WISE Founder Teaches Muslim Women Self Defense To Protect Against Hate Crimes

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by Sane Centrist, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. slackercruster

    slackercruster Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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  2. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Try this on for size buddy......................


    And then there's this story that I made a thread out of a few days ago.

    Muslim Women Say No One Intervened When Man Attacked Them
    "I'm used to people looking at me on the street. But I don't want to get used to people attacking me."

    A man allegedly spat at a group of Muslim female college students last week while aboard a New Jersey train, and addressed them with racial and gendered slurs. The women said no one on the train came to their defense.

    Patrick Pietropaolo, 62, of Newark, was arrested for the attack on Thursday, a New Jersey Transit Police spokeswoman said. He was charged with simple assault, bias intimidation, theft of service (for not paying the train fare) and resisting arrest. He was taken to the Essex County Jail, where bail was set at $15,000.


    You have a real nice day now.........
  3. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I know, but I'm very, very hard headed, and somebody has to stand up to these bullies, and at least try to make the effort to educate them.

    Every once in a blue moon I'll get one that relents, and if I can pull hatred out of just one heart, then that's one more person in the world that won't walk around angry giving others a hard time.

    Know what I mean.....?
  4. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Jewish people don't NEED to wear yamakas (sp), Christians don't NEED to wear crosses, but the amazing thing in this country is we have FREEDOM OF RELIGION. So again, how is wearing a hijab provocative statement when they have been wearing them for over a THOUSAND years.
  5. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Indeed, and this 'provocation' is an entirely subjective reaction. If someone is dumb enough to feel so provoked by a piece of clothing that they feel the need to resort to violence, guess where the problem lies?
  6. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I am not really getting your reply with regard to what I said.

    Well to be honest my Dad was there too in ww2 - well driving an ambulance

    Yes, that is happening in both the UK and the US and probably in lots of Europe as well. I notice one poster said it was provocative of them - just goes to show the level of hatred - anything which makes a person out to be a Muslim is their fault for getting it because the very reality of making it clear they are Muslim provokes the haters to attack Muslim women. In the link I gave the Muslim woman was considering stopping wearing her scarf due to fear - again the relationship to the 1930's and Jews is appropriate - and the US was pretty antisemitic then so it is not something new - indeed I think you are a bit romantic imaging that the US is not like this. Some of them have been like it all the time since I came on political forums. At the time it was new to me. I had not experienced it in the UK.

    It is as I said like the 1930's. Again I think you are being romantic about the US. Notice that quite a few things changed with the civil rights in the 1960's. Your values had segregation according to race. We did not have that in the UK nor I believe in Europe....and it is also in response to the happenings of the 60's - both the civil rights and people being politically active that we saw the Republican party moving towards an authoritarian one. Now we have a prolonged recession, the US has major changes with European whites no longer being a majority, and of course in times of such economic difficulties the same is being done as is always being done and that is the blaming of the 'other'. The US also unlike the UK and Europe had remained pretty immune to terrorism, apart from funding the IRA, and it seems to have scared the hell out of many of you - not helped by the deliberate intent on creating anti Muslim feeling. Those with authoritarian mindsets lacking power are looking for a 'strong' leader who will put everyone in their place and they see that person as Trump. Of course like most people who feel powerless they show the bully syndrome, hence the attacks on women but from outside the US I do not see this as any great surprise. I have been more surprised that it is raising it's head among the general population of particularly England where people have generally felt proud that they got rid of the possibility of facism in Britain with the battle of cable street. Only two or three years ago though, the Guardian did some research that said that over half the people of England would favour an authoritarian government provided they believed that that would not be violent. (The view on violence may well be open to change)

