Russia’s newest Su-30 multirole jets and Su-24 bombers practiced attack runs on NATO

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Destroyer of illusions, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Now for a little reality check. Russia began to build up its Pacific and Mediterranean fleet two years ago. The Mediterranean fleet like its Black Sea fleet is going to be controlled from Sevastopol, this is why the US wanted to kick the Russian naval base out of Crimea, and this is why Russia would not allow it. To have done otherwise would have made Russia and its pipelines vulnerable to the Sunni terrorists... exactly what the US wanted. As one Russian General said at the beginning of the war in Syria; 'it's a matter of our survival'.

    Anyway Russian technology is top notch and even today Nasa reported that without Russia its space station is not operable. It also costs Russia about one third the amount of money to produce top quality subs, jets, etc., than the US because it doesn't need to import anything. It has both the brains and the natural products to be completely self sufficient. Whatever parts were imported before, will now be manufactured in Russia.

    Anyway, Russia has now allotted tens of billions this year to modernize and increase its navy, so from one year to the next makes a big difference. Two years ago it didn't have a fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean, and now it does and growing. Let's not forget it took America only a few months to change from making cars and domestic products, into producing one liberty ship a day.
  2. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    If the ship was in the Black Sea more than the days allotted by treaty, then it's a deliberate provocation, and an act of war on the part of Washington. In that case you're right. :oldman:
  3. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    The thing is this assumes any Russian attack would be both successful and without losses. I suspect any attack would see a local response not expected by our fine friends from the Kremlin. Also remember that we have air bases in Turkey. Any sign of an attack could result in a heavy CAP presence over whatever ships were in involved.
  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Putin doesn't have the guts
  5. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Dear Jeannette DEAR :blowkiss:

    You forgot Russia's global expansion of naval bases. Argentina for one with a nuclear deal too.
    Some others along our hemisphere I don't remember as well. But, associated with oil - gas exploration and development.

    Add to that the upcoming Chinese military bases to defend their canal in Nicaragua and

    What Monroe Doctrine ? :rant:
    The Old World Will Not Militarize in the New World.

    And. y'know - I bet the Latins are pleased as punch over their BRICS options.
    The West's IMF nations will be thread bare remembrances like post WW2 England by 2030? 2040? 2050?
    Don't worry about Moi, I was born in 1948.
    You youngin' "don't get it". No home ownership for you. More and more struggle to stay even. Imagine steadily increasing pressure on a docile population and you have Metropolis (1927). Or, and listen to his address to the crowd - [video=youtube;PDY0BAe_qGQ][/video]
    be cheered by the song. Never representative by any government - okay. Don't go there. :smile:

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g

    No :flagcanada:
  6. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    I remember when that Russian Pilot defected to japan in a Mig 25 long ago. At the time that was the bogey man of Russian aircraft design. It was seen as faster, better armed, more maneuverable than anything we had. Once we got a real look at it we found it was rusting, had primitive electronics and leaked fuel...Fast flying junk. It had too short an operational range to be of much value except in defense.
  7. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    I cannot speak to this particular incident but the old Soviet Empire used to overfly our ships with regularity. We generally found it a nice diversion from normal activities and never really worried about the events as the aircraft either had a Navy fighter on its butt or a variety of missiles on the target. To the best of my knowledge no one is ever 'evacuated' for anything as routine as a Russian overflight. We enjoy them too much.
  8. BoDiddly

    BoDiddly Member

    Jan 13, 2015
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    It wasn't just the American armed forces keeping the Kremlins conventional forces at bay. It was the combined force of NATO which to this day remains the largest ground force.
  9. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Oh my God !
    Now I've got the Ronster on my case ! :icon_jawdrop:

    beam me Up Oba-tung !
    These hairless violent monkeys are getting on my nerves
    & I need a little R & R on the mother ship :omg:

    We should never have given them an Opposing Thumb *

    Bad mistake ! - now the whole experiment is about to go
    .......................................................... down the Pooper .

  10. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    When Clinton and Albright went against Russia's vote in the Security Council and entered the civil war in Kosovo under a pretense of genocide, (which has never been proven), and when Clinton bombed Belgrade in a seventy eight day blitz killing thousands of civilians, Putin knew then that Washington could never be trusted. That was when he decided to rebuild Russia's military defenses. It was a matter of survival for Russia.

    This distrust was proven again when the US gave assurances that Ghadafy, who had trade agreements with Russia, would not be harmed. Once a liar, always a we are seeing with Washington. Russia knows its survival is at stake, so don't doubt they have information on every American weapon...where it is and what it is.

  11. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Those poor Russians, they didn't know what they were in for.

    So Moi, I didn't know you were a 'Red'? This should interest you. She is the head of the communist party in Germany and what a speaker. Boy does she blast Merkel:


    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I concur, when the U.S. Army doubted they could defeat the Soviet Union in Europe they were talking about NATO in general.

