Why won’t the administration answer the question?

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There’s more to this than meets the eye:

    Here’s the video of Republican Trent Franks trying to get an answer:


    This issue is one more important reason why Americans should place withdrawing from the United Nations at the top of their priorities list:

    DOJ won't promise to protect free speech
    Spokesman refuses congressman's question over and over
    Published: 11 hours ago
    by BOB UNRUH


    Clarification: “Defamation” is United Nations-speak for criticism.

    Why won’t the administration answer the question?

    The answer is a big surprise if you’re an idiot. Hussein & Company support the concept. The reason is obvious. Islamic countries are theocracies; so criminalizing “Defamation of Religions” automatically criminalizes defamation of government. Worse still, anyone that criticizes an imam or ayatollah will be punished. You have only to look at internationalists on the US Supreme Court to know they will cover clerics under this “International law” faster than any other.

    I am only curious as to why a UN law has not been put into a UN treaty? Oh well, I should be thanking the good Lord for small favors. At least Hussein has not written an executive order making Defamation of Religions US law.

    You can take this to the bank: From Islam’s perspective it’s all about attracting converts. If you doubt me ask yourself how long it will take for every murdering, child molesting, pervert in the world to convert to Islam? Once the perverts are protected the masses too frightened to speak out will convert. A mind-numbed flock do not have to be true believers so long as they obey without squawking.

    NOTE: The only requirements for a Muslim to be an imam is memorizing a few parts of the Qur’an and be of good character. No doubt Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno are men of “good character” as are all of the Roman Catholic pedophile priests who got caught, but at least they were criticized and punished. Anybody who supports this United Nations law protects evil clerics from punishment.

    Parenthetically, those non-Christians who love to cite Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition as the epitome of Christian evil better take a good look at what Muslims in the United Nations are setting in motion.

    Finally, the Defamation of Religions law is also an attack on freedom of the press. I’m fairly certain no theocracy is going to allow the press to criticize religion/government. Call it poetic justice, or call it the chickens coming home to roost, but the press always supported every piece of garbage Democrats and the United Nations came up with. Now that media necks are being fitted for nooses it will be interesting to see if they object to Hussein’s moral guidance on this one.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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  3. Gator

    Gator New Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    obama doesnt care about free speech or the rule of law. obama just wants power.
  4. ballantine

    ballantine Banned

    Nov 19, 2009
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    You don't understand. Free speech is a natural right. The state can not "take it away", it can only fail to protect it.
  5. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Gator: You might enjoy this one:

    To ballantine: The government punishes.
  6. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    A treaty cannot create U.S. law which violates the Constitution.

    End of story.
  7. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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  8. bobgnote

    bobgnote New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Freedom of speech and other rights are already challenged, more than protected, and if you don't notice how all this flap over a stupid movie is masking other issues, which are a lot riper, while Muslims finally get around to unifying, against the insane, crusading US, UK, and their allies, you aren't really paying attention.

    What Islam is REALLY saying is that Israel place isn't being cool and letting the Palestinians or other oppressed people stay, as citizens, so all the other countries in the reason are going Islamic, and whoever is living there needs to smarten the heck up, for instance, Coptics, etc.

    The Holy War desired, by our Euro-trash ancestors is finally approaching.

    You know, the Euro-trash who started warring on each other, before and during the industrial revolution, all the way through the Adolf-chase, but Adolf had a Jewish grandpa, so he was weird, and he wouldn't invade Palestine and pincer the Brits, at Suez, since he was going to kill as many Germans as he could and as many Allies, as he could. Hey, Adolf was a freak!

    So are all kinds of western and American idiots, who really have to go, from the Middle East, since these are descended, from the same idiots, who invented the term, "Judeo-Christian," in order to foster an alliance, between crazy Zionists, who otherwise would not get along.

    You know. Those are the same idiots, who ascribe "Anti-Semitism," to any opposition, to Zionism, even if the opponents are TORAH-KEEPING JEWS, of high character, see Naturei Karta, JewsNotZionists, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, etc.

    You know. Those are the same idiots, who won't notice Arabs and other groups who lived continuously in the Middle East are of stronger, less-diluted Semitic ancestry, but never mind, since the ZOG-media in the west allows diluted Semites to wear the term, "Anti-Semitic" like a lousy badge of martyrdom, when Zionists need to quit invading and stealing and murdering and domineering, like Euro-trash, trying to start WWIII.

    The US needs to stop funding all this Israel stuff, but Jimmy Carter wouldn't learn, and you know Republicans won't learn, but look at Nixon and Reagan, kind of learning! You know Bubba couldn't learn, and GW and his daddy flat out refuse to learn, since they are majorly corrupt, and Obamney is letting them walk around, while he chases Assange and Manning other whistleblowers and guys, whom he wants to torture, since he's a pigger.

    Mr.Obamney is a pigger, with the Middle East on FIRE, so he goes into the 2012 election, with his Republicrats about to lose control of the Senate, having lost that, in 2010, but if he vascillates, properly, he won't lose the White House, to his slightly more evil and a lot richer twin, Willard Meat Obamney, who could give lessons, at vascillating, except when it comes time, to start WWIII, since all kinds of Utah Mormons are survivalists, with lots of canned food, in some bomb-shelter.

    I'm voting for Rocky Anderson; how about you? NOBAMNEY, 2012.
  9. BullsLawDan

    BullsLawDan New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Still applies.

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