all it takes to stop traffic is a sackful of nails and some sticks. The shot-up cars will pile up and you wont be able get around them with anything but a motorcycle or a mountain bicycle, off-road. So your BOL better not be much more than a night's walk away from your normal AO better have a well concealed spiderhole at your BOL, so you can be out of sight as you dig the horizontal place to wait for darkness (every day). Best have a bit of food and gear buried there, and a lot more food in 35 gallon drums. pre-positioned to move to some pre-buried, but empty drums. this is perfectly feasible to do, by walking alongside a bicycle to which you have strapped the drum.
You're right in a lot of ways, especially if you get trapped in the big cities and/or along interstates or major highways. Lots of choke points. A bike or motorcycle is better to have around. Still with a bike, unless you're in good shape, you're going to have a hard time going much beyond 40 to 50 miles in a day and you can only carry so much on it. Still it will get you beyond the hordes. With a motorcycle you can as far as your gas will take you. You'll have to cache gas plus preserve it. An out of the way, locked storage unit, might be the ticket with a secondary vehicle. The looters will likely overlook them for a few days, but if they're electricity dependant geeting in and out could be problematic.