8current, former service members to sue military, alleging rape, sexual assault and h

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Traditionalist, Mar 7, 2012.

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  1. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    Sexual assaults in the military are up about 11% as are suicides...all bad things.

    The military is addressing the issue...a DoD directive issued in January 2012
    regarding the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program.


    In 97% of sexual assaults in the military, the victim knew the person at least casually...and most involved lower ranking young people.

    I can't think of any institution that is as proactive as the military has been regarding this issue. The first DoD policy briefing I can personally recall on this topic goes back to 1986 shortly after my commissioning...I'm sure there were policies issued prior to that; probably going back to 1980 as more females joined the ranks. Sexual assaults and harrassment have never been condoned or excused.

    The thread has become a joke...

    "20 year old data"

    You're a joke dude...

    You won't read the directive...you'll just sit in your momma's basement and post more garbage.

    Yes sexual assaults have increased in the military, and the response has been a proactive approach to deal with it.

    My hope is the mods close this thread soon...the discourse has devolved into sophomoric retorts.

    Given your modus operandi, I already know your response... "January 2012, that's 2 months ago, I have the most up to date statistics"

    Give it a rest.
  2. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I was asked for the reference I had given for college rape statistics. Since I had recently made 2 different posts about the same subject, with 2 different references and statistics, I provided the poster both references.

    Sheesh, are you always this irrational? You seem to go out of your way to absolutely attack anything you do not like, without understanding anything that is discussed.

    And BTW, the DoD only gets the basic report, that is what their statistics are compiled from. How many reports were made. Period. Not the investigations, or the results of the investigations. If you have 100 reports made, and 99 are thrown out as baseless accusations and 1 is convicted as a rape, the DoD statistics are going to show 100 reports of sexual abuse, and that there was only 1 conviction.

    This is what you do not seem to grasp. And if 100 reports are made and all 100 are Restricted, then of course you are then going to see a statistic of 100 cases of sexual assault, and 0 of convictions (the miliary can't conduct an investication on a Restricted report, it is forbidden from doing so under law).

    This is one way in which these are horribly skewed. Over half the reports are restricted, so nothing legally can be done to the offender. It is as if the woman went to a civilian rape crisis center, and not the police. Since there is no police report, and no investigation, of course the perp will never be caught and convicted.

    You can spin this however you like, I do not care. Truth is truth, facts are facts. Just because you do not like the facts, does not mean they are not true.

    Just as you do not seem to understand that the military statistics cover much more then rape. But you seem to keep trying to insist over and over again that it is only rape.
  3. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    You did not even read the end notes,another fail on your part. Here is what you are stating as fact for starters "1 in 4 female college students will be raped before graduation." when the actual piece you are taking your figures from says this.

    It is estimated that almost 25 percent of college
    women have been victims of rape or attempted rape since
    the age of 14.

    Estimated and since the age of 14. Also the reference is from 1987 and 2000. Your research is so bad I really do not know why you bother. All you did was go to the end of the pdf and see when it was published,very slack.
  4. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I was not the one who posted up 20 year old data herk,that was you. :no:
  5. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    and they are both out of date. One is 15 years old and the other is an estimate from a report in 1987 and 2000,so they are 25 years old and 12 years old. Seems you cannot argue with up to date figures.
  6. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I have gone on a posting blitz here this morning, as a way of trying to get this to the magic number of 50 pages. Then it can be closed and hopefully never return unless people are willing to look at the problem logically and without all the irrationality.

    I almost wish we had a forum to discuss things like this as adults, instead of a place for people who hate the military to come and vomit whatever nonsense they feel like emitting.
  7. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    If it were men and not women being predominately sexually assaulted and raped in the military, would you guys possibly be at all moved... even less than an inch? I mean, it's YOUR VERY OWN GENDER committing these crimes, and all you guys can do here is piffle around mindlessly with your 1% and down-playing the issue.

    YOUR VERY OWN GENDER... and here you guys are going yeah, well, so... it's only 1% or less than 1%.

