There's a big, fat white tom in my neighborhood that's been coming into our house through the cat door, eating our cat food, pissing on our cabinets, and mauling one of our two spayed female cats. I don't know who owns this cat and neither do my immediate neighbors. I own a paintball pistol that I am sure would sting a bit and would leave a nice, bright, temporary, florescent orange coloration on this cat that might send a message to its owner if it has one. Use it or not? Would it be legal in your area? Even I, as nasty as I am, would not use a BB gun.
Absolutely, I'd probably do a lot worse. Anyone or thing that comes into my house uninvited is subject to a quick death by gunfire.
You could get into HUGE legal trouble shooting it with a paintball gun. Put out a large live trap for it and call the pound - but CALL AND ASK THEM FIRST. Tell them it is a feral cat and can you catch it? Then when you do, call them. Most people don't check the pound for a cat. Dog yes. Cat no.
Even with the cruelty factor aside, shooting an animal with a paintball gun is not the greatest of ideas. Would be a stupid thing to get fined and jailed over. Plus it's not very nice and don't do it.
Yeah,try to have some distance so it doesn't hurt it too much. I had a big old feral cat coming around and causing problems.Bought a .22 just for that occasion. Ended up whacking it in the head with a shovel as it was trying to kill the grandma cat. Then I put one in its head with the .22 I don't think things like that apply to your situation.
A .22 SHORT in a long barrel .22 rifle is virtually silent. Tape a diaper over the end and it is totally silent. Feral cats are a problem around here and I know a fella eliminates them that way. WHATEVER THE OPer does, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Don't be an idiot and talk to people about it.
Best and most Legal thing to do in any Jurisdiction is to use a "Humane type Trap" the type designed not to harm the Cat in any way, and then you can take it to an Animal Control center, It is Legal to trap any Animal you do not want in your home for safety reasons, Example, the danger of Rabies from animals not vaccinated, and other possible Infections, Indeed pose a great Danger.
Be careful with the pillow advice, although I do not know of any actual cases, you never know how BATFE might interpret such advice.
You should be shooting the cat's owners with a BB gun...not the cat. If the owners can't take care of this the humane society to have it picked up.
You ever call them ? Long wait, and IF they get there, the Incompetence, breaking your crockery, No, I prefer to do it Myself, better results. They often hurt the Cat too.
This problem can be solved without being cruel to an animal that can't help being what it is. Have you tried blocking the pet door? Your cats will let you know when they want in. If trying my best to be kind to animals whenever possible makes me a weak leftie so be it.
I had a Feral Cat get in My home once, he was a horror ! I threw a coat over him and threw him coat and caboodle out my front door ! I love My happy pet family and would not risk them, the Feral Cat was not harmed and never came back.
Uh, yeah, that is tough, Especially if you can't take care of that Cat's medical needs, Rabies vaccines etc.......
The BATF would interpret it as a silencer not something to do in the open, but then again shooting it general could be a real problem. There are a million laws and regulations.
How about leaving it a bowl of food outside along its' known path. If you see it, try speak kindly to it. There was a feral orange cat breaking into dog owners homes and eating dog food. I took to feeding it but, could never get closer than ten feet. I could call it announcing when food was being put out or Orange Kitty would race across my path to announce his presence. After some years he disappeared. By feeding Orange Kitty, he no longer antagonized my three cats and respected their territory. If he did cross it, he did it submissively. Moi r > g
Good chance you'll injure it with a paint ball gun. Why not just spray it with a hose or squirt gun? Cats hate that. Or have animal control trap it.
Or go buy a Red Ryder.That would just sting.Make sure you don't aim for the eyes. Pretty sure paintball would hurt more than Red Ryder. That doesn't sound like a really bad cat.
If you spray Ammonia around your home, most feral cats will stay away, they sell Cat be gone stuff at Lowe's and Home Despot....
Never let your cats outside They'll thank you in the end 9 lives it seems are not enough To from the modern world defend Your kitty sees your house as his He'll take good care of it for you You'll never see a mouse or bug And even snakes won't bother you
2 choices Shoot, Shovel, Shut up They make "doggie doors" that will stay locked unless activated by an RF tag on your pet's collar.
Yep, something like a Super Soaker will work. You are right, cats hate it. However, you want to do it so they don’t see you and associate you with getting soaked, else they just avoid you. You want to hit them with a stream coming out of the blue, making it a boundary or behavior situation. But, I do agree with getting animal control to handle it. Feral cats can be under nourished and carry parasites and disease. In my area there are a couple no kill cat shelters that will do it for free and find a home for it. Or, trap it yourself, no hard, and find a farm looking to add to it’s varmint patrol.
Every situation is different. A feral cat has been well behaved, coming around begging. Her ear is corner cut so we know she is spayed. So we feed her and let her drink from the pond, which she is fond of. She takes cover from rain and coyotes on the back porch. She hasn't been any problem, so she lives. Most any other cat would be gunshot dead.
Close your cat door for one. I'd use the bb gun. You're not going to kill a cat with a BB gun. I doubt you would even draw blood.