Does anyone else have information . Is it a religion or a philosophy? What does the black and white circle mean ? What are the dual dots in the circle mean ? Why only black and white ?
I would say fundamentally, it's more of a philosophy than a religion, but some concepts can be interpreted as divine, so I guess it wouldn't be wrong to call it a religion. It'd be some sort of pantheism with some ancestral worship thrown in, basically like saints. Yin and yang represent in its metaphorical form two sides of a mountain, the dark and the light. When the sun moves, which side is dark and which is light moves. It's meant to represent the fact that both the bright and dark side are parts of the same mountain. The bright- and darkness are complements more than opposites. That is also what the dots represent, that brightness and darkness are two aspects of the same, carrying some aspects of each other with themselves. I guess they were trying to capture some ideas about opposites, like dark and bright, so they took black and white, they weren't trying to make a point about many shades of things interacting, so black and white was enough. Much of this kind of things is available on wikipedia.
It's seems like an Oracle in some ways . Or a magical sphere that simple says Plus / minus. Or pos / neg . Very simple yet unlimited value. It also resembles a % sign as its shape and colors are perfectly balanced and symmetric. Two dots on both sides. Like a 50/50 = the whole sum of 100%.
It's also been touted as good and evil, with the dots representing that good is not 100% and neither is evil. We all have the capacity for both.