    Men raping women in the military... then we get military men on a political forum going yeah, well, it's only 1%

    Would you guys respond and feel the same if it were women perpetrators commiting crimes upon YOU AND YOUR GENDER in the military? Would it possibly mean more to you then?

    What a culture. Dismissive. Arrogant. While those of your very own gender commit crimes on those that are mostly women working right alongside them.

    But a man here tells me there are bigger fish to fry. And just as well that it's not his gender that is predominately on the receiving end of this form of abuse! Then perhaps it MAY be the big fish to fry right there.

    I despair of the attitude of some of you. So clinical. And cold. But it's not your gender on the receiving end of this form of abuse. So wax on. With the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) and disregard of how some of those from your gender abuse women in the military. Be proud. Men and the military always frying the BIG fish. Never mind about being blind. And that you don't care a toss to address what those of your own gender do to women in the military.

    What a revolting culture. And what a revolting attitude from some of you.
  8. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    That's exactly what it is...
    it's anti-military sentiment wrapped in fake concern.
  9. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And if you notice, that is the report I choose not to include, I only mentioned it later on to show how I could have gone if I wanted to be alarmist and bring to the table hyper-inflated numbers to the board.

    But I did not, I used a reference which included a much lower and more reasonable number, 1.7-3%.

    You do not understand sarcasm very well, do you?

    However, this shows something between what some of us are bringing to the table, and how well we look at what we post.

    I search for "college rape", and discarded several statistics, because I thought they were way to high. I did not agree with the reporting datum used, and found one that was much more accurate I thought. You said it was to old. So more as a joke then anything else, I brought up a newer one with a frighteningly high statistic, and you once again yell and scream.

    You say they are not referenced? Yes, they were. You then look again, and see they were indeed referenced, but you claim that the data is out of date.

    Personally, I disagree with the way it was compiled, but that is besides the point. Every time you claim I did not provide references, I did. When you say they were not referenced themselves, they were. You are only rejecting to reject, not even looking at what was initially said until it was pointed out to you.

    You are one of the most reactionary individuals I have ever met here. You react and scream and yell out of reflex, not even bothering to engage the brain before the fingers. You throw out random bits of information, that have little to nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Then you scream that everybody else is wrong.

    Tell you what, next I am going to go into a in-depth discussion of COBOL, and the operation of 1st generation 8086/8088 hardware. Then I will invite you in and you can start to scream at how I am wrong and do not know what I am talking about.

    Then I will invite you to join me in a discussion on early GL 1000/1100 engines, and you can do the same thing there.

    (looks up, wondering if we have hit 50 pages yet)

  10. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    You have included it in many posts mushroom,seems you cannot keep track of what you are posting. The claims that you supposedly posted with link were out of date for starters by decades and you even quoted it incorrectly. So much for your research.Pretty poor.
  11. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Oh please do not give me that crap.

    You do not know me, you do not know my background. You do not know my beliefs.

    That is one of the absolutely most sexist and degrading posts I have read in PF in a long time. "Oh, it does not happen to you, so you do not care".

    Excuse me as I call complete and total bull(*)(*)(*)(*) on you there. And do you honestly think that women never commit rapes or sexual assaults? Or that only women are victims?

    Talk about some gross stereotyping. Disgusting.
  12. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Nobody said "It's only 1%"

    I said 1% is not rampant...

    Spare me the "it's not men, so you don't care" bull(*)(*)(*)(*)...

    It's the fact that the situation is not what you try to present it as that garners the response you've received...




    you seem to have a problem has already said that it is serious, because SA always is...

    Yet you continue to claim that we don't care at all, or that we don't care because it's women, and that is outright horse(*)(*)(*)(*), and you know it...

    For (*)(*)(*)(*)ing once, put your emotions aside and simply look at the facts of the matter...

    1% is not rampant, no matter what the subject is...

    Hell, I think around 1% of the world's population still suffers from polio...