    Note: France dropped out of NATO in 1966 and didn't rejoin NATO until 43 years later.
    But as we all know, " going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. " :roflol:

    Not surprising that between 1975 to 1981 the German Army was the most combat capable military force in Europe not the U.S. Army.
    The German's always had the best equipment and were well trained, high morale and back during the 1970's most of their flag officers were combat vets of WW ll and their NCO corps were trained by German WW ll combat vets.

    During the Cold War it was believed that the Soviets would use the same tactics they used during WW ll, large frontal attacks where they heavily outnumbered their enemy and would use large artillery barrages followed with a large armored assault. The Soviets tactics was to drive deep into the enemy lines and keep advancing not giving the enemy time to regroup.

    Manuver warfare is nothing new, it's been around for almost 200 years. It's where a smaller force uses maneuver warfare to attack a larger force on their flanks and cause all kinds of disruption behind the enemy front lines.

    Today I doubt Russia's army would use WW ll tactics but also would resort to using maneuver warfare. But who knows ? But you have to remember, Russia has ten million young men of military age who are itching to pick up an AK-74 and fight for mother Russia. A ten million man army could use the Soviets tactics used during WW ll.
  13. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Violent Monkeys -:roll: - poke a Bear in the eye & then mock him
    just what is the Human definition of the word Stupidity Monstar ?

  14. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Such tactics also resulted in millions upon millions of Russian dead. And let's not pretend your "brave young men are itching to fight for mother Russia". It would be the same today as it was in WW2. The senior military personnel would create the rear line while the millions of fresh conscripts would be told to charge then enemy, many times with less then a single magazine of ammunition, and if anyone didn't charge or tried to run back, the rear line (who had plenty of ammunition for this very reason) would freak go kill them. It's one of the main reasons you won Stalingrad. Not your great "motherland patriotism". Just the barbarity if your leaders. Putin is no different then Stalin and will use similar tactics. Only this time, it won't be you attacking a nation fighting on two fronts, you WILL BE the nation being attacked on 2 fronts. How many generations did the Russians lose in ww2? It will seem small on comparison to how many they will lose, soon.
  15. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There's one problem with Europe today, the men are not motivated, and that is the most important thing when it comes to winning battles. This is the reason the Ukrainian army has always been defeated, and this is why the freedom fighters who have seen their homes destroyed and their children killed have won every battle they fought.

    But how can the Europeans be motivated when they know that they are being lied to by Washington, and when they have been pressured into sanctions and suffered because of them, while the US has not? By Europe I exclude Poland and Lithuania, with their dreams of restoring their empire.

    Russia has a professional army today of around two hundred and fifty thousand men. I'm sure though it has at least a million reserves. Other than the jet in the video which awed everyone at the air show, it also has its Armada tank. It took five years to be developed and here it is:


    The Russian people know Washington is trying to destroy the Russian economy in order to hurt the Russian people. They will be fighting for their survival so there is no way they can be defeated. They know well who their enemy is..

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    The Soviet soldier was led into combat with political officers behind them with pistols drawn to shoot any soldier who didn't advance.

    The Soviet soldier wasn't a good soldier in combat compared to the American, British or German soldiers. The only time the German army was ever defeated on the battlefield was when they were superiorly outnumbered. Didn't matter if it was the Soviets, Brits or Americans they were facing.

    The U.S. Army War College uses a scale to grade all of the worlds soldiers. All soldiers are compared to the British soldier who's given a score of 5.

    During WW ll the U.S. Army infantryman was rated at a 5, equal to the British soldier. The German soldier was rated at 5.3 the highest of any basic soldier during WW ll. The Soviet soldier was rated at 3.6 if I remember correctly.

    This didn't include elite fighting forces like British Royal Marines commandoes, U.S. Army Rangers or U.S. Marines. These are elite fighting forces and were not included but were graded separately from the average infantryman.

    The U.S. War College still uses the same scale today and both the British and American soldier receives a 5.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    I concur. Morale is one of the most important things to determine if you prevail on the battlefield.

    What surprised so many in the military community in Afghanistan was what in hell happened to the German soldier !!!

    They rarely went outside of the wire and were happy as clams just kicking back in camp eating sausages and drinking beer.

    Remeber when the frogs wanted a regime change in Libya and were able to get a few NATO countries to go along including Obama ? During the NATO air campaign, NATO ran out of bombs !!! :roflol: That's Putin who noticed that and is on the ground laughing.
  18. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Strange that you would mention tactics that is being used by Poroshenko today with the Ukrainian conscripts, and attribute them to the Soviet army in WWII when they had plenty of guns and ammunition....and motivation as well. They were being invaded remember?

    The only thing Russia might have lacked was food, because the crops were destroyed (and stolen) by the advancing German army. The people did starve in Saint Petersburg during the blockade because of that, and the only thing the US sent them in their lend lease was food.

