The Silent War Against The White Race.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    There's that word again, "superior". Nobody is talking about superiority. Every race has their weaknesses and strengths. Clearly Asians have shown that they are hardworking, studious, and law-abiding. Even when things like affirmative action disproportionately affects them in hiring and in education. They should be celebrated for doing so well.

    I highly doubt this. The amount of murders and violent crime that Asians commit on a yearly basis is ridiculously small.. disproportionately small relative to their population size. Seems disingenuous to try and slander them as a group just to make blacks and Hispanics look better.
  2. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    The expectation is that you should stop your racist ways. And stop saying/posting racist things.

    If you are afraid of crime, then the proper thing to say is "I don't want to live in a high crime neighborhood." In NYC, we have black neighborhoods that are high in crime. We also have black neighborhoods that are highly affluent and low in crime. So to say, as a blanket statement, that you don't want to live next to black people, is indeed racist. It's sort of sad that I have to tell you this--this seems fairly obvious to most people.

    Progressive or not, it's true. The fact that whites are dominant in our society, is a fact. If you have difficulty with facts, then that's your problem.
  3. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    You can call it "racist" all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. I don't want to live around black people as a group because of the higher likelihood of crime, which has become almost synonymous with black areas. That's not to say that there aren't many blacks who do not commit crime. The truth is there are just too many who don't fall into that category for me to want to take a chance around them. You're free to do so. It's like what I said the other day about the coincidence that liberals always seem to be the victims of Islamic extremists. If there has to be a group that gets victimized over and over again until the rest of the country "gets it", I'd much prefer it to be liberals.

    Whites are dominant, so what? They along with Asians have been dominant throughout most of modern history. Where is it written, except in your Marxist sociological narrative, that having a white majority is a bad thing and that every other race has to attain equal results or else it's just not fair? Who's dominant in Africa? Who's dominant in South America? Who's dominant in China? Why is it white countries, and only white countries, where this supposed racial imbalance is "unfair"?
  4. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Maybe you missed th part about how I singled Cambodians out. Well, there is another group that has gang problems, it's the Hmongs. Ethnically, they might as well be Cambodians, but they got run out of Vietnam after the Commies took over, and got ethnically cleansed on out of Vietnam just like the Kmehr Rouge did to capitalist the Cambodians.

    You can't seperate the coorelation between poverty and demographic differences.
  5. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    from your own wiki source;

    The United States National Library of Medicine often used the term "Caucasian" as a race in the past. However, it later discontinued such usage in favor of the more narrow geographical term "European",

    read your sources in future, dont remain lazy.

    proportionately europeans make up a minority in the world yet they have murdered more people in the last 500 years than the whole world put together, why is this.

    ww1 and 2 - 80 million

    atlantic so called trade- 18 million

    russian war - 5 million

    napoleans war - 3 million

    afghan -1.5 million

    vietnam -2 million

    Iraq -1 million

    Congo belgian - 10 million

    jewish holocaust -3 million

    soviet famine - 5 million

    genocide of native americans -100 million

    Armenia -1 million


    What we have here is literally unrivaled, the only other people who come near are china and they are way below europeans in terms of body count. Also china has a massive population, twice the size of europe. The question is, why does europe have twice the body count of china?

    Aside from the main question which was, why do europeans kill the most people when they are but a tiny fraction of the global population?

    Riddle me this!
  6. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    I'm calling it racist, because it is, and I'm calling you racist because you are. It's not personal. I'm trying to teach you the right way, but you don't seem to be very good at listening.

    Instead of saying you don't want to live next to black people, the correct thing to say is that you don't want to live in a high crime neighborhood. Thus, you can still make your point, without introducing race into the equation. After all, if you live in a low crime neighborhood, your chances of being a victim of crime is very low. It doesn't matter what color the neighbors are.

    As for the reason why the liberals are "victimized", its cause the terrorists want to attack important institutions of American power. And it turns out, all of the important institutions are in urban areas. And urban areas are liberal. Nobody is going to attack some small southern conservative town--cause there's nothing there. It would be like attacking the desert.