    Would you call that rampant, or a pandemic?

    No, because that would not be rational...

    You would simply look at the fact that a vaccination program is in effect, and, while it can't completely eradicate polio yet, the program is there and something is being done...

    Same thing here...

    Around 1% (if you use the estimate as your base comparison figure) of people (not just women, by the way) are assaulted annually...

    3200-ish are ones that are actually reported...

    The 19K is an estimate, based on the idea that 80-90% of SA's aren't reported...

    The military has programs in place to assist with the problem (See, problem) of SA, but, it can't be eliminated with a program...

    People that will commit rape still exist...

    But, to claim that it is rampant in the military, that it is more likely to happen in the military than in the civilian sector, or that the military does nothing about it is outright bull(*)(*)(*)(*), and, by this point, you definitely know it...

    Maybe you should try more honest posting in the future, if you're capable, that is...
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    As I said before, Horhey Jr.

    If you do not like what something says, you simply reject it. You are willing to accept all kinds of 20 year old data and information in one thread, but reject it in another. Not because they are old or not old, but because you do not agree with them.

    How about if I bring up military sexual assault sata from the same era, so we can compare them side by side? Would that be fair?

    No, of course not. Still old and out of date.

    How about newer statistics?


    That references information from 2007. No, to old still?


    Oh that one is absolutely wonderful. 60% of college men claim they might do a rape, or use force in some instances. Gotta absolutely love that one!

    But wait, it refers right back to an earlier one that you also rejected.

    So I guess that we have no rape in colleges, and that it is not a problem.

    Of course, I would absolutely love to see some newer numbers on college rapes. How about we inflict the same military reporting system on all the colleges in the nation?

    All students go though quarterly "Sexual Assault Awareness Classes".

    We have a 5 minute discussion with all students every Friday before they are released from class.

    We have a national reporting system, and compile statistics of every sexual assault and rape on every college campus.

    I would absolutely love to see that done. Not only would it bring the statistics down to a much lower level I would hope, but it would show what a problem we have.

    {50 pages yet?)

  14. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Rape is rife in the US military.

    Rape in the US military: America's dirty little secret

    A female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire

    Rape within the US military has become so widespread that it is estimated that a female soldier in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire. So great is the issue that a group of veterans are suing the Pentagon to force reform. The lawsuit, which includes three men and 25 women (the suit initially involved 17 plaintiffs but grew to 28 ) who claim to have been subjected to sexual assaults while serving in the armed forces, blames former defence secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates for a culture of punishment against the women and men who report sex crimes and a failure to prosecute the offenders.
    Military rape: Military rape

    Since the lawsuit became public in February, 400 more have come forward, contacting attorney Susan Burke who is leading the case.


    Unfortunately, this mind-set is consistent with the Pentagon's very poor record of prosecuting sexual assault and rape within the ranks while at the same time disregarding and further victimizing those who report these heinous crimes. To put these cases in perspective, there were 2,947 reports of sexual assaults in the military in 2006, an increase in reports of 24% over 2005. However, very few of these cases tend to be prosecuted. A Pentagon report [PDF] in March 2007 found that more than half of the investigations dating back to 2004 resulted in no action. When action was taken, only one third of the cases resulted in courts-martial.

    Indeed, in many cases, the military seems more intent on intimidating and harassing the victims than investigating and prosecuting the charges. In 2004, after Lt. Jennifer Dyer reported being raped by a fellow officer at Camp Shelby, Miss., she said she was held in seclusion for three days, read her Miranda rights and threatened with criminal prosecution for filing a false report. After finally being given two weeks leave, she was threatened with prosecution for being AWOL when she would not report for duty to the same location where the man she had accused — who was later acquitted on assault charges — was still posted.


    PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — The Department of Defense estimates that more than 19,000 military men and women were sexually assaulted by fellow troops in 2010 while serving in the United States armed forces.

