Having observed the fairer sex over the decades, I have come to the conclusion that the more "rights" women are accorded, and the more power they accrue, the more miserable they become [and they were morose to begin with]. The question is why? Seems to me that the further one gets away from their fundamental [natural] purpose, the more unhappy people become. Perhaps it's the main driver in the spike in mental and psychological dys-function [particularly among women] in the West over the past several decades...societies that have provided their populations with a great measure of material comfort. The rights that women have accrued seem to be mostly about supporting their independence from anything that might vie for some of her time, or power, or lifestyle. Essentially, it is about seeing her role as wife and mother as detracting from her actual purpose in life [the attainment of happiness]. It has been known for thousands of years that if you make life about your 'self,' you will be incredibly sad [evidenced by the hoards of wealthy miserabs wondering the planet in search of something, anything that will remove some of pain and loneliness from their pathetic existence. This is why it is so important to follow your heart instead of your head. Your head will almost always lead you astray whereas your heart will [more times than not] point the way home.
And all the blacks are just yearning for the cotton fields. [/satire] I have a niece who plans to go into the Air Force because she wants to be an airline pilot. Just let me know of anyone telling her she might make a better stewardess.
Your conclusion is confirmed by studies which have measured the growing unhappiness of women over the decades.
All this talk started when men landed on the moon in 1969 and women realized they'd been synching their menstrual cycles to it for nothing.
By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well‐being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men. The paradox of women’s declining relative well‐being is found across various datasets, measures of subjective well‐being, and is pervasive across demographic groups and industrialized countries. Relative declines in female happiness have eroded a gender gap in happiness in which women in the 1970s typically reported higher subjective well‐being than did men. These declines have continued and a new gender gap is emerging—one with higher subjective well‐being for men. https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/...son_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdf
Here is another one. Times are tough out there for liberals, especially women. According to the 2022 American Family Survey, no demographic is unhappier and less satisfied with their mental health than liberal women. Over 30% of conservative men and women said they were “completely satisfied” with their lives, compared to just 20% of liberal men and 15% of liberal women. The gap between liberals and conservatives was even wider on mental health. Over 35% of conservative men and women said they were completely satisfied with their mental health, compared to, again, just 20% of liberal men and 15% of liberal women. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/why-are-liberal-women-so-unhappy
But that doesn't mean that women are unhappy because their 'nature' is being violated. Indeed, the total opposite could be the reason.
I would say those figures aren't accurate. There's likely to be a considerably bigger gap. But yes, there's definitely a correlation between 'political sophistication' (aka, Progressivism) and misery. Even their comedians off themselves.
I doubt this is just women. I havn't seen any evidense that men are much happier in the single life. Not long term, anyway. While its true that social engineers sought to use 'women's rights' as a means to not only boost GDP (more people working = more production, more profit, more taxes) and by extension the wealth of the elite while at the same time undermining the dynamic of family values and reducing/reversing population growth (more people working = less people raising kids), thats not an indication that 'women's rights' are to blame in and of themselves. There is nothing preventing a woman (or a man ftm) from choosing to be a 'homemaker.' The primary reason so many people arent doing that is because they arent finding someone to do it with. In attempt to avoid derailing the thread with the multitude of probable and contentious reasons why people are finding it harder and harder to settle() down with someone and get to familying, suffice to say, 'because they arent being coerced to do it' is not a suitable explanation.
Wait till we find out that suicide rates are increasing because of the trans **** we are pushing on them. Progress!
I figure this has at least as much to do with it as anything else... "Girls and women of all ages also tend to spend less time outside and engage less in physical activity than their male peers, which often correlates to reduced physical health. It’s well documented that lower activity levels can contribute to obesity, and could help explain why girls are overweight and obese more often than boys. During their teenage years, women develop their peak bone mass, which helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life, so physical activity is crucial during this time. Less time playing outside can also lead to less exposure to microorganisms, which could contribute to the higher rates of atopic and autoimmune diseases in females. Rates of physical activity also become increasingly important for girls’ mental health as they mature. Not only does physical activity help protect against mental health problems including anxiety, depression, and body image issues, but it is also an important method of staying off technology. Women are both less physically active than men and more prone to becoming smart-phone dependent, which can increase anxiety. According to a study of 2,010 women in the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 35, women view the outdoors as a way to escape societal pressures and want more time outside, with 72 percent of women feeling liberated outdoors. Yet, in 2013 and 2014, the Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails had a 2.2:1 male-to-female ratio of hikers — just one indication that men are engaging in outdoor activities more frequently than women." Women don’t spend as much time as men outdoors. That’s a problem. - Women’s Media Center (womensmediacenter.com) Also I recall reading a study that suggested frequenting outdoors/nature was on average approximately as effective at reducing anxiety and depression as taking prescription meds. I cant find the article atm, so maybe I'm just full of it... I believe it tho.
As vitally important as your personal opinion is about the emotional well being of the 'fairer sex'. I'd rather see clinical data with a larger sample size beyond zero ( I'm assuming you do not yourself identify as a woman)
And right on cue, you post those studies? EDIT: I see another asked for data, you did provide some. Kudos.
the problem is when we got two incomes at first it was a great thing, then the corps raised prices, so two people had to work to support a family just as much has to be done in the home, raise children, clean, etc..... but now both parents have to work
where did I say they were forced? Republicans have not made that happen yet I am just stating the reality of it, as the family had more money, the corps raised costs being single is harder now too, as you need two incomes to live as good as in the past
Women are unhappy? It must be all the men looking to strip women of their rights for any little reason.