Why Is the Constitution Considered "Genius"?

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by upside-down cake, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. jenniferlopez

    jenniferlopez New Member

    Oct 30, 2014
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    nice post
    thanks for providing great off site info regarding past
  2. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    It doesn't surprise me. I recently learned Einstein was a plagiarist as well, and was more a participant in his "discoveries". His genius was also highly sensationalized. He wasn't stupid, but he wasn't the God of Science as he's held up to be. Seems like you live long enough to realize your hero's aren't so heroic...

    The US government did not create a "new thing", it created a hybrid model based of a group of ideologies and examples- like the Native American peoples. It would be like me claiming to have made a new thing by altering the iPhone to the iPhone 3.

    It was a general failure the moment is was created. Not even talking about Black people, Native Americans, or Women, it was also working-class White males who saw the transition of the colonies to a country as nothing more than the transfer of power from British aristocracy to American aristocracy. Only land-owners had any real power or rights, any say in government, etc. The Constitution was, in general, false advertising.

    We don't live in a democracy, we live in a reupblic. Power is held mostly by those elected representatives and not by the people. The people only vote for someone whom they hope will represent them. Even so, this countries...blemishes...go back a lot further than 6 years.

    Our currency is not backed by gold.

    Our country has acutally undergone subtle changes in the type of government it is since the very beginning. For instance, there wasn't een such a thing as a politician or political representatives in the beginning of the United States. That evolved overtime, and mostly because the citizens of the country were pissed off because the aristocrats were cheating them every chance they could get. At the present moment, it is changing again, but what it's changing into, I'm not entirely sure. I can only speculate...

    Slavery was not a problem that was dealt with by government because they were checking off there "things to do list". The major factor that led to the freedom of slaves was the Civil War. The slaves were freed as a political/military strategy to weaken or undermine the potential strength of the southern rebellion. One glaring example of this was that slaves were only freed in the South, not the north, showing that emancipation was a punishment against the South and not a progressive ideology of the nation.

    Even the Bible predates these ideas by a couple of millenia...

    These men were capable in handling crises, but my particular focus is for what reason and to what ends. Did Lincoln save the Union by attacking the South, or did he smash the nail in the grave of true democracy and self-determination by establishing that...Oh yeah, even if you vote for something, we get the final say. Your vote is more...suggestion.
  3. Clan_Of_Wroth

    Clan_Of_Wroth New Member

    Dec 13, 2014
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    I think it "Genius" because it designates right and responsibilities to certain sectors of the U.S. the language is written in such a way that makes the reader confident in what the authors meant. However it is ambiguous enough to know that some of it is up for interpretation or regulation by other designated parties( by the State or by Federal) .
  4. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Because it put power in the hands of the people and guaranteed individual rights.

    We need to go back to the document and follow it.

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