    Through interviews with rape survivors and military officials, "The Invisible War" suggests that it's not just the violence and harassment that traumatizes victims but the absence of impartial justice and personal retaliation they often experience after reporting the incident.

    "If they investigate it, and the investigator comes back and says, 'I've got a slam-dunk case. I can put this serial perpetrator behind bars,' the commander can, on his or her own, decide, 'No, we're not going to send this case to court martial,'" Dick said.

    A 2009 study shows that only 8 percent of military sex offenders are prosecuted.


    Rape rampant in US military


    Military RAPE: One in three women, one in four men


    In 2003, a survey of female veterans found that 30 percent said they were raped in the military. A 2004 study of veterans who were seeking help for post-traumatic stress disorder found that 71 percent of the women said they were sexually assaulted or raped while serving. And a 1995 study of female veterans of the Gulf and earlier wars, found that 90 percent had been sexually harassed.


    The Defense Department shows much lower numbers, but that is because it only counts reported rapes—and, as the DoD admits itself in this year's annual Pentagon report on military sexual assault, some 90 percent of rapes in the military are never reported at all.


    PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — The Department of Defense estimates that more than 19,000 military men and women were sexually assaulted by fellow troops in 2010 while serving in the United States armed forces.


    and the civilian figures from the Dept of Justice.

    There is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year.1

    U.S. Department of Justice. National Crime Victimization Survey. 2006-2010.


    So 207,000 sexual assault in the US civilian life with a population of 320 million and 19000 in the US military with just over 2 million members. So sexual assaults in the US military are higher than in US civilian life and by a lot.All my figures come from 2010.

    Epidemic is what Congress woman Jackie Speier calls sexual assault in the US military.


    The American military seem to have a history of raping women.

    There is no documentary evidence that mass rape was committed by Allied troops during the Pacific War. There are, however, numerous credible testimony accounts which allege that a large number of rapes were committed by US forces during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945.[2]:110–1

    Okinawan historian Oshiro Masayasu (former director of the Okinawa Prefectural Historical Archives) writes:

    Soon after the U.S. marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of American soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.[2]: 111

    According to Toshiyuki Tanaka, 76 cases of rape or rape-murder were reported during the first five years of the American occupation of Okinawa. However, this is probably not the true figure, as most cases went unreported.[2]:112

    Peter Schrijvers finds it remarkable that looking Asian was enough to be in danger of rape by American soldiers, as for example happened to some of the Korean comfort women that the Japanese had by force brought to the island.[3] Schrijvers writes that "many women" were brutally violated with "not even the least mercy".[3]

    Marching south, men of the 4th Marines passed a group of some 10 American soldiers bunched together in a tight circle next to the road. They were 'quite animated,' noted a corporal who assumed they were playing a game of craps. 'Then as we passed them,' said the shocked marine, 'I could see they were taking turns raping an oriental woman. I was furious, but our outfit kept marching by as though nothing unusual was going on.'[3]

    In 1998 the remains of three U.S. Marines stationed on Okinawa were discovered outside of a local village. Accounts from elderly Okinawans claim that the 3 marines had made frequent trips to the village to rape the women that lived there, but were ambushed and killed by dozens of villagers with the help of 2 armed Japanese soldiers who were hiding in the jungle, in a dark narrow mountain pass near a river on one of their return trips. "The Japanese soldiers shot at the marines from the bushes and several dozen villagers beat them to death with sticks and stones."[1] According to the same article, one academic claims that "rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 either know or have heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war."[1]

    One estimate for the three-month period of the Okinawa campaign exceeds 10,000 rapes of Japanese women by American soldiers.[3]

    According to George Feifer the majority of the likely thousands of rapes were committed in the north, where the campaign was easier and the American troops were not as exhausted as in the south.[4] According to Feifer especially troops landed for occupation duty committed rapes.[4]

  15. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Rape in the Vietnam war.