    Ah! Well I am sure you are wrong there. I would imagine most of Sanders supporters will be with you there and probably followers from most of the other Presidential Candidates. Remember the internet tends to get the more extremist people making their views well known. My daughter was asking me last night why Trump was allowed to stand. She thought he should be arrested for incitement to hate. Of course in the US you believe that people should be allowed to say what they want - always saying that people will then ridicule them. Not this time. I think to some extent it began with all the talk of PC and not being able to say what they meant - while of course saying it. They still say this when they say things which maybe just ten years ago would have had people ridiculing and ignoring them but bit by bit once previously unacceptable ideas, like hitting a woman because you find her wearing a scarf 'provocative' have become acceptable. As it becomes acceptable and as, in case you have not noticed, they instead blame you for being so 'liberal' you are putting their lives in danger, we will see more and more oppression as time goes on and what, not so long ago, would have been considered completely unacceptable, becomes the norm. I said to my daughter, 'I am glad I am old and am not going to see the worse!!'. 'What about your grandchildren?' she said at once and of course her and my grandchildren are my worry. I advised her to get in touch with DiEM 25 which for Europe is offering the opportunity for left/liberal people to get together and try and create something different by working within the EU to bring in democracy so that it works for the people of Europe who will then want to stay in it rather than Europe disintegrating into little ethnic nationalist states possibly at each others throats as well as their minorities. We are standing at a precipice and likely will be for the next ten to twenty years. During that time we need to find a way to bring people back. Of course if Trump becomes President and the UK leaves the EU it may all happen sooner.

    It is and we are I think a bit like the Jews of Germany tended to be in the 30's. We still do not quite believe what is happening. There is a danger in that that we do not take corrective measures in time.

    Worse than sad. Its extremely dangerous.
    Gaius_Marius likes this.
  7. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Oh look at what you went and did, you found a website that depicts & shows certain people behaving at their worst......

    I know how hard that must have been given the fact that websites like these are so "scarce".......:roll:

    It's not like there are thousands of people all around the world that do nothing but collect these horrible stories, and plaster them on a homemade web site made in somebody's basement to make sure we all get the "shock affect".

    Look, nobody's saying that bad things don't happen, I think we've pretty much established that eons ago, but this thread, and the story I posted has nothing to do with these sites you've posted.

    What's the point of posting this anyway, is this your attempt to say that whatever happens to these Muslim women is ok because of all the violence that's happening in other parts of the world?

    Are you trying to say that because some Muslim women in certain parts of the world are treated badly by their family members that - that somehow negates what I'm talking about in this thread?

    It doesn't, and you know it, and shame on you.

    How would you feel if the woman in that video from London was your wife, or sister, or mother, or niece, or cousin?

    Don't answer, keep it to yourself, but be honest with yourself.
  8. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Alexa, I'm actually trying to be very respectful to you, I'm not arguing or disagreeing with you at all.

    People should not knock women out in the street, or harass them, or hit them, or harm them in any way for wearing a piece of garment that indicates they pray to fill-in-the-blank.........................period.

    That's my stance, understand me better now?
  9. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Like the other poster said, this was just a likely to be a Muslim man who knocked her out because she was not accompanied by a male as the Shariah requires.
  10. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Dixon, please look at post #12................

    I swear to God you people are going to drive me to drink.......
  11. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I do know that that is your stance. However I think you need to look at it a bit deeper.
  12. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    ???? Isnt that precisely what you've done. Except you had to create the ID of the attack and assign his motive. Like I said, looks like likely a black Muslim punishing her for violating shariah.
  13. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Have you yet found even one example from the US?
  14. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Post #27...................

    Please try to keep up.......
  15. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Alexa, respectfully, that "is" my stance and I'm having trouble understanding why that simple position is so difficult for you to understand.

    How is it difficult to understand that a man does like to see women violated or hit?

    I don't need to look at this any deeper.

    Men hitting women are filth.................end of story, and I would not want this happening to you.
  16. yardmeat

    yardmeat Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    Don't you see? When women don't wear enough clothing, they're asking for it. When they wear too much clothing, they're asking for it. Anything to shift the blame away from the actual criminal.
  17. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    ok You ignored everything I said but replied to me anyway claiming that your country was responsible for my right to choose what I wear. That is not true and from reading that I wrote that I did not understand why you would put that reply to the post I made as it did not seem to have reference to it and your belief about what the US had done for me was wrong. However I read the rest of your post and I got more into things. Again you ignored everything I said and just answered my first line. To that I replied that I thought you should look at things a bit deeper. You ignore everything except one point. No that is not respectful. You are perfectly at will to ignore my posts but do not answer them if you have no intention of answering them. Sane Centrist I am beginning to think you just like the sound of your own voice.
  18. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    You see Dixon this is what you always do.....

