oh stop the excuse, trump fail as potus, he constant spit out nonsense, downplay the issue, call it a win, and contradict with health expert, only a fool belief him. i see fact not excuse, the fact is US is #1 in covd, EU/SK/canada crush the curve, but we are in the league of brazil/russia in term of handling covid. its pretty much has to do failer in leadership
number 1 in covid case and death. health expert, go ask any infection diseases see what they said about trump inject bleach into body to counter covid
Nope. The US is 13th in the world in case numbers and 9th in the world in deaths. I don't need to ask an expert to know that injecting bleach into the body is a bad idea. However, Trump didn't TELL people to do that.
lol name 1 country has 126,000 death, over 2 million cases, and show me a credible link,? here let me provide you a link, since it seem you haven't check out the # of death in US for 2 month now https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdvegas1?" he recommend some UV into ppl body, i'm waiting on you to swallow a UV lamp . i guess he didn't say bleach but general disinfectant lol, like that really matter.
I AGREE with you that viruses have started in India in the past! However, your argument that viruses have started in India in the past is IRRELEVANT! So China has just been unlucky? There's NOTHING that China could have done to prevent it from happening after learning from its experience in 2002? Well it's a FACT that the pandemic started in China. What this article says is that the virus may not have ORIGINATED in China - that it was in other countries before it was in China. However, this is totally irrelevant, because the fact is that these traces of SARS-CoV-2 which have been found in sewage didn't turn into a pandemic! The SARS-CoV-2 from China DID! Ban? NO. Regulate? Absolutely! At least it should be considered if the risk was ever deemed to be high enough and this goes for pigs farms or ANY type of farm ANYWHERE in the world, not just China! So no double standards here! And I've not even said that wet markets in China should be banned! I've just said that they should at least be regulated, including banning certain dangerous animals such as bats. I've already sourced the risk about one thousand times using YOUR OWN SOURCE against you! THIS: "Based on what is known at this time, CDC believes that for people who have no contact with infected cats the risk of H7N2 infection is very low." https://www.cdc.gov/flu/other/flu-in-cats/h7n2-cat-faq.html Yes, Trump was holding them accountable for being in charge, but he didn't accuse them of killing people, which you have accused Trump of doing. The guy who made the findings said that the findings were "not scientific?" Surely you can't be serious!
lol so rather than look at the other parts which is 126k death and 3 million case, you cheery pick the only category that we are not #1, lol its like you got all F in every field except in one field got a C, and you are been proud of it lol, while other countries got A&Bs, and looking at how to improve the C category, you doing the opposite, no wonder we are failing to control this, trump probably thinking the same way as you. guess what EU already crush the curve, our curve is keep raising, those # will change in the upcoming days.
That's the only category which matters in determining the death toll. America has the 9th worst death toll.
lol sure, ill bet if its the other category make #9, you would said the same. failing every category, and you got a C and you proud of it lol. tell me if trump tell you inject UV light, you gonna do it too so yeaaa we only had 3million case and 130k death, but it doesn't matter. no wonder cov keep getting worst with that kind mind set.
See how easily the right lies and just makes up anything they want? The opinion of the OP suggests that we are all too ignorant to actually understand the article he's posting. Why would we ever wonder how Trump's base could be so gullible?
In addition, I had to add that if nobody else but myself has noticed, whenever a fake claim is made by a trump supporter and they're caught cold in their lies, they never respond, they never apologize, they never admit they were wrong. That's a sign of an emotionally weak, insecure and amoral person. And, I've just described Trump also.
Oh, that's right, he didn't come right out and fire Fauci for not sending gallons of Lysol to hospital kitchens to mix into the breakfast orange juice. That's next week
Re-read the last few posts. I'm being facetious btw. Just like your Dear Leader said he was being a day or so later.
I'm being facetious. OTOH Trump will fire anybody for any reason and it doesn't matter one bit what the optics are