    Whoa buddy, you are getting way ahead of yourself. Firstly, Asians are not dominant in this society. They may do better on exams and make more money, but in terms of political power, they have none. Secondly, I never said that whites being dominant was a bad thing. I was merely making a statement of fact. Whites are dominant. This is a fact. And as such, they should not be treated in the same manner as other ethnicity groups, because they hold a very different position in society. These are all facts, and are perfectly logical.

    I never said that other ethnicity groups "need" to attain equal results. Not sure where you get that from.

    Obviously, if you're in China, the chinese are dominant. But if you're concerned about that, maybe you should take it up with the Chinese. I'm discussing America here. Try to stick with the topic of discussion.
  7. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I can show that poverty is not a strong indicator in crime statistics, and I already did that earlier. If it was really that easy, then the poorest states would all be the most violent, and they are not.

    Take forcible rape, for example. Blacks commit 30-40% of all forcible rapes that occur. Disproportionately high, considering the demographic that commits these rapes is only 3% of the US population (black male teens-late 20's, typically). Now what does forcible rape have to do with poverty? I can understand a poor person stealing or robbing someone, but why would they rape somebody?

    Poverty is a real easy answer for the guilty to throw out there (coincidentally it also helps in their arguments to redistribute more wealth), but it's not an honest attempt to understand the problem. It's just a useful excuse.
  8. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    [video=youtube;rUpH8h6JNEM] e&v=rUpH8h6JNEM[/video]
  9. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    The United States National Library of Medicine is not every anthropologist and scientist like you claimed.

    None of your numbers are sourced. Please provide valid sources for your arguments. Otherwise, I don't know from what orifice you pulled them.
  10. donquixote99

    donquixote99 New Member

    Jun 5, 2013
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    There's nothing immoral about you wanting anything whatsoever. Churchs believe in thoughtcrime, but i don't.

    What may be immoral is what you do to try to arrange to get what you want. For example, you may go around telling others that black people are "more likely to cause harm to me, my family, and my community, than other races." Believing this can cause people to be suspicious of and unfriendly towards black people for no good reason.
  11. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    Now this is a fact. But why would you harp on this? You know that most blacks don't commit rape and don't want to be associated with the rapists, which have nothing to do with them. Lets pretend that I'm black. And pretend that I'm a neurosurgeon. I worked my butt off all my life to become a neurosurgeon, and now I'm very good at what I do. I make $600,000 a year, and live very well in a very nice neighborhood. And now you come along and say "I don't want to live next to you because your kind has a tendency to rape people."

    Do you see why that's kinda messed up? Do you see how stupid you look when you say things like that?

    So why do you continuing saying such things? Are you just dense? Or do you really hate black people?
  12. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Why on Earth would I look to someone like you to teach the right way, on anything? You're no authority. Just a guy with an opinion. One I disagree with. Now that we dealt your delusions of grandeur, we can move on.

    I know, statistically, that living in a white or Asia area means there is less likelihood of violent crime occurring. Therefore, in my concern over crime, it would behoove me to live amongst those people, instead of among blacks or Hispanics. The latter two groups exhibit characteristics that decrease the likelihood that they will make good neighbors, at least when compared to the alternative.

    I think the deluded faith that liberals have in certain minority groups has something to do with it. If someone sincerely believes that Muslims pose no more danger than someone else, they might not be able to pick up on certain warning signs that others might pick up on. This misplaced trust is used against them with deadly results. The same goes for "tolerant" whites who are pressured into feeling safe in certain neighborhoods. When they become victims, sometimes they really should have known better.

    Your argument is that white racism is worse because whites have more power. Truth is, anti-white racism is the majority in this country, when you factor in that many whites think the same way you do, and would be more willing to enforce anti-white race policies than anything even remotely anti-minority.
  13. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    I know how to not get accused of being racist--something that you clearly suck at.

    That's completely illogical. Why would you use race as a surrogate for neighborhood crime, when you can easily look up the neighborhood crime rate? You don't need to use race to "guess" which neighborhoods are high or low in crime. You can just look up the crime rates yourself and move to a neighborhood with low crime. You are infusing race into a situation, which does not require it. Why would you do that?

