If evolution is true, then obviously "Jesus" is not real.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by FreedomSeeker, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    If evolution is true then Adam and Eve is a lie, and Jesus believed in Adam and Eve in the Bible, so Jesus was not really divine, as well as if Adam and Eve are not true then there was no "original sin" for Jesus' death to atone for so then the Bible is a big lie.

    This is why Christians/Muslims try to deny the fact of evolution, since deep down they know that if evolution is true that their whole life has been one big lie.

    Do you believe in evolution, and therefore can't believe in "Jesus"?
  2. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Evolution isn't true. At best it's extrapolation with artistic renderings.

    But true? Not at all.

    This is going to be fun.
  3. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Evolution isn't true. At best it's extrapolation with artistic renderings.
    Not sure how you came up with that. Jesus is divine.
    Again, not sure how you came up with this. Adam made the original sin.
    That "religion of peace" is a fairy tale created by Muhammad. Christianity is created
    by God.
    Evolution is a fairy tale. Jesus isn't.

    Here's a question for you, and science must answer this. Do you believe in the
    fairy tale of Abiogenesis?

    Please don't use the usual dodge that science doesn't know. all the answers. That
    dog won't hunt, we're going to use your rules for the existience of Christianity. Either
    explain how Abiogenesis works or concede. This is one of those put up or shut up

    If you can, but you can't, explain Abiogenesis then you get to tell us how the

    expansion happened (I hope you know what the expansion is without a Google search)
    without any reasonable source of heat flow, some say transfer, and without any cooler
    matter to move to.

    I'll really love to hear that.
  4. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I think fossils must be, uh, er, a plot by the "Devil" to fool us into rejecting the one true lord and savior Jesus Christ! The Devil is always out to get us I tell you!

    Radiometric dating? Yep, that sneaky Devil! I believe in imaginary people, and not proven science!

    Clear patterning of rock layers, that jibe with other independent data, showing correct time sequencing? Boy let me tell you, whooo son(!), that Devil is one tricky little bugger!

    Hundreds of years of independent confirmation by scientists that the earth is older than the Bible/Quran say it is? JUST LIKE 9/11 IT'S A PLOT I TELL YOU!

    What if the Hindu scripture says the world is a different number of years old than the bible does? THEY got it wrong, but Jesus got it RIGHT! And I believe that because I was born into a CHRISTIAN family!

    [I enjoy acting out what it's like to be delusional....kinda fun every once in a while.]
  5. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Can we at least agree that if, repeat if, evolution were true (and you aren't saying it's true by answering "yes" to this) then that would mean that Jesus being divine was a lie? This is a hypothetical, since you believe evolution is false, and I respect your right to believe that. But if it were true (humor me), would that not logically show that Jesus was not divine (Adam and Eve would be false, and Original Sin would not have taken place the way the bible said.) I'll admit that if, repeat if, Adam and Eve was indeed true that I'd better stop making anti-Jesus post right away! But what about you (to my question)?

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    For the bible to be false, I DON'T have to know/prove every question that is not yet fully understood by science. This is the year 2014, not 3014.....we'll know way way more then, and religion will likely not really exist then, as science will be so incredibly advanced.
  6. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Not sure how you came up with the idea that jesus was divine. And no, old books aren't evidence of anything, else every old book full of wild claims must be evidence of other things (ie, not your god/jesus). Jesus was a character in a book of myths ... of whom no one alive today knows the first thing, even whether he actually existed. And since no one human being since that time has been able do magic, we must assume the stories were made up.

    You missed the point of the exercise. If evolution is true, there was no Adam. It might surprise you to know, but MANY Christians believe evolution is true. They are the ones the OP addresses.

    So a jewish man who can't die and lives in the sky with a monster god named Yahweh, who is also himself, and can do magic (but only when no one is looking) and walk on water and knows everything that will ever happen (yet not anything beyond about 2000 years ago, oddly) and invisibly watches people masturbate ... THAT seems more likely to you than thoroughly researched and tested theory that simians evolved from a common ancestor over an incredibly long period of time?
  7. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    No. You receive no quarter. You've made your bed so sleep in it.

    Answer the questions put before you or concede that your philosophy is dead.

    How did Abiogenesis come about? In other words how did lifeless chemicals produce

    Please tell us how the expansion began without any matter available to transfer heat.

    Until you sufficiently answer these questions you have no right to ask me anything.

    Deal with it. Or better, put up or shut up.
  8. Prunepicker

    Prunepicker Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2014
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    Answer the questions put before you or concede that your philosophy is dead.
    Science not knowing the answers isn't good enough because we're playing by
    your rules.

    How did Abiogenesis come about? In other words how did lifeless chemicals produce

    Please tell us how the expansion began without any matter available to transfer heat.

    Until you sufficiently answer these questions you have no right to ask me anything.

    Deal with it. Or better, put up or shut up.
  9. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    I assume this:

    So a jewish man who can't die and lives in the sky with a monster god named Yahweh, who is also himself, and can do magic (but only when no one is looking) and walk on water and knows everything that will ever happen (yet not anything beyond about 2000 years ago, oddly) and invisibly watches people masturbate ... THAT seems more likely to you than thoroughly researched and tested theory that simians evolved from a common ancestor over an incredibly long period of time?

    is the bit you didn't like.

    FreedomSeeker likes this.
  10. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I knew you wouldn't answer his question.

    But you conflate abiogenesis with evolution. Not surprising.

    Abiogenesis is an hypothesis. there is a lot of science going with some interesting advancements, like creating cell precursors from fratty acids, and "plastic" cells that absorb energy and replicate, and the like. the jury is out on whether abiogenesis or biogenesis is the origin.

