What's your view? Was a crime committed (false elector plot, etc)? Did he violate his oath to the Constitution (peaceful transfer of power, etc)? Did he incite an insurrection? Was he responsible for the deaths, dismemberment, and subsequent mental anguish? Is he just a sore loser? Did he do nothing wrong? He's charged with the following: one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States one count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding one count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding one count of conspiracy against rights (trying to take away other's right to vote)
I voted. But it doesn't register that I voted because I didn't check any of the boxes. I would encourage you to try to better understand the view of the other side about what happened (and did not happen) in that incident. Cause I'm getting the feeling that you've been drinking the Kool-Aid
I missed the Kool-Aid comment. I'm assuming that you are saying that Trump bears no accountability for Jan. 6th? Not one iota? Even waiting for 3-1/2 hours to take action? Even that's OK in your world-view?
Yes. We saw a protest by an unarmed, disorganized group of people. They yelled a lot and occupied one building for a few hours. In the end, it mattered little. In the 1960'and 1970's we saw this almost daily. No biggy.
Insurrection no. Per section 5 of the 14th only congress has the power to declare an insurrection via appropriate legislation which congress didn’t do. Congress did so during the civil war, passed legislation declaring the south in a state of insurrection which was signed into law at that time by the president. Congress failed to do so for 1-6. I would say the four indictments you cited was indeed breaking the law. There will be trials on those charges or indictments at sometime in the future. When that will be, who knows? But none of the 91 federal indictments charges Trump with insurrection, so forget that. Will Trump pay or be held accountable? I don’t know, but I can’t see Trump escaping all 91 indictments scot-free. Then there’s still Georgia. I think Trump will be convicted of some of those federal indictment, found not guilty on others. The republicans will think he was wrongly convicted while the democrats will think Trump skated. Whatever happens, neither side will be happy.
The election appears to have been stolen. That's before you even get to the malfeasance of the MSM covering for Biden. Even if you could prove Trump, for the sake of argument, in reality, didn't think the election stolen, I am one of his supporters. I am a US citizen. He works for me too, and I think the election stolen. In such a circumstance I want him to support my view to the extent allowable by law. He told people to go peacefully protest, well within the bounds of protected free speech. The deep state/uni party non-feasance and malfeasance going into over drive is evidence of their own treachery.
All court decisions on this went against Trump. There were also manual recounts. And what about --- 1. Trump did nothing for 3-1/2 hours while people died, were dismembered, suffered serious mental anguish. 2. Allowable by law? False elector plot is allowable by law? 3. So he should violate his Constitutional oath to "support your view"?
But you didn't think about what you saw with your own brain, did you? See, there's a problem when you rely on someone else to tell you what things mean.
Inquiring into anything is certainly allowable. Being incorrect, if incorrect, is not a crime. After Trump was fined for $.5 billion for engaging in common business practices and the governor had to run out for a news conference to assure other business investors that it is safe to invest in New York, this was just a law being used against Trump only, I think we're done here. This is after Trump was found responsible for defaming a woman who accused him of raping her, ramming his erection into her vagina and causing her intense pain, even though the jury concluded they could not call that a proven fact (at least 51% more likely to have happened than not). A woman accuses you of rape, probably falsely, and its illegal to call her out on her BS? Again, we're done here. After 3 years of Russia Russia Russia hoax, anything Trump detractors spout must have the presumption of being blood drenched, mass murderous, evil lies taking the US on a path of tyranny, poverty, endless corruption, death camps, gulags, killing fields as the "little people" are told to shut up, obey, get in the pods and eat the bugs. Neo slavery. Can you imagine what happens if that "Trans Equality Act" passes? Hope you don't mind gender and age fluid 50 year old biological men washing their lady erections next to your 9 year old daughter in elementary school locker rooms. In a secure election? Biden cannot win. "Hey, I wanna rape your kids and chop you minor son's dick off while impoverishing and endangering your lives so I can send $ over seas while ignoring issues at home" is not a winning campaign theme. So we can infer from his AG's statements, they are calling for and need massive voter fraud. Again.
I hope you're right. I was extremely disappointed with the SCOTUS decision to delay the January 6th trial because of an immunity appeal. I find that absolutely horrendous. The DC circuit framed their response-to-immunity in an undeniable legal opinion. One of the judges asked Trump's lawyer: If Trump ordered a SEAL team to assasinate his political rival, could he be prosecuted? Trump's lawyer said NO. How is it that this country is standing by and letting this unfold? There should be an equal number of people as Jan 6th standing on the steps of the SCOTUS and protesting the decision to consider immunity.
Oh yeah - the Trump victim thing. And top it off with QANON crap. You're ALL-IN on the whole package.
I can understand immunity for official duties and decisions a president makes. Pertaining to the job as president. But not for anything outside of the official duties like holding a campaign rally or even running for reelection. Those aren’t part of the official duties of the president.
The SEAL TEAM comment is kinda silly. Should we bring someone up on murder charges when they yell, "KILL THE UMPIRE!" at a baseball game? It's all kinda silly.
Stand back and stand by If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that. And we got to get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of them.
The point is that IMMUNITY extends to any crime. In a separate thread, I asked the question, "If Trump murdered Nancy Pelosi on national television, would he have immunity?"
You understand, after taking a breath and thinking about it, none of what you just wrote is a cogent argument, right? Just writing, "the Trump victim thing" doesn't change the fact, and it is a fact, that a NY Governor had to run out and reassure investors that the persecution of Trump was meant only for him. The violence against the American people through the persecution of Trump is an issue for us all. Because they're not really after him. They're after us. He's just in the way.
And how would he do that? You seem to be suggesting the President has the power to command citizens. If that's what you think, why didn't every president command every riot that ever happened to stop when it started? Or do you still think Jan 6 was all legit, 'loyal' Trump supporters? And does that include the FBI 'informants' that we know were there, but the FBI won't tell us how many or what their function was? Trump already told his supporters to protest peacefully and nonviolently before anything happened. Most likely, he figured whoever was breaking in to the capitol wasn't going to stop just because he said so again.
I just want to see justice. I think a lot of people do. That means that if there is a question then it should be tested in court. No one should get a “pass” on this test but the right appear to ignore that to even get to indictment the weight of evidence had to be tested by grand jury.
He could have called in reinforcements to help protect the Capitol. In other words HE should have done what he is causing Nicky Haley, ooops sorry! Nancy Pelosi of not doing