    I've provided you with solid evidence, and proof of all your questions, and you just keep coming back with the same nonsense.

    Dude, get it through your thick scull, the woman in in the video that was knocked out was struck by a black guy that was not a Muslim, not her husband, and not offended because she was walking around unescorted.

    The only place in the world where Muslim women have to be escorted is Saudi Arabia.

    He knocked her out because he hates Muslims............period.

    You asked me to show to you just one example of something similar happening here in the states and I did.

    I presented you with a video of a Muslim woman who got her face smashed just because she was speaking her language in an Applebee's in Minnesota.

    Yet you keep coming back either telling me that I didn't give you what you wanted or that you don't believe any of it.

    Your trolling at this point, and you have no interest in having an honest dialog, so please do me a favor and find another thread to play in because now your just being a nuisance at this point.

    Either come back with a new question or just be an adult, and admit to everything I've shown you.

    Jesus Christ some of you people are just down right impossible to deal with......
  19. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Ok we're on two different pages, and I think I know how we got off track.....

    I was never talking about your country when I said all that stuff about soldiers and the war.....I was talking about the US the whole time. (not your country)

    Please don't be upset Alexa because I truly am not trying to be difficult here, we just got all crossed up, seriously.

    My sincerest apologies for the confusion.
  20. sawyer

    sawyer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 29, 2012
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    "According to a 2011 survey conducted by TrustLaw, a legal news service run by the Thomson-Reuters Foundation, 3 of the 5 most dangerous countries for women (including the top-spot) are Muslim majorities, and in terms of cultural/tribal/religious danger to women, 4 of the 5 most dangerous countries are Muslim majorities"
  21. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    But none of that makes any of the men in these photos monsters, nor does any of that change the fact that here in our country, we now have a problem where a certain ethnic/religious group of "women" are fearful for their safety to the point that they feel the need to do something about it.

    Look Sawyer I've seen enough of your posts to know where you stand regarding Muslims. (ok, fair enough)

    But we're talking about women just trying to get to & from work, to schools to pick up this kids, to the market to shop for groceries, to the mosques to pray, to the malls to shop for whatever, to go home to be safe.

    We are now at a point in this country where most of these women don't feel safe going to any of these places because of the acts that I have posted, and the videos I have shown.

    People in this country need to seriously recalibrate themselves, and dial down all the hate, rage & anger because none of it is helping, and all it's doing is widening an already extremely wide chasm.

    Surely you have an ounce of sympathy for these people somewhere in the depths of your soul?
  22. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    I can't agree. It is a strong tradition, passed on from one generation to the next. It is also a protection for the woman, so the males don't get aroused so easily.
  23. Map4

    Map4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    It is wrong for someone to attack a person.
    However, non Muslims are also attacked daily and no one intervenes. So this is not just a Muslim issue.
  24. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    So I have these novel ideas that I've been toying with ever since I could understand my first few words and started walking......................

    How about we all just treat each other like human beings?

    How about we all realize that we're humans first and races & religions second?

    How about we all stop demonizing each other & the God's we pray to or don't pray to?

    How about we "not" look at color, ethnicity, race, point of origin, language, or political ideology when addressing each other upon initial contact?

    How about all men respect all women & vice/versa?

    How about we STOP this INSANITY of grouping all people of one tribe into a good basket or a bad basket because of what a few may have done?

    How about we stop automatically looking for scapegoats & boogeymen whenever something bad goes down?

    How about we all work on ending all of these cycles by teaching our kids all of these things?

    How about we listen to the violent voices less and calmer voices more?

    How about we all realize that dead is dead, and we only get so much time to get this right?

    How about we all scream less and LISTEN more?

    Finally how about we just all live...........................without throwing rocks?
  25. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Please, I beg of you...............




    Be the smart person on your block that actually "knows" what the hell he's talking about instead of just parroting nonsense the way the other folks do that may have read something from a website that was created by people that have absolutely no idea of what they're talking about.

    Please don't be offended, please read the links, and for Gods sake please share what you've read....

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