    Nobody Gets Off the Bus:
    The Viet Nam Generation Big Book
    Volume 5 Number 1-4
    March 1994

    Texts made available by the Sixties Project, are generally copyrighted by the Author or by Viet Nam Generation, Inc., all rights reserved. These texts may be used, printed, and archived in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of U.S. Copyright law. These texts may not be archived, printed, or redistributed in any form for a fee, without the consent of the copyright holder. This notice must accompany any redistribution of the text. A few of the texts we publish are in the public domain. For information on a specific text, contact Kalí Tal. The Sixties Project, sponsored by Viet Nam Generation Inc. and the Institute of Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, is dedicated to using electronic resources to provide routes of collaboration and make available primary and secondary sources for researchers, students, teachers, writers and librarians interested in the 1960s.
    State Rape: Representations of Rape in Viet Nam
    Karen Stuhldreher, Political Science Department, University of Washington, Seattle

    The act of raping women is largely understood to be an inevitable consequence of war. As General George S. Patton predicted during World War II, "there would unquestionably be some raping."1 Rape and the mutilation of women's bodies are evidently part of the usual military fare in war. During the Vietnam war, rape was in fact an all too common occurrence, often described by GIs as SOP--standard operating procedure.2 "That's an everyday affair... you can nail just about everybody on that--at least once," offered a squad leader in the 34d Platoon of Charlie Company when questioned by a reporter about the rape that occurred at My Lai.3 Another GI, Joe Galbally, when testifying for the Winter Soldier Investigation, concluded his report about a specific incident of gang rape by American soldiers by saying, "This wasn't just one incident; this was the first one I can remember. I know of 10 or 15 such incidents at least." Galbally was in Vietnam for one year, from 1967-1968.


    Rape and murder in Iraq war by US military.

    The Mahmudiyah killings and gang-rape of a 14-year-old girl by U.S. troops occurred on March 12, 2006, in a house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Five United States Army soldiers of the 502nd Infantry Regiment were charged with the crimes: (i) Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, (ii) Spc. James P. Barker, (iii) Pfc. Jesse V. Spielman, (iv) Pfc. Brian L. Howard and (v) Pfc. Steven D. Green (whom the army discharged before the crime's discovery). Abeer Qasim Hamza, 14, was raped and murdered, after her family was murdered: her mother, Fakhriyah Taha Muhsin, 34; father, Qasim Hamza Raheem, 45; and six-year-old sister Hadeel Qasim Hamza.[1] Spielman and Green have been convicted and three others have pled guilty.[2]


    More rape,torture etc by US military in Iraq.

    Beginning in 2004, human rights violations in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture,[1][2][3] reports of rape,[1][2] sodomy,[3] and homicide[4] of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq (also known as Baghdad Correctional Facility) came to public attention. These acts were committed by military police personnel of the United States Army together with additional US governmental agencies.[5]


    US soldier rapes girl in South Korea.

    (CNN) -- A South Korean court sentenced a U.S. soldier to 10 years in prison for raping an 18-year-old South Korean girl in September, court officials said Tuesday.

    The Uijeongbu District Court handed down the sentence Tuesday, about a month after the rape occurred in the area of Dongducheon, where the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division is based.

    The private, identified by the U.S. Army as Pfc. Kevin Lee Flippin, will be required to complete 80 hours of education on sexual violence, and his personal record will be available to the public for the next 10 years, according to South Korea's Yonhap News Agency.

    Flippin broke into the teenager's home and raped her numerous times in a "sadistic" fashion, the court said as part of its ruling statement, according to Yonhap.


    and another one.

    SEOUL – South Korean police charged a U.S. soldier Tuesday with rape and larceny for allegedly attacking a 17-year-old South Korean girl in her residence on Sept. 17, following a night of drinking in Seoul.

    Pvt. Kevin Robinson, 21, who is stationed at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan, was transferred to South Korean custody upon his arrest, according to a member of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

    While not confirming the soldier’s name, U.S. 8th Army spokesman Col. Andrew Mutter said the suspect was transferred to the custody of South Korean authorities, and they have “complete control of investigation, prosecution and punishment of the servicemember.”

