our Public School System such a mess?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by ElDiablo, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    The biggest problem is simply that our once vaunted public school system....the best in the world at one time....was taken over by the Federal Government and the resulting social experiment it instituted aka forced on all the schools to conform to.. as in ...the Feds used dictatorial methods to establish a fallacious doctrine.


    Former teacher speaks out: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-ne...ng-i-loved-about-teaching-is-extinct_05312013
  2. Thanos36

    Thanos36 Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    When you politicize education, the quality goes down. And all schools are is a playground for bureaucrats and kids lose in the end. I think we are on the verge of an educational revolution. We're becoming an increasingly knowledge based society, and old methods of teaching are becoming antiquated. I can't wait until we see a rise in new and innovative teaching styles.
  3. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I agree....one big thing that needs to be instituted immediatelly is for the Public School System to be returned to local control...where common sense will at least have a chance. Heavy handed dictatorial policies form the Federal Government forced on our public schools has been an absolute disaster.

    Do black kids need black teachers? http://www.theroot.com/articles/cul...e_evidence_that_teachers_of_color_matter.html
  4. invaderzim

    invaderzim New Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    Japanese kids bow and give honor to the teacher, they clean their own schoolrooms (no janitors) and even help prepare their own lunch. Their school days are longer and the amount of work greater, yet they have far less disciplinary problems and, above all, they appear to actually be HAPPY about it all. Can someone explain what makes the difference there? I could offer a logical and obvious explanation, but I grow weary of being called a racist.

  5. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    East Asians are naturally a little brighter than everyone else, more docile, and more obedient (I think all three of these have both a genetic and cultural base). Their history of scholarship is also a huge advantage (culture).
  6. invaderzim

    invaderzim New Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    The Japanese especially are a wonderful people. It's true they were very warlike historically, culminating in the invasion of the rest of Asia in the 1930's and then Pearl Harbor, but were so devastated in WW2 it seems they literally had that aggressiveness beaten out of them on a cultural level. Now I think, if anything, they may be too docile for their own good when/if it comes to notions of defending themselves militarily if necessary? They are amazing overachievers though, and the worst that can be said about them is that they are workaholics, but is that really a bad thing? Much better than having the extreme opposite problem.
  7. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    East Asians tend to be more callous, and when that is mixed with an expansionist government and great reverence for authority, you get a pretty nasty concoction.

    These days they are one hell of a country--truly more advanced than we are. I always laugh when people throw out that old nonsense about the economy of Japan sucking. Sure, if you are a billionaire who is solely focused on stock market growth and GDP, you might conclude that Japan has had issues. However, in terms of their quality of life and the structure of their society, they've been beating our asses for a long time.
  8. invaderzim

    invaderzim New Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    We made voracious capitalists out of them and whatever you teach them they end up doing better than you - LOL.
  9. ElDiablo

    ElDiablo Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Why is My Sweet Angel-White Christian Child Speaking in Ebonics, and Dressing Like a Bank Robber?

    That is a question many parents are axing dese days and of course it is because of what they are around at school.

    I want you to think very carefully with me now. I plead with each one of you online here today to tell me what good has come of this once great nation since the since post-colonial city-dwelling liberals got it into their thick, demon encamped skulls to force our Christian forefathers to free their slaves? You don't have to think too hard do you? I'll tell you what's become of our country since ........It's gone downhill ever since. There's no discipline, there's no order, there's just ten-million little colored pickaninny children running around the streets with no direction. And decent folks like us are flipping the bill.

    This might come across as racist to some ignorant liberals, but I assure you, it is not. It is just the simple truth. It doesn't take a degree in theology to see that colored folks have a hard time taking care of themselves without falling into trouble. You give them money and they spend it lavishly on fickle things and fall into debt. You give them an education, and they start riots. We even have a US President sitting in the White House who has everyone thinking he is a Negro! When Dr. Carson has already informed us obama was raised white by a white trash mother.

    Thank God every colored person in this world hasn't lost their minds.......especially Dr. Ben Carson who as we speak should be the Republican Presidential Candidate....the only decent one amongst dat bunch. Maybe he can still get in if a contested convention rolls around.

    The democrats patronize you poor black folks so much, they've got you thinking that Jesus Christ was a Negro!

    And as for this so-called, "Black History Month," it's a load of hooey! What do you think the liberals will be forcing us to celebrate next? Jew History Month? Homo History Month? Downs's Syndrome History Month? Frankly, my dear and precious friends, it frightens the living Hell out of me - and it should YOU!

    We have our history book, the Holy Bible. We also have our American History books as well. And like the Bible, those books don't need to be re-written. People shouldn't go poking around doing research on insignificant people and events. If things were important enough to be written down, I believe we can rely on the eyewitness accounts of the founding fathers of this Godly nation. It's time to stop rewriting history and start being proud of the history we have instead of moping around like sad-sack Democrats after a lost election, trying to stick their noses into places they don't belong.
  10. Sab

    Sab Active Member

    Jan 26, 2013
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    I lived in the far East for over a decade and all these things are true but the downside is they have no innovation skills, authority is never challenged which means corruption is endemic.
  11. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    That's totally true. They thought my rebellious attitude was insane and had never met anyone like me. They thought people like me only existed on television lol.

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