So you can't address anything in my post so you have to make do with some more lying and pretending people said things they never said. How would you know what would kind of discussion would take place in the military as you clearly don't have a clue about anything military related outside of what you saw on Rambo. Seriously though I want to hear some more stories about wonder woman and your daughter black widow.
More nonsensical ramblings and dishonesty from our resident fairytale teller. So who again claimed that Air Force personal were not called airman. Oh thats right no one. You just dishonesty made that little but up. Seems that is all you are good at. You are trying to claim Air Force basic training as some type of standard for anything combat related shows just how clueless you are. You do realize that you are talking about a basic training that fires less then 100 rounds of ammo during the entire duration correct. You really just need to stop talking about things you are clueless on as you just keep looking more and more pathetic by the post. No one is looking to the Air Force on how to conduct ground combat. Get a clue.
Link to studies that has been posted on the forum comparing sex integrated versus sex segregated units. Should be easy for you to do since you claim it is "extensive" and on this thread and others. You may not like the reality of civilian and military authority and decisions, but reality is still reality.
Try reading this thread and about "soldiers." Since you just claimed that FOB defense is "doing nothing," what difference does it make how many rounds are spent? You should write to the Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff explain your theory of how FOB defense is "nothing." Be certain to explain how they are all clueless idiots and dishonest. They'll convince them.
I addressed everything in your post, though that might be too difficult for you to understand - though it would seem not THAT hard to understand that all-female units and squads would have female squad leaders and COs. But since you have NO clue that among the over 200,000 women in the USA military are female offices at every level maybe that too difficult to figure out that all female units would have female COs. You don't know what "black widow" means in the context of women. You don't know there are female officers at every level in every branch of the military. You don't know that bases have come under attack. You don't know about anything else you post about other than your Rambo and video game view of modern warfare. But then you did say your video game is "Call of Duty." I don't play video games, have no video games and have no game player. You have a wall of combat video games, don't you? 1. You don't know what "black widow" means in regards to women. 2. You don't know there are female officers in every branch of service. 3. You believe no US bases have ever come under attack. 4. You have contempt of US military command. 5. You have contempt of civilian authority over the military. What is this about? Can you figure it out? The Air Force has decided it dare not rely on the Army and Marines for base defense. Maybe are concerned that the Army and Marines may take you view that there never needs to be any base defense. While there is no intelligence standard to join the Army, still it is bad news as your profile says you are 37 and past the cut off age to enlist. So your combat will have to remain in your video games and war movies. Which one of the Expendables do you see yourself as?
Nothing you said changes the fact that no one said anything about Airmen being called soldiers. That was 100% you making crap up. Which is all you do. Please quote me saying FOB defense is doing nothing. We both know you can't and are simply lying again. The fact that you have to continually lie says all one needs to know about your argument but even worse it says all one needs to know about you as an individual
OH look more lying and avoiding the actual points that destroyed your pathetic little posts. Virtually none of the things you claim people say are true. It is nothing more then you lying. And it is painfully obvious that it is you who base all your knowledge of the military of movies or video games. Otherwise you wouldn't be creating these BS fairytales about wonderwoman and your daughter black widow going off on missions to kill the enemy by themselves. Every single one of you little stories reads like a cheesy 80s action movie believable by no one. It don't know if it is just the fact that you don't have any military experience that prevents you from seeing how pathetic your posts are or simply you don't have the intelligence to do so. A perfect example. Everyone knows that they are a large number of woman all throughout the military. What most people also know is that they're are not woman with experience and knowledge of being in the infantry. Therefore placing them in charge of squads, platoons or companies with zero experience is a sure fire way to get people killed. So you simply claiming that the the squad leaders and COs would be female demonstrates how little you understand. And you finish up your posts with more lies. I would ask you to quote me saying there is no need for base defense but we both no you can't add you just made that lie up. Tell me why exactly I would need to enlist as I am still active duty. You really are clueless.
