Yes it is granted, because it happens, that Leaders will have unto themselves their own revenge and their own vengeance. Yes it is granted because it happens... But for Leaders to put innocent soldier's lives in danger by sending them into non combative, non dangerous territories is asking for trouble. Leaders send their armies into the territories from where the enemies are coming out from, not into the territories that have nothing to do with vengeance or revenge. Placing the lives of the soldiers as well as the innocent civilians who are being unnecessarily attacked is going to raise some many concerns. Bad leadership call .... Here is an example. Let us say that enemies have entered into this city from another State. They have come in and have caused a ruckus and damages. Although this city did nothing wrong, this city retaliates by sending their own soldiers. They send them to that State as well as all the surrounding States around it. Yet all the other surrounding States may not have had anything to do with the original State. And so they begin to wonder why they are being attacked. Here is a clearer example... The Middle East is not PRO homosexuality.. Rather they are against homosexuality. Yet with the rise of same gender marriages, the LGBT community has swarmed their way into those Middle Eastern Countries. They have demanded fair and equal treatment and fair and equal representation. But the Middle Eastern Countries said 'NO'!! They said they want to keep their Country their Country and they said they want to keep their Country the way it has been for Centuries and Centuries. They are saying, Please do not keep sending the ACLU after us... But the ACLU and human rights activists are swarming in there claiming unfair and inhumane Diplomacy to their own Citizens. And they have given up because ACLU has proven stronger than their Government. So, let's say they send retaliatiions.. They send their anti-LGBT persons into those Countries from which they have swarmed in from. And those anti LGBT persons are causing the same amount of ruckus as the ACLU and LGBT persons have in those Middle Eastern Countries. This is a form of retaliation. But the problem arises when certain places that did NOT send any ACLU or LGBT persons begin to be treated as if they have. Anti LGBT persons are in places where there was not a high number of LGBT and that place becomes a trodding ground for the anti LGBT people looking high and low for LGBT persons, yet they are not finding as much as they have in other places.. This is a bad call on the part of the Leader to have not known which places to send the anti-LGBT persons. And so some might cry out, 'Murder and hate crime'. And yes.. It is... But unfortunately we have not seen or do we know what sorts of 'murder and hate crimes' the ones that swarmed in their countries have caused.
Personal sexuality is a personal matter.. Entering into someone else's home to partake of those personal matters is disrespectful and often times very sickening.. I definitely WOULD NOT appreciate a bunch of strangers swarming into my family's home and using my family's home for a sexual orgy.. My family's home is not an International Hotel that is stayed 'free of charge'. Please keep in mind how 'seriously' The Arab World takes their culture. It was because of the mockings that Charlie Hebdo partook in with their disrespectful caricatures of The Prophet Muhammad that the attack in Paris France occurred... And from this attack came the increase of attacks in many various places. I am not saying that it is the Arab World that is doing the attacking still. They may have at one point but many persons may have just joined in on attacking without having any affiliation to Islam just because they found it 'fun'. We don't have to go too far to see this occurring. The Nationalists versus the Ordinary in Virginia. The Trump supporters against the non Trump supporters.. The Confederates against the Unions. The Law against the Individuals.. The Police against the Civilians. The Lawyers against the President. The Women against The Men. The Traditionalists against the Modernists. The State against The Church. The Constitutionalists against the Modernists. You don't have to be a part of Islam to be a terrorist in some way. And to think that President Bashar al-Assad has been in Office 3 years above his 14 year Maximum... jeesh.. You want to help Europe stop their 'terror' wars?? Start by having Syria follow their Constitution by getting the 3 year Over Time President out of Office. Or would that be infringing upon his rights to remain Unconstitutional? I believe that all Countries and Persons who aids a person or Country that is being Unconstitutional is contributing to Lawlessness rather than Lawfulness. But Leaders of Nations and Countries are probably WELL aware of this.. Let Leaders do their Jobs and let Citizens and Neighbors and Families do theirs. Middle Eastern Culture puts high regards on their Children's welfare and Safety in Islam Ways and ways towards their 'Salvation' in Allah. Tampering with their Children's 'salvation' is like telling them their Children should go to 'HELL'... I just pray they get to understand more about the Noble Qur'an than what the rest of the world is being given about it. The 'rest of the world' is being taught and shown that Islam and The Noble Qur'an is about 'forcing' and 'demanding' and 'punching' even towards those who are called Christians and Jews and 'believers'. And if they truly do Love their Children, then such adult lifestyles would be the furthest thing they would want their Children to be as far as their 'salvation' is concerned. How can they stop all this madness? Start keeping to their Constitution and having speedy sentencing towards those that do 'evil'. Ecclesiastes 8:11 "Whenever a sentence for a crime is not carried out swiftly, the human mind becomes determined to commit evil." -ISV "For because sentence is not speedily pronounced against the evil, the children of men commit evils without any fear." Douay-Rheims Bible