Why should buying a gun be more difficult than voting in an election?

Discussion in 'Gun Control' started by Anders Hoveland, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Why should it have to be any more difficult to buy a gun than it is to cast a vote in an election?
    Why should it be harder to buy a gun than it is to get an abortion??

    Isn't it the Democrats who are against stricter voter ID laws? Seems to me that voting in an election is a far more serious matter than owning a gun. Yet Democrats want anyone with half a brain to vote, even those who can barely speak a word of english and are in current violation of U.S. immigration law. Why should it be any more difficult to cast a ballot than it is to walk down to your local gun store and buy a gun?

    Can you imagine how the liberal left would scream with outrage if there was a 7 round abortion limit? What if you had to have a license to get an abortion? Or what if we simply banned assault abortions? South Dakota recently required a 3-day waiting period before a woman could obtain an abortion. Liberals were outraged. Could you imagine if it was a 10-day waiting period? If a little 12 year old girl can go get an abortion without even consulting her parents...

    All this talk of restricting gun ownership seems very hypocritical.
  2. ProfessorPine

    ProfessorPine New Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Quite simple really, whatever helps them win.

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