Maybe the Air Force remembers how well the Army defended their own airbase in Vietnam? The battalion of male Rangers guarding that base above maybe were too busy in the rec. room playing pool and jerking off to actually be doing their duty, leaving it to S. Vietnamese troops - or as you put in your own words saw themselves as there to: "just sit on the FOB doing nothing." It is unfortunate there was not a female battalion instead in charge of defending that Army base. Americans were KIA that day defending that base - which you call "nothing." A female battalion likely could not have done worse than that MALE battalion of Army Rangers did. Those pictures show how skilled male Rangers are in DEFENSE of bases. I guess they just didn't know what to do because the base wasn't on a mountain top. (^ That is just my acting like you. In fact, I have a very high regard for the Rangers. Know a deputy sheriff who was one.) Your lying, pathetic little posts make it painfully obvious why it is a mistake for the military to not have a minimal IQ standard because someone like you as you portray yourself in your messages could - potentially but unlikely - temporarily get in. You make up any crap you can think of desperate to pretend you know anything at all about the military and pretend you are active military and not some coach potato watching reruns of Vic Morrow in the television series COMBAT. The level you post lies is off the charts. Link to any message I posted about anyone going off on missions to "kill the enemy by themselves" - which you can't because that is a just another of your pathetic lying messages. I haven't identified anything my daughter(s) have done in the service in relation to combat on the forum - nor would I. (I have had some discussions with REAL veterans and/or members with kids who were or are in the military and combat by PM concerning them - without excessive precision, who have told of theirs. But not in the open on a forum.) Nor did I say I have just one daughter of military service, did I? More of your pathetic lying messages. Even just using a dictionary or a Google search to try to figure out what "black widow" means in relation to women appears beyond your capability. The idiocy of your messages is apparent. Everyone who has been or a squad, platoon or company leader was one for the first time. NO EXCEPTIONS. But that OBVIOUS FACT is lost to you in your desperate attempt to make up anything you can imagine to attack the US military and not just women in arms. In your message you spit on anyone in the military involved in any base defense - including those how have been KIA and wounded for life doing so - you claiming those defending bases in combat zones "just sit on the FOB doing nothing." Your EXACT words - more LYING words from you. Among the most desperate battles in US modern warfare history have been defensive, not offensive. But then you know NOTHING about the realities of warfare, just video game warfare. You know nothing about the modern U.S. military, modern combat or modern combat history. EVERYONE ACTUALLY IN THE MILITARY KNOWS that thousands of women in the military have been in combat - live fire combat - not your video game combat. Hundreds have been KIA or casualties - to which you spit on their graves, wheelchairs and artificial limbs. Those women are among our nation's greatest heroes 100% the same as all male casualties - those fallen or crippled in defense of our country and unfortunately also of you - and who had levels of courage you can not even comprehend. More than 9,000 female troops have earned Combat Action Badges during modern combat operations, including those in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hundreds more have earned valor awards, including the Silver Star, the Army's third-highest valor award. Not a chance in hell you are "active military." Your messages make it clear you'd be booted out before you could reach E2, wouldn't make it thru basic. Your messages declare a pro-active, desperate need to be someone who would refuse to follow the orders and intent of superiors, military command and civilian authority. You have open contempt for over 200,000 active female and over a million veteran female service members. You spit on the graves of thousands who have died in service to this country and tens of thousands crippled for life in defense, not just offense - male and female. Vietnam anti-war protesters were 10 times more supportive of the United States military than you - for which you will post any pathetic little lies out of fantasyland to express that hatred and contempt. Go join the protests of the Westboro Baptist Church because they and your messages are in full agreement in mutual hatred of the US military and everyone in it. They'd really like all the pathetic little lies that you post too. Enjoy video game warfare. Buy a used Army uniform and a lot of patches at a second hand store a military surplus store to wear while you do, if you haven't already. Make yourself a 5, 6, 7, 9 star general. Maybe sneak into some veterans cemetery trying to find female graves to kick of over the markers or find a female veteran in a wheelchair for life from battle injury and try to push over her wheelchair - and then try to run away. I hope I'd be there. What matters is that you lost your argument about women years ago so everything you post is absolute irrelevant to reality and only relevant to your private little fantasyland.
"Approximately 110,000 ground combat positions have been opened to women." Those arguing against women in combat roles might as well be ranting about enlistment in the War of 1812 in terms of relevancy. I've noted many times that veterans and old military men are the curse of any modern military as they can only live in the past, never the present and certainly not in rational future planning. At the start of WW2, France's officers had more experience than any other country as they were largely still from WW1. So were they the best because they had the most warfare experience? NO! They were the worst. Even with France having a larger military than Germany - and even with hundreds of thousands of British troops and equipment too - Germany's new military leaders ran over those old French military officer's units like a hot knife thru warm butter - incapable of defense, incapable of offense and even incapable in regrouping and retreat. Their only relevant expertise was in losing and surrendering. Sure, old veterans deserve the appreciation and honor of their past service. Their past glories were real - PAST glories. But they also need to get out of the way of new, modern leadership and tactics.
