Would you be in favor of leasing firearms instead of buying guns? I was looking at another thread about Biden's $200 gun tax (Biden to impose $200 Gun Tax) and the thought occurred to me. If you can lease an automobile why not firearms also? Would this be something you would support? Why/why not???
Doesn't matter - a lease still qualifies as a transfer, and is subject to any and all applicable laws.
Thats a waste of money, unless you have a planned event where you are absolutely going to use the gun and then turn it back in. But leasing a gun would probably never become lawful. Even if it became lawful, it would be a hassle. --You would still have to fill out all the paperwork as you would for purchasing a gun. --You would have to fill out all that paperwork for each different weapon you lease. --You would have to pay the taxes on each different weapon you lease. --The lease payments would be more than what you would pay just buying the weapon. --And you would still have to wait the specified time period before taking possession of the weapon.