Why People Should Not Support Palestine !

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by MGB ROADSTER, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    As opposed to your PRO-ZIONIST crap from PRO-ZIONIST websites - DUH!

    Let us know when you get around to posting anything " authoritative" from an "impartial" website .:roll:

    Whatever Zionism started out as , it very soon
    proved to be a cancerous destabilizing political doctrine to a whole region and the cause of enormous human suffering.

    Zionism , like Commun-ism Fasc-ism and Naz-ism , other shades of Social-ism, all started out sounding fine - in theory , but later turned out o be nasty , rotten + abhorrent IN PRACTICE, The solution to Europe's "Jewish problem " was to simply replace the problem in the Middle East .

    Sticking a "Fresh Fish " label on a crate of fish, when it was fresh , wont stop the fish from going rotten + ending up stinking.



    Oct 3, 2012
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    Oh my God.
    The Arabs don't know what's the REAL meaning of Zionism :roflol:
    We can say that they will not stop trying to twist facts, even if Allah is signling them to quit.
  3. DrewBedson

    DrewBedson Active Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    I do continually, the truth seems to have an affect on you though so you seem to just gloss over it;

    It was responsible for the Iran Iraq war, the turmoil of Egypt, Libya, and the Arabs were forced to attack Israel? Wow. Tell me more please.:roflol:

    Where did Jews come from Marlowe? Was Judea a Polish commune? Please explain.

    Describes your posts to a 'T.':roflol:


    Oct 3, 2012
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    Don't waste your time on those who support Hezbolla, HAmmas and other Kalbs.
  5. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Well , AFAIK David Grun + many others so-called "jews " did come from Poland, did they not ?

    The first prime minister of the state of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, was said to have once written to 400 scholars and asked them: "Who is a Jew and what is a Jew?" He received, the story continues, 400 different answers.

    So ?

    I further learn : -----
    That the word "Jew" is NOT a synonym for "Judaean" (or "Judean") nor is "Judaean" regarded as a synonym for "Jew." The word has taken on a far different meaning, one wholly divorced from the original conception of the 18th century redactors.

    Origin of the word Jew

    "Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac we read:

    "Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew."

    "" Jew and Israelite" are not synonyms. Jews are not even mentioned in the Jewish Bible. I admit I've not read the Jewish bible , but according to some learned scholars, none of the legendary men,Solomon/King David to the prophets, were called ‘the Jews’.

    This ethnonym appears for the first and only time in the Bible in the Persian story of the very late Book of Esther.

    The term "Jew " originated after the first Jewish civil War when Judah/Judea broke away from the biblical " Kingdom of Israel" Nevertheless, its doubtful that modern day people who themselves "Jews" are really descended from Ancient Jews
    Its also said that the majority of modern day "Jews" - East Europeans are in fact Yids, whose language was Yiddish.

    The Ancient biblical Hebrew tribes long ago disappeared /assimilated with other nations/peoples , Canaanites/Persians/Khazars etc.

    Then according to NT Bible : KJV Rev2:9 it says " I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

    Rev : 3:9 "" Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet"

    ==== Its all zere in ze Bible . :wink:

  6. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Well according to the learned Rabbi Yisroel Feldman :"Zionism Is The Root Problem "

    The root cause of the conflict and instability plaguing the Middle East, and hence the entire world, is the heresy against G d called Zionism, and the heinous crimes committed in the name of its illegitimate “State of Israel”

    . Zionism! An ideology that is antithetical to Judaism, one fomented by unabashed atheists, heretics and even some ostensibly “religious” collaborators who have sold their souls to the irreligious Zionists for money and power.

    The founding of the Zionist state is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Torah, which forbids the establishment of a Jewish state and commands Jews to remain in exile until they are released therefrom by G-d himself, without any human intervention, at which time all nations of the world will live together in peace, and serve their Creator in unity.

    Two thousand years ago, at the time of the Temple’s destruction, the Jewish people were forbidden by the Creator (Tractate Ketuboth 111a)

    ◾To go up en masse to the Holy Land
    ◾To rebel against the nations
    ◾To in any way attempt to end the exile

    Jews faithful to the Torah are enjoined by the Torah to conduct themselves as loyal, upright and grateful citizens in their host countries throughout the world.

    The Torah commands us to emulate G-d and to be compassionate. We are forbidden to unlawfully expropriate land, to subjugate or to oppress another people.

    Therefore we protest and mourn the murder, deportation, subjugation, and oppression of the Palestinian people by the Zionist hooligans who invaded their homeland, in violation of the Torah, and have caused so much needless suffering.

    The list of their crimes is endless.