Well talk about being either extremely dishonest or so completely separated from reality that it' hard to comprehend. Here let me give you a clue, just because you are on a fob it does not mean you have anything to do with Fob defense. Many many units that are located on FOBs in Iraq and Afghanistan have nothing to do with base defense. In fact the majority of people on the larger fobs have no real role in base defense. So the only thing you have proved is what a dishonest troll you are. But then you have already proven that many times over. And you know it that is why you couldn't quote mr saying base defense is nothing. And you are free to think what ever you want of my service because I really could not care less what some with a proven complete lack of knowledge about the military think. But just know the Army disagrees with your opinion and pays me a considerable amount more then the vast other service members of my rank. And Black widow is a character in the avenger movies. No need to look it up in a dictinary you clown. There us a reason all the actual service members in this thread have called all your little stories B.S. it's because you are clueless. So why don't you tell us more about wonder oman your daughter black widow and the other family members you have in black ops. And yes everyone who has been a squad leader platoon SGT or company commander was one for the first time but guess what they were not. Brand new to the infantry. There is a reason the Army doesn' pick brand new recruits to fill those positions. You just are not smart enough to understand that. As to the rest of your nonsensical ramblings. All it does is prove what a sad little troll you are. I have not said anything insulting to women who serve or the military at all. That is just you being the dishonest troll you are. And you know it. It' why you have to take things out of context and twist the meaning of posts.
Not being a dishonest troll is hard for you isn' it. Sitting on a FOB doing nothing is not the same as base defense being nothing. The fact that you can' understand that says all one needs to know about your honesty and intelligence. Which isn't much.
Ah, so you're one of the Avengers now too. LOL I don't watch cartoon character movies. Ever. Hate to break it to you, Bub, but comic book characters are not real. Yeah, you posted what you did about combat troops FOB on the topic of women in combat roles in defense. You got caught and then caught lying about it. Now you are telling the next lie in asserting no one but Army Infantry are in ground combat. They don't give the silver medal for valor for being a nurse, not that you'd know anything about it. FACT: Women comprise just over 15% of the military. Since September 11, 2001 over 300,000 women have deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq; 166 women have been killed during combat operations and more than 1,000 have been wounded. I guess you didn't know that both are theaters of war and combat. FACT: More than 9,000 female troops have earned Combat Action Badges during modern combat operations, including those in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hundreds more have earned valor awards, including the Silver Star, the Army's third-highest valor award. But, then, you never heard of the CAB or know what it means - do you? Most commanders do not issue the CAB to qualified soldiers unless they are directly engaged in combat. Notably, it is granted exclusively for contact with enemy combatants. Soldier must be personally present and actively engaging or being engaged by the enemy, and performing satisfactorily in accordance with the prescribed rules of engagement. FACT: "Approximately 110,000 ground combat positions have been opened to women." Of course you claim that is false because the Army so much agrees with you that they pay you lots of money because of how much the Army agrees with you. Yeah, like believes that. How much do they pay you as a 7 1/2 star general? No, the Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff one day said, "there is this guy I came across while playing combat games online that I really agree with. So screw the president and Congress. We are all were going to do what he said. Oh, and send him a quarter million dollars a year too. Make him an honorary 6 star general like Pershing and Washington were. I really like how he thinks and since he has beaten me in online combat the guy's a f**king military genius." I can guess where you are planning to anti-up via your claim of being paid more than everyone else. Don't bother. You've been had.
Actually, looking back I had mentioned one of my daughters has killed enemy, but did not say "alone" nor how. Shouldn't have said anything. It is difficult restraining myself from bragging about her - and not just for military service. One has caused enemy casualties. One has not. One has repeatedly been in combat. One never was.
The inner personal bitterness in your messages runs deep and possibly dangerously so. I suspect I know your real story, but it is your's tell if you care to.
You can't really be this bad at reading comprehension. No way someone with about a 6th grade education would be. Quote me saying anything about woman in a defensive role in a FOB. We both know you can't and you are just lying now as usual. Again quote me saying that noone but infantry is involved in ground combat. We both know you can't and you are just lying now as usual. Again wrote me claiming any officer pay. We both know you can't and you are just lying now as usual. But tell you what look up the specialty pays of current 18 series MOS. That might give your dishonest troll self a clue. Just because you make up lies does not mean anyone will believe you and that is all you have done here. pretending that people say things that they never did is not only dishonest but shows just how weak type argument is. If you did have lies you would have zero comments on this topic.
No one with a clue believes any of type little appetites but please tell us more about your daughter black widow. Its entertaining like and crappie 80s action movie.
Is that why you are the only one in this thread having to resort to lies and claiming people said things we both know they never said.
You never have anything to say, document nothing, answer nothing, and by your messages it seems that you joined the forum for the purpose of furious trolling to deal with some deep personal bitterness you hope to spread around as your way of dealing with it. You have not shown anything I have lied about, though I have shown this of your messages. That you know little to nothing does not mean what you don't know doesn't exist or happen. That is very weak reasoning on your part.
You posts claiming people said things they never saidd are all the proof one needs that you are a dishonest troll. But it doesn't matter. You are good for a laugh. Why don't you tell us more about your friend wonderwoman and you daughter black widow
Internal clues of your messages indicate an apparent bad luck that is truly unfortunate. Raging and self pity will only make the approaching transition more difficult.