You may be a progressive if:

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by montra, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    You might be a progressive if:

    1. You are a Republican and think that corporate welfare, tax cuts, and wars abroad equals capitalism.

    2. You are a democrat and think the only way to balance a budget is to raise taxes, cut corporate welfare, and get out of wars abroad.....while you support other democrats fighting wars abroad, voting for Bush tax cuts, and relying on corporate welfare to keep corporate money coming in for their next election.

    3. You think in these terms: "If it moves, tax it, if it stops moving, subsidize it, and if it keeps moving regulate it".

    4. You think that people need to have fewer kids but those same kids need to pay for your social security and health benefits.

    5. You think that treating all people equally, regardless of race, is racist.

    6. You would rather ride a bike to work than drive an evil carbon burning SUV but would jump at the chance to take a plane to Hawaii that burns a years worth of SUV carbon emissions in just one flight.

    7. You spend the majority of your time trying to convince other people that a border fence simply won't work, and then drive back to your home in a gated community.

    8. You totally hate haters, and wish they would all just die.

    9. You think that Dick Cheney was right, deficits don't really matter, even though you may hate the guy and think he is really Satan.

    10. You were proud when President Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize and agreed with Obama that Libya was not really a war and that the war in Afghanistan needed to be escalated.

    11. You were proud when President Obama won a transparency award from the media, especially considering how he handled Obamacare.

    12. You support the OWS agenda to "bring down corporations" that taxypayer money can be given to them once again because they are too big to fail.

    13. You are a globalist and think that America should not have all the wealth in the world and should share a vast majority of it, but you become angry when American jobs go over seas.

    14. You believe public education is the single most critical key to the nations future and that there is no room for God or morality to be taught in schools and is secondary, but can't understand why children keep shooting up class rooms and why children seem to be doing worse every year on proficiency exams.

    15. You think that right wingers are all a bunch of fascists and need to be silenced.

    16. You think that the Tea Party is run by a bunch of extremists because they wish to balance budgets, but really think their real motive is racism because they oppose Obama as president.

    17. You think that abortion should be generally frowned upon, but would kill to see someone have the right to one, especially if they are children and have no parental consent.

    18. You think that marriage is an obsolete religious institution.....except when it comes to homosexuals.

    19. You think biggie sodas, Happy Meals, and public smoking should be outlawed but see no problem with gay sex even though gay males account for over half the STD's and AIDS cases in the US and even though they only account for only about 5% of the population.

    20. The only thing about Libertarianism and the freedom it offers to you that you like is the idea of free pot!!

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