    The cause of the past, current and, G-d forbid, future suffering is the aforementioned rebellion against G-d. The tragic and seemingly intractable conflict in the Middle East is directly attributable to the wicked actions of the Zionist regime against the indigenous population of Palestine, against whom the Zionists have been waging war for more than a century.

    Thus, the only solution to bring about peace and harmony is not more war and strife, but rather regime change in historic Palestine! The Torah’s solution to this dilemma would be for the world community to actively work towards the dismantling of the illicit Zionist regime and the restoration of full Palestinian sovereignty over the whole of Palestine.

    We firmly believe that such a solution would not result in Jews being slaughtered indiscriminately by the Palestinians. In fact, the very existence of the Zionist state endangers Jewish lives because it constitutes an open rebellion against G-d.

    Only when the Palestinian people return to their homeland as a sovereign nation and only when the scourge of the racist Zionist occupation has been removed from the sacred soil of Palestine will Jews and Arabs once again live in peace and harmony, as they have done for so many centuries, prior to the inception of Zionism some 100 years ago.
    Only when the Palestinian refugees are allowed to return to their native soil will there be peace in the Holy Land!

    It is a hollow mockery and a desecration of everything sacred to Judaism that the Zionist heretics base their specious claims to the Holy Land on the Bible, justifying their mass invasion, colonization, expropriation and displacement of the native inhabitants of Palestine, who, according to the Torah, are entitled to sovereignty over the whole of their native homeland.

    By establishing the “state of Israel”, the Zionists have openly rebelled against the will of G-d’s and the laws of the Torah and thereby have caused immense pain and immeasurable suffering to both Jews and non-Jews. At occasions like this where people celebrate the establishment of the state of “Israel”, Torah true Jews lament the invidious attempts by the Zionists to transform Judaism from a religion into a secular, hypernationalistic and fundamentally racist creed and their sinister efforts to uproot the Torah’s teachings from the Jewish people.

    We mourn the pernicious effects Zionism has had on the Jewish people and the Holy Land, including the ongoing desecration of the Sabbath, the introduction of immodest dress, and immoral media into Jewish society, and a litany of violations against many of the laws of our faith, not the least of which is the commandment to be compassionate toward our fellow man.

    The United Nations acquiesced to the establishment of the Zionist state in the aftermath of World War II with good intentions of providing assistance and shelter to persecuted Jews.
    Yet Zionism and Israel have been a curse and source of suffering for the Jewish people ever since! Where else have so many Jews died since World War II if not in the Zionist state? All because of the craven ambition of the Zionists for power in their brazen defiance of the teachings and values of Judaism!

    Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of history and current events knows that the Zionist state has been one of the greatest tragedies for the Jewish people, creating conflict with Muslims and Arabs, with whom Jews have lived in peace and harmony for many centuries throughout the world from Morocco to Iraq, from Casablanca to Baghdad!

    Judaism is not Zionism! Judaism is the faith of the Jewish people in G-d and His Torah.

    Zionism is the racist anti-Jewish ideology of a band of gangsters who managed to deceive so many Jews into thinking that only they can protect Jews from external threats to their existence. These criminals are known to have actively encouraged anti-Jewish feeling throughout the world in order to compel Jews to immigrate to the Zionist state as a safe haven.

    Need we remind ourselves of what the Zionists did to fool Jews in Yemen, Iraq and Egypt into moving to their state by planting bombs in synagogues, assassinating innocent Jews and beguiling G-d-fearing Jews with their false proclamations that the Messianic era had arrived and that the promised ingathering of the exiles had begun?

    Anti-Jewish prejudice is the lifeblood of Zionism! Without it, Zionism could not survive! Zionism seeks to label anyone opposing its policies as “anti-Semitic,” which is utterly false, both logically and factually!

    We implore the Jewish people to return to G-d and His Torah, to totally disavow the blatant heresy of Zionism and its so-called “State of Israel”. Repent and return! G-d and his Torah are waiting for you. Only in this manner will G-d stop punishing us. Only with the Jewish people's collective rejection of Zionism will the tragic reports of carnage and terror in the Holy Land cease.

    We beseech the Muslim community not to make the tragic mistake of equating Judaism with Zionism. You must know that they are in fact two extreme opposites. Do not accuse the Jewish people of being Zionists. Do not accuse the Jewish people of being your enemies. The fact is that the Jewish people commiserate with your suffering. The Jewish people truly feel your pain. We are totally embarrassed, horrified, and pained by the actions of our wayward brothers. Let us recall our past friendship and let us work to restore it.

    We plead with the honorable leaders of the great powers to carefully consider the underlying reasons for the anger and conflict in the Holy Land! It is of the utmost urgency that leaders realize and acknowledge that the true source of this is the injustice committed the creation of a Zionists State!

