Right .. Like Obama, Clinton, Elon Musk .. and so on. If it wasn't Pot - what happened to your brain - whats your excuse ?
You smarter than me? Hmmm ... beat a 145 IQ with a master’s degree from an elite university and I’ll concede.
I already gave you proof of claim. So was your high school vehicle a Bentley or just a new Mercedes ? That you have a Master's degree, yet make such an uneducated and moronic post, is sad commentary on the academic institution you attended and is clear evidence (assuming you are not lying) that IQ score and intelligence are not well correlated. Obviously you did learn what logical fallacy was in your academic endeavor - this is not unusual however, the fact that you are a regular poster on this site and still do not know what logical fallacy is speaks volumes in relation to your academic aptitude.
Impressive, yet you still go by your impressions as a kid, 50 years ago, to guide your thinking on the refer madness issue. You certainly didn't learn how to grow & adapt as new information comes to light. There's a huge gap in your education.
Anyone who has to tell anonymous people on a message board how smart they clearly has low self-esteem and a chip on their shoulder. Same goes for anyone who has to tell others how tough they are or how much money they make, etc, etc. Talking ones self up is such a poor quality to have. Let's face it...we all waste so much time on a message board...we're all dumba$$es...hahaha
I have met all kinds of people who are "educated" .. often in tough areas such as Math and Science .. who are friggen idiots in relation to other issues (and sometimes not to bright in their chosen field). Regardless of the credentials one claims - committing a number of dumb logical fallacies in a short post does not inspire much confidence in ones claims of intellectual aptitude
Right. A degree never indicates common sense, the ability to be flexible and change when new information is brought to light, nor the ability to extrapolate when not all variables are known. On a forum like this, flaunting degrees is meaningless, as your intelligence shines or dulls based on your words.
Exactly. In addition - there are many different forms of intelligence. Everyone has different gifts. Some are gifted with an aptitude in Math or Science, some have an amazing ability to learn language, others are gifted in working with their hands or inventors. Some are gifted in politics - understanding people and how to manipulate. Can't tell you how many times I have encountered people who somehow rose within an organization due to their ability to project the appearance of competence (but are not) and how many times people who are actually competent but are not as savvy in relation to political skills are passed over. I have worked for numerous large well known multi national corporations (GE for example). This phenomenon is often the rule rather than the exception. When it comes to working in Gov't - good grief - it is the rule. Goes without saying in relation to politics I have a friend who brother is a nuclear physicist. If the subject is anything other than nuclear physics - they guy is an arrogant idiot and complete social retard. Knowledge in one area often does not translate into knowledge in other areas. So what if someone has a Ph.D in this or that. A Ph.D means that the person has a whole lot of knowledge in a little tiny, and often obscure area. Knowing the intricate details of the mating patterns of fruit flies does not make one an expert in ancient history.
” THIS PEOPLE HONOR ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM ME, TEACHING FOR DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. For laying aside the commandments of God, you hold the tradition of men…….Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep YOUR OWN TRADITION. ” —-The words Of ” Jesus” or Isa ibn Mary ( Jesus the son of Mary) as found in King James Bible’s Book Of Mark 7 : 7 – 9. This is my final input on this!
I just decided at age 24 to live without drugs or alcohol. I don’t think that’s anything to be ashamed of. Drugs have no appeal for me. I’m for the legalization of drugs, but with extremely stiff penalties for driving under the influence. Mandatory jail time for a first offense.
Intelligence quotient has nothing to do with intelligence? Really? Maybe it has nothing to do with common sense, but it does have some vague connection to intelligence.
I never suggested people who don't drink or smoke should be ashamed. As long as nobody is doing harm to others, nobody should feel ashamed about how they live their lives.
Let not the first drop touch thy lips - The commandment of Allah. doesn't say a thing about the second drop. Interpretation is key, like all scriptural dogma.
Again you prove your lack of academic intellect. I did not say Intelligence quotient had nothing to do with intelligence. If you want to be taken seriously as someone with academic intellect - then show some capacity for learning by learning what logical fallacy is and stop committing them on such a regular basis ... "Strawman in this case" In addition ... you were the one who brought out your academic credentials ... as if this somehow makes your initial comments and fallacious gibberish any less moronic .. now you are trying deflect from this equally moronic defense of your moronic initial comments by starting a debate about the validity of IQ testing ... and even in this you start out with a Strawman fallacy. How about you get some academic integrity and own up to the nonsensical nature of your initial comments without me having to dissect it piece by piece for you.
You mean, it wasn't?? ha ha I watched it long ago, while stoned on some Columbian Gold. Quite the hoot! Very entertaining in a comedic sort of way. Cannabis is like everything else in life, if you use it, do it in moderation. Moderation in all things. Makes you appreciate the buzz. I am fond of good Port, the aged sort. I limit myself to one bottle per year. If I could drink it everyday, it would not be as enjoyable. ha ha