    Neither should be dimissed at this point. For instance, it may be entirely possible that bacteria could have arrived on earth hitching a ride on a comet, the source of much of the water on earth today.

    Evolution is a scientific theory. In the literally tens of thousands of experiments that have been conducted, the results are all consistent with the theories predictions.

    As for expansion, your question demonstrates ignorance of what Big Bang cosmology.
    Why would the "transfer of heat thru matter" be necessary for initial expansion to begin?

    Now, why don't you answer that question? I have a pretty damn good idea why you will continue to evade and deflect, but we can all hope you can at some point deal with it honestly.
  11. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I'm going to convert to Christianity because it does all the thinking for me!
  12. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Science explains 95% of it all (and that figure is growing every decade), but Jesus and his magic explain basically 0% (and don't dare grow at all). I'll go with the 95%, which is well on it's way to 100%.
  13. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    What makes you think that Muslims deny evolution or the earth sciences about geology and/or tectonic plates??? Have you been to see any of the science and technology museums in the Arab world?
  14. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I believe in humanity so much that I believe that probably, most likely, your great great great great great grandchild will find the answer, through science. Do you think that your progeny will be talented enough to do something great like that? I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crank View Post
    Not sure how you came up... blah blah blah

    That's the funniest "quote" I've ever seen on this forum.
    You gotta admire Prune's spunk! If we could harness it, bottle it, we could do what Jesus steadfastly refuses to do and solve the world energy crisis!
  15. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Who says religions are not consistent! Religious people are so consistent that they NEVER EVER answer hard questions.....to inconvenient.
  16. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    We are seeing the weakness of religion right before our eyes. Too bad Jesus can't/won't help religious people out in these debates (maybe he's not real.)

    By the way, evolution is a fact now, not a theory (that is becoming more and more true every year.)

    Evolution is a fact, but Jesus is a theory.
  17. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    From the god known as "wiki":
    The Qur'an and hadith give same account of the creation of Adam and Eve. Synthesizing the Qur'an with Sunni hadith can produce the following account. According to the Qur'an, when God informed the angels that he was going to put a successor on Earth, they questioned whether the human would cause blood shed and damage, but He told them that He knew what they did not.[4] He created Adam from clay and He breathed life into him. Hadith add that he was named Adam after the clay he was made out of, or the skin (adim) of the earth.[5]

    So yes, Muslims are as delusional as Christians/Jews/Hindus.
  18. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Do you claim that all Muslims believe that literally? They don't... judging from the exhibits in their science and technology centers.
  19. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    My first prayer to Jesus!
    "Jesus, please intervene and help your followers out to answer simple questions that they always steadfastly refuse to answer, so that you and they don't look like such fools - seeing how you're all-knowing and all that, Amen."

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    The Qur'an is not supposed to not be taken literally, since they claim there's a copy in Paradise. They can put whatever they want in their centers, but it doesn't make Adam and Eve in the Qur'an true! If they have that in their centers then it gives even more proof that Mohammad was a conman and the Qur'an is a lie.
  20. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    He is just saying that what science-people call, "abiogenesis," is the same thing as the Bible defines "Spontaneous Generation."
  21. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Religious people are happy/content with Jesus et al describing it as, basically, "magic", whereas Modern Secular Humanists have higher standards than that and demand that it be explained SCIENTIFICALLY. It would be great if religious people raised their standards (from magic to scientific proof.)
    If one is going to have faith, it's better to have faith in science than faith in magic.
  22. Dingo

    Dingo New Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Well I believe in evolution but I'm aware there are a lot of levels at which you can follow Jesus, say as a great teacher.

    I think there is a certain point at which hammering folks for being less than scientific is kind of pointless. People are inclined to believe what they want to believe and perhaps we evolved a tendency toward certain belief biases. If you think about it, what is more congenial, believing that we evolved from Adam and Eve whom God created or believing that we are part of an ancestral tree that makes us cousin to a cockroach?
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I personally believe in a Creator composed of fundamental energy who learned and in a sense "evolved" over infinite time previous to the most recent Big Bang event of 13.72 billion years or so ago.

    Eventually...… the Ancient of Days the Father and the Ancient of Days the Mother (The Holy Spirit) got into the production of reality films with deep psychological and spiritual meaning.

    The creation of Lucifer and Adam and Lilith and Eve are meant to teach the more "aristorcratic" life forms to be more humble...… and empathetic toward others.

    Evolution and creationism can actually both be true.

  24. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    The TRUTH is more important than comfort. Adam/Eve is a lie, meant to control people.

    "People are inclined to believe what they want to believe".....if they believe in false doctrines like Nazism or the Abrahamic faiths then people of reason have a duty to show them a far far better way.

    They are free to follow Jesus as a philosopher, but I want them to admit that he's a liar because he's clearly not divine. So he's at BEST a liar who was indeed a pretty good philosopher. But why not follow great philosophers who weren't also liars? Modern Secular Humanism wants to raise our standards. Jesus is a character in what is provably a fairy tale.

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    Can we both agree that Jesus did indeed say a number of very good things, but was also a blatant liar (being the son of god and surviving his own death and all)?
  25. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    13.72 billion years.....to bad Jesus was too stupid to realize the age of the universe, unlike you. That number never appears in the bible because it's only about as true as a Mother Goose story. You are smarter than the #1 role model of 2.1 billion people, how does that make you feel? I believe in your intelligence more than Jesus'. You are more of a role model to me than Jesus is.

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    The Bible traces Jesus' lineage back to Adam, so 13.72 billion and 6000-10000 years are COMPLETELY inconsistent, so the Bible is dead wrong....or YOU are wrong about the 13.72 billion years....which one is wrong, you or the Bible/Jesus? Which is it?
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