    We who are loyal to our Torah and the teachings of our authentic rabbis throughout history pray and yearn for the speedy and peaceful dismantling of this Zionist State of “Israel”. We anxiously await the day of messianic redemption when the entire world will serve G-d in brotherhood and harmony.

    As the prophet Isaiah says (11:9):
    “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the L-rd, as waters cover the sea.”

    And as the Psalmist declares that one day all nations will unite in the service of G-d (Psalms 102:23):

    “…when the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the L-rd.”
    And finally, as Jews each year on Rosh HaShannah express their desire for mankind to recognize the Creator and to worship Him in brotherhood and unity

    “…and they will be joined in one united group to do Your will wholeheartedly.” Amen.

    Shalom (wink)

  7. simsim50

    simsim50 New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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  8. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    OMG will we ever be rid of idiots making stupid statements and who don't know the difference between Bosnians + Palestinians ?

    Please , do yourself a service - . GO LEARN.:roll:

    btw FYI - prior to the creation of the 1948 Zionists entity, all residents , including the Jewish inhabitants along with Muslims /Druze/Christian , were |ALL classified as PALESTINIANS .
    There was no such thing as an ISRAELI.

  9. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    So if you say that Jews Muslims /Druze/Christian were akk classified as Palestinians until 1948 so how can you classify the Arabs today as Palestinians if just until 1948 they called as Palestinians?
    If the Arabs are still nowadays Palestinians in Israel so also are the Jews, SO how can it be that the Jews in Israel acoupied inside the territory of Israel if the whole territory is Palestine and all the residents in Palestine is Palestinians?

    and let me answer you 1 more question:
    yesterday children 15 and 16 years old got arrested because they carried in their school bag machine guns (in a Jewish city inside of Israel).
    So let me ask you that: is it ok that the police arrested those children?
  10. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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  11. simsim50

    simsim50 New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    " I support Palestinians who do not support these doctrines. "

    Palestinians ??? Which Palestinians ? The jews ?
    or the "Balkans, the-Greeks, Syrians, the-Latins, the-Egyptians,
    the Turks, Armenians, Italians, Persians,
    the Kurds, Germans, Afghans, Circassians, Bosnians,
    the Sudaneese, Samaritans, Algerians, Motawila,
    the Tartars, Hungarians, Scots, Navarese, Bretons, English,
    the Franks, Ruthenians, Bohemians, Bulgarians,
    the Georgians, Syrians, Persian Nestorians, Indians,
    the Copts, Maronites, and many others."

    U know that jews were always praying for thousands of years asking god to get them to palestina and Jerusalem !!!

    More about the largely vacant desolate land of Israel "Palestine" in the 1800s - massive Arab immigration following Jews' return = the true origin of the (today's) so called "Palestinians"

    How odd that such last names as al-Masri (the Egyptian,), al-Djazair (the Algerian), el-Mughrabi (the Moroccan), al-Yamani (the Yemenite) and even al-Afghani are so common among those claiming to be "Palestinians."
  12. simsim50

    simsim50 New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Why should i care or agree upon your date of 1948 ?
    The real zionism was far far earlier than the zionist movement and herzel ..!!! The real zionist movement started in babael iraq thousands of years ago !!!

    The great boost started late 1800 !!!
    THe arabs came later copying the jews !!!

    Please , do yourself a service - . GO LEARN :clapping:

    More to come .. Warming up preparing for another political fight !

    1920 - Jerusalem, Palestine. Amin Al Husseini inciting the riots that pitted Palestinian Arab against Palestinian Jew.


    Amin Al Husseini is founder and President of the World Islamic Congress. After WWII, it will actively shape the agenda of the Muslim world.

    Amin Al Husseini as officer of Ottoman Empire - 1915

    I Dare to check out this link ?
    Every body knows amin husseni was a palestinian arab leader that went to consult hitler on how to murder jews !!!
  13. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    LOL - True to form , when you guys can't think of anything else to say , then fall back to diversion tactics and mention Amin Al-Husseini into the discussion, but don't mention the fact that he was not elected as Mufti by the PALESTINIAN PEOPLE BUT was APPOINTED by the British - High Commissioner - Sir Herbert Samuel,( a Jew. ) the first Jewish Governor over what later became the Zionist state called "Israel" (lol

    It looks like there's a great deal your Zionist thought controllers concealed +did not tell you..