    Think of it as a scale. Right now, the scale is tipped way in the white's favor. Anti-white racism tips the scale to make it a little bit more equal. Anti-black racism tips it in the other direction. So firstly, I disagree that there's more anti-white racism than anti-black. But even if that were the case, it would actually tip the scale so it's a bit more equal. This is better than anti-black racism which makes the scale more unequal.
  14. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    The medical field is not a scientific one??
    ok brucie, is the medicine not working?

    I dont care what you think about europeans killing at least 300 million ppl over the last 500 years, twice as much as the rest of the world might iadd.
    All that matters is that the figures are out there and anybody who has the stomach to digest these shocking numbers is facing reality and reality hurts sometimes.

    Can anybody explain for me why europeans have this appetite?

    Is this why hollywood is saturated with vampire movies atm, are they suggesting something, something unspoken, something so wrong that nobody dare utter a word??
  15. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    world wars 1 and 2 100 million
    native americans 100 million

    These are rough figures. Why do they kill at such a ferocious rate?

    Any psychotherapists out there?
  16. Molke

    Molke Banned

    May 11, 2013
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    Distinct correlation between IQ and senseless random acts of violence. Black IQ average 85 with 23% testing at IQ 75 and lower. Sadly, our welfare systems encourages the breeding of the worst specimens. Head Start programs do not raise IQ. Mother Nature involved.

    Horrendous crimes are being committed against Whites. Intolerable numbers.
    Please take the time to google "Black on White Crime" and "The Color of Crime".
    All data from federal sources.

    Now the hard part. What, if anything can be done about the problem?
    (I've advocated a Black Authority that would take over their territories
    cull and cut until every feral removed. Every female on birth control

    To achieve any substantial changes the system must meltdown. Be
    getting nasty within two years. Be patient.
    Pollycy and (deleted member) like this.
  17. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Races do have differences, so science is racist?

    Fact is most definitions base the term racism on the belief of inferiority or superiority, nobody here says that. Its an idiotic Marxist position to say its racist to notice any difference at all.
  18. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Or it could be a good reason. Crime statistics.
  19. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I never said all blacks fall into these crime patterns. Let me know when you're done with that strawman.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm sure you're very proud of that. I'm sure your like-minded progressive friends don't even question why you live in a white neighborhood instead of living in the ghetto to be a part of the "struggle".

    If I know it's a predominantly black area, I think looking up the crime rate would be a redundant activity. I'll just look elsewhere.

    More Marxist "equal results" drivel. Yes, let's as progressives discriminate against whites while at the same time claiming to oppose racism. Makes perfect sense.
  20. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    No sources, then? Figures. There's a rule against throwing out "facts" and not supporting them. Please consult a moderator.
  21. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Richard Lynn's studies on racial IQ differences in the 1970s, which concluded that African Americans had an average IQ of 85, are not relevant now as his research was done in the 1970s, reflecting dismal social conditions at the time. A recent study (Dickens 2006) found that blacks gained 4 to 7 IQ points between 1972 and 2002 and black school children had an IQ of 90.5 in 2002.
  22. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    you said you don't want to live next to all blacks. So to you, any black person is a potential criminal, and thus you don't want to live near them. You said it.

    i actually live in a mixed neighborhood. I live near projects with black people, but the crime is low. As a racist, however, you probably don't even think that's possible.

    that's cause you're a racist. If you weren't so racist, you'd understand that there are many black neighborhoods around the country that have low crime. For me, it's more about the type of people I live near and the jobs they have. I'd much rather live next to a black doctor, than an unemployed white man. The type of job you have is much more important than the color of your skin.

    When we speak of racism, we're talking about anti-minority racism. Whites are the dominant group. Thus, they do not need to be protected, as minorities do.
  23. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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  24. godisnotreal

    godisnotreal Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2010
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    except im not white

    of course you assumed im white, cause you're a racist, LOL.
  25. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I don't think the graphic assumes you are white, but now a few more things make sense.
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