Read more at Total synthesis of a chromosome. we can pretty much design a bio fuel chromosome by chromosome to fit our needs, or even a baby.
Gene sequencing tests at new low cost... Craig Venter's company in deal for whole exome tests at new low cost 22 Sept.`15 - A company formed by genome pioneer Craig Venter will offer clients of a South Africa-based insurance company whole exome sequencing - sequencing all protein-making genes in the human genome - at a price that marks yet another dramatic decline in the cost of gene sequencing, the two companies said on Tuesday.
I'm trying to figure out what the researchers actually accomplished in this study bcs scientists created the first yeast artificial chromosome(YACs) in 1983 and have moved on to bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) bcs bacterial artificial chromosomes are much more efficient and easier to maintain than yeast artificial chromosomes. The advantage of YACs is you could insert large genes into them, like genes as large as one million base pairs 1000kb whereas with other vectors like say plasmids you could only insert genes them with less than <10kb Also if the protein that resulted from the cloned gene had any post translational transcription factors they'd be present in the YAK because yeast are eukaryotes whereas they are not present in a plasmid bcs of their prokaryotic genome. However researches have moved on from YACs bcs BACS are much more efficient and easier to maintain in a medium than YACS and just like with YACS you can insert as many as one million base pairs, multiple genes, ec cetera
Scientists have figured out how to express Eukaryotic genes in prokaryotes by creating something called complementary DNA. Basically they axtract the gene of interest after post translational transcription factors have removed the introns from the dna, prokaryotes don't have the cellelular machinery to remove introns and after other post translational transcription factors like the poly A tail and 5 prime cap have been added to the gene. Then they insert it into a vector like a lambda phage and the vector infects a bacterial genome like E. coli and the eukaryotic gene can be expressed in the prokaryote.