    "From "The Rape of Palestine," by William Ziff

    Extract :The Moslem religious leaders, the Mufti, was openly friendly towards Jews . Throughout Arabia, the chiefs were for the most part distinctly pro- Zionist: and in Palestine the peasantry were delighted at every prospect of Jewish settlement near their villages. Commercial intercourse between Arab and Jew was constant and steady." pp.13

    "Hussein of the Hejaz looked to the Zionists for the financial and scientific experience of which the projected Arab state would standly badly in need. In May 1918, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Hussein of the Hejaz met in Cairo where the latter spoke of mutual cooperation between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. In early l9l9 a Treaty of Friendship was signed to provide for "the closest possible collaboration in the development of the Arab state and the coming Jewish Commonwealth of Palestine. On March 3, l9l9, another Arab leader, Feisal, son of Sherif, wrote: "We wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home."

    However ,The Mufti was an incompetent reactionary who was driven into his anti-Semitism by the Zionists. It was Zionism itself, in its blatant attempt to turn Palestine from an Arab land into a Jewish state, and then use it for the yet further exploitation of the Arab nation, that generated Palestinian Jew-hatred. Rabbi Yitzhak Hutner of Aguda Yisrael gave a perceptive explanation for the Palestinian's career.

    It should be manifest, however, that until the great public pressures for the establishment of a Jewish state, the Mufti had no interest in the Jews of Warsaw, Budapest or Vilna.

    Once the Jews of Europe became a threat to the Mufti because of their imminent influx into the Holy Land, the Mufti in turn became for them the Malekh Hamoves --the incarnation of the Angel of Death.

    Years ago, it was still easy to find old residents of Yerushalayim who remembered the cordial relations they had maintained with the Mufti in the years before the impending creation of a Jewish State.

    The Failure of the Mufti's Collaboration with the Dictators

    The Mufti gained nothing, then or later, from his collaboration with either Rome or Berlin, nor could the Palestinian interest ever have been served by the two dictators. When the Mufti approached the Nazis, they were encouraging Jews to emigrate to Palestine; yet not once in all of his pre-war dealings with the Nazis did he suggest that they stop the very emigration which was the source of Zionism's new strength. Later, during the Second World War, his Jew-hatred and his anti-Communism persuaded him to go to Berlin and to oppose any release of Jews from the camps for fear that they would end up in Palestine. He eventually organised Bosnian troops against the Soviets and the Yugoslav partisans.

    If the Mufti's collaboration with the dictators cannot be justified, it becomes absolutely impossible to rationa1ise the Haganah's offers to spy for the Nazis. Given the outcry against the Ha'avara and the servile posture of the ZVfD, it seems certain that, at the very least, a signiflcant minonty of the WZO would have voted with their feet had they known of the Haganah's subterranean betrayal.

    which one is the Jew ?



    Btw - are you aware as to the extent the Zionists overtures + collaboration with Zionists and Italy's fascists

    If not then google Zionists Jews Collaboration with Nazis , (wink ).

  14. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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    Oct 3, 2012
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    The Arabs don't know what's the REAL meaning of Zionism.
    They continue to hang over some "Rabbi" from "Neturai Karta" or something like that.. Crazy fanatic minority .
    This is your proof ? :roflol: :roflol:
    He is the Jewish El Zahar from Hammas. Same BS.
    Arabs are modern Nazis with laptops.
  16. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Oct 3, 2012
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  18. simsim50

    simsim50 New Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    " Zionists Jews Collaboration with Nazis "
    Yes i know there were some stupid jews that supported hitler before he became a ruler of nazi germany.
    Many of those were sent first to the ovens and they deserve it !!!

    Many jews also went to russia after 1948 to talk to stalin , and they were sent to sybiria , good riddence !!!
    Even today there r jews that r condemn israel all over the world.. sop what .
    How many jews u know jointed what army to help murder palestinians and when ?


    Oct 3, 2012
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    Those Jews did what they did during WW2 because they were extremely afraid for their children and families.
    How many Arabs are fifth column to their countries ? Thousands.. and not because somebody put a gun to their head.. they are
    filth & doing that cause of money.
    Some Jews today condemn Israel in Europian universities etc, Israel should take their ID.
    They are coword fanatic left wing pro Arab trators !!
    Allah will also take care of them.
    People should support the fact that Jordan will become Palestine . Inshallah
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    rather part of Germany will become Israel.


    Oct 3, 2012
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    People should support the fact that Jordan will become Palestine
  22. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    no, the Jews will go home to Russia.
  23. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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  24. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Please take a break , learn to overcome your typing errors , its fukking hard to understand what you're trying to say.

    However , if you're one of those who are trying to play on /exploit other people's emotions to gain sympathy for those who call themselves " Jews ", - forget it. there are many other more deserving cases in the world.

  25. stuntman

    stuntman Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
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