this is one you dont see too often because its so obvious. Virtually every floor has massive squibs at which time rotation is retarded and it begins to drop vertically into its own foot print since its no longer a connected structure.
most of the footage out there is from the ground or 5 miles away in either case they hide what it actually looked like. advance to the 50:00 mark and then start watching .... the good stuff doesn't take very long.
Part of the good stuff (that caught my attention) is Chandler's opinion following his explanation of the physics involved, he says "there's a very strong stigma that has been placed on this to call it conspiracy theory". That's the point, immediately stop the discussion with name calling/labeling. What the NIST and Chandler have in common is that they are both describing a collapse theory, not a conspiracy theory.
Premeditated demolition of buildings full of people for profit and power is beyond evil. Terribly unsettling to know we are amidst that kind of evil and they not only were never caught but not even being looked for because they had their patsy's that took the fall.
Talk about evil, tell me if you can, other than the sheer number of dead, what is the difference between that and when the Nazis locked the doors to a synagogue and burned it down with all the people inside? That's what your point reminds me of. "Everything Hitler did was legal." - Martin Luther King Jr. Yes, evil has no limitations.
squibs happening while the building has already started collapsing? ... never seen that in a CD vid ... this must have been a special controlled demolition ... you know, the kind where they knew exactly where to place the charges (the impact zone) .. does thermite produce squibs? ...
what you really mean to ask is: do thermite 'cutters' produce squibs? big time. the professional thermate cutters slice through pretty much any thickness of steel in a few milliseconds and there is a large pressure burst but not at the velocity of HE.
Never get bogged down in a discussion about the details of cavalry tactics with a man who thinks he's Napoleon. You both end up looking crazy.
Wow, great photo, though I suppose we've seen variations on that for years now. Those explosions and squibs appear to be coming from the same floors that Paul Bremer's offices were on, correct?
An investigation in the Legal sense of the word may not be necessary but in the Scientific sense it becomes more necessary. Because if it is so obvious then every engineering school should have been pointing that out since 2002. The 9/11 Affair is now a kind of social problem. psik
I was being sarcastic of course, because in other threads, some posters insist that there was no need to conduct a forensic airplane crash investigation of the alleged 4 crashed airplanes because in their opinion, what happened was OBVIOUS. Of course everything must and should have been forensically investigated, just like for any crime. They do that for the smallest crimes and any airplane crash that I ever heard of where parts are available but 9/11 was an exception???? Because someone thinks what happened was OBVIOUS???? From what planet does this mentality come from?
The weird thing to me is that it was OBVIOUS on 9/11, just watching those videos, that airliners could not make skyscrapers do that. So for the next two weeks almost the only thing I could think about was why what I supposedly "saw" remotely could not be true. It occurred to me that central to the issue was the distribution of mass in steel and concrete to hold the building up and make it withstand the wind. The first level had to support the weight of 109 levels above, no ifs, no ands, no buts. The same all of the way up the building with progressively decreasing levels to support. But after two weeks I figured it was so simple that it would be resolved in a few months. I did not start arguing with people about it on the Internet until after the NIST report came out. So now the situation is totally ridiculous. I have told people for years that the NIST report does not even specify the total amount of concrete in the towers but does forthe steel. I have been called a liar but no one has provided a number and specified where it is in the report. So this has affected what I think of society and most people. And especially our so called educational system. psik
Admittedly it took me about 3 years. The only suspicion I had was the way the twin towers came down. I didn't even know about WTC7 until 3 years later, that really woke me up. That and many other things sealed it for me. As the years go by I learn so much more that only adds to the atrocity(ies). Yeah it is but they're shooting themselves in the foot. All that attention to the 28 pages fuels 9/11 issues, more than the 28 pages themselves. That's always a good thing, keep pounding into people everything the US government hasn't told them and the sheer volume of what they're hiding. The more 9/11 is in the forefront, the more people are listening. That's the least of it. You mean NIST is hiding something? What a surprise! I can't blame you but who cares about those people? The educational system is what it is, US government issued and approved, the best indoctrination the US government can manufacture. What's really important is to stick to what you do best, it is extremely informative.
Then why does Chandler get the collapse time so wrong? He is not describing the event at all. - - - Updated - - - You're not allowed to tell the truth like that. They get all (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)y.
They™ must have used those new Hush-a-Boom noiseless, and explosiveless explosives. LOLOL I really have to question the sanity of anyone who claims this looks like controlled demolition: No 'booms'; no 'squibs', no instantaneous expulsion of material-the very idea is ridiculous.
Agree! ...Seriously what kind of Mass conspiracy is even plausible? How is video of planes crashing into the towers indisputable?? Seriously? ....anything other then what IS obvious is CRAZY talk!!!! [video=dailymotion;xkxrx][/video]
Agreed, controlled demolition is an idiotic hypothesis. It makes no sense in real terms as it was impractical, implausible, irrational, illogical and highly unnecessary for the reasons stated by 9/11 truth.