    According to South Korean police, Robinson was introduced to the girl by a friend while they were drinking on the night of Sept. 16 in the popular entertainment district of Hongdae. Around 4:15 a.m on Sept. 17, he accompanied the girl to her go(*)(*)(*)(*)el, or dormitory-style boarding house. He left, but returned around 5:45 a.m, at which time the police say he raped her when she was too drunk to resist and stole her laptop worth 1 million won, or approximately $887, police said.

    Robinson has claimed he and the girl had consensual sexual relations, but not intercourse, police said. However, physical evidence recovered at the scene confirmed that she had intercourse, police said. In addition, they said, closed-circuit television footage showed Robinson leaving her residence with a laptop.


    PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — The Department of Defense estimates that more than 19,000 military men and women were sexually assaulted by fellow troops in 2010 while serving in the United States armed forces.


    19,000 sexual assaults in the US military in 2010 with a force of 1.5 million. Now compare that to the British military with a force of 227,000 and reported rapes for 2007-2009(3 years) being 76 which is bad enough and some people are claiming that there is not a problem with rape in the US military.

  16. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Again, posting the same (*)(*)(*)(*)...

    As if it's goona establish something new...

    PS... 50 pages now...
  17. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    I have a niece in the Army...

    I actually encouraged her to pursue that career, I would not have done so if I thought I was leading her into a pack of wolves.

    Lots has changed since Tailhook, the military culture had a paradigm shift back then...and the machismo mystique, in terms of inappropriate comments and harrassment towards females in the ranks is not tolerated. I had no issues at all with her choosing military service in terms of her safety within the ranks. She has more to be wary of on any college campus.
  18. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    All of these posters talking about these big, scary, military rape monsters have no clue what they're talking about...

    But, that doesn't stop them, I guess...
  19. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Gotta love those statistics that are all over the map. So tell me, what is it? 1%? 30%? 71%? You all give us one statistic that shows less then 1%, then vomit up more that show that most of the women are sexually assaulted.

    This is why I love this thread, and am having the time of my life. Junior here keeps vomiting up gigantic volumes from all kinds of questionable sources (come on, al-Jazeera?), and no matter how far away from each other they are, all to him are 100% correct.

    He then blasts me in another thread for referencing Wikipedia, then does it himself multiple times in another thread.

    Consistancy, consistancy, consistancy. If you are going to blast me for useing Wikipedia as a reference, you had better not ever do it yourself, that is showing yourself to be full of coprolite.

    If you are going to make a referenced post, use references. Don't just fill a page of random and conflicting statements and statistics, and expect to be taken seriously.

    And just like Horhey, you flood a post with random information you found on the web, no matter what it actually says.

    But I thank you, you took us a lot closer to 50 pages.

  20. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Obviously not up to your standard using fake quotes and years old data. I mean how can we expect to compete with your crap research?
  21. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    More pathetic bull(*)(*)(*)(*)...

    50 pages...

    Let's shut this nonsense down...
  22. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Pretty much says it all really. The US military has a serious problem with rapes and sexual assaults. It has a long history of rapes actually from Japan.Vietnam,South Korea and China US troops have raped their way around the world.
  23. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Too bad we didn't have contests to kill civilians, or rape as many as possible, with it being sponsored by the government...

    See The Rape of Nanking...

    Then, find anything we've done that can compare to that...

    Shame some posters are too cowardly to respond, so they put people on the ignore list...
  24. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Oh, but they are! Have you not read the statistics the others have posted here.

    71% of women are raped or sexually assaulted.

    That is almost 3 in 4 women. Are you saying that is wrong, and not what you experienced when you were in uniform?

    You obviously are condoning and striving to continue the culture of rape in the military.
  25. The Third Man

    The Third Man Banned

    Feb 28, 2012
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    It is a pity that the US military has not done more to change what is clearly a disgraceful problem. Not only is there a history of rapes committed by members of the US military but it is still increasing to this day.
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