    The Germans assumed the Soviets had five thousand tanks, and were shocked to find it was more like thirty five thousand. What Stalin did, was move the industries Eastwards...something that Putin did as well when the junta took over Kiev.
  19. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    First off. No they are not.

    Second off. Your revisionist history is pathetic. What I said is FACT. Denying it will only make you look like even more of a fool then you already have proven yourself to be.
    Trying to blame the "advancing German army" for the starvation of millions of your people is utterly pathetic. There was no food for the Germans to steal, because by order of Russia's leadership the Russian soldiers scorched earth everything behind them as they fled in terror before the German war machine. (Don't get me wrong, this was a brilliant tacit and aided in the eventual turn of the tide, I'm just pissed that you have the nerve to try and deny it).

    And third. Your right. Germany only thought Russia had 5,000 tanks, when in reality they had 35,00... BECAUSE THE US FREAKING BUILT YOU THE OTHR 30,000. Fact is the only reason the soviets turned back the German advance was because they were able to out produce them. Not only in the fresh conscripts the soviets threw into a literally meatgrinder by the millions, but also in military hardware particularly vehicles. However your "Stalin moved these factories eastward" is such utter bullcrap. It was in fact the opposite and Stalins stupidity almost cost him Russia. The only reason the soviets were able to out produce the Germans was because of the 100s of billions of dollars worth of supplies that they were given BY THE FREAKING US!!! The lend lease act provided the Soviets with billions upon billions of dollars worth of trucks, engines, motors, fuel, steel, iron, coal, lead, tires, tracks, ammunition, explosives, electronics, food, clothing, boots, bandages, medical supplies, weapons, the list just keeps freaking going. Refusal to admit these FACTS is like trying to deny the holocaust (which I'm sure you probably do)
  20. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Bravo Lady !
    Too bad too few hear her today, even in the Parliament.

    Being anti Vietnam in 1964 did not make me a Red as some accused me then.
    Witnessing the anti justice applied by the West today likewise does not make me a Red.

    I do believe as the West applies the economic thumb screws ever harder on working folks while a few own more and more of the globe; a point of rebellion will occur. I don't wanna witness it.

    Moi :oldman:

    r > g
    German Standard of Success
    Ukraine, borrow money, please.

    No :flagcanada:
  21. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I can't help but feel that the genocide being committed by Poroshenko not only on the Donbas to ethnically cleanse it, but to his own conscripts as well since he is not arming and training them well, is a form of 'get rid of the poor' population control. The same in Syria with the genocidal terrorists.

    But then again didn't we do that with Vietnam, when college students were being excluded from the draft. Also Roe vs. Wade was a push to limit the black population which was growing too fast. I remember what was said and the fears quite well.

    Anyway don't worry about witnessing revolutions, worry about witnessing a nuclear war because I'm beginning to feel it's inevitable. Best to stay away from large cities. Our only hope is that Russia will fully develop it's cyber warfare. Maybe they'll be able to stop everything, before we're all dead. Notice, I don't expect such humanity from Washington. :roll:.

    Here's a little Dutch humor I think you'll enjoy:

  22. Pronin24

    Pronin24 New Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    However, today's Russian soldier is not like the former soviet soldier. It is so sad how many excellent German soldiers had been wasted by not so talented commander in chief Adolf Hitler. Nothing helped.
  23. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    tell that to crap Pat Tillaman

    & now you want to fight the people
    you're Government is supplying ?
    ....................................... ISIS the Boogy Man

    Whether by Plan or complete Incompetence ?
    .............. WTF is the matter with you People ?
  24. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    The ship had only been there 2 days, and the Russian jet conducted an Electronic Attack on the ship. Very dangerous and could have caused damage to the ship, its crew, and even as a result the SU24 jet!! Electronic Attack is as real as a conventional munition attack, and so Russia really needs to grow up and stop trying to cause accidents. Their proxies have already shot down a civilian airliner with this brazen policy of military posturing and unconventional warfare. Putin will be remembered for being a warmonger and criminal - when will Russia stand up to his lunacy. Hopefully before its too late for 'all' of us.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    During the Cold War era the Soviet army had a major problem on their hands, alcoholism, Soviet soldier consuming large quantities of vodka while on duty.
    When the Soviets were fighting their war in Afghanistan we heard stories of Soviet soldiers drinking the anti-freeze from the radiators of their vehicles to get drunk.
    When the Russians invaded Georgia in 2008 there were reports that the Russian soldiers were drunk.
    When you look at photos of the Russian soldiers you noticed glassy eyes.

    When I look at military photos I study them closely. If it's a ship, I look for rust. Looking at soldiers I observe how they are holding their weapons, is the trigger finger inside or outside of the trigger guard ? Looking at recent photos of Russian soldiers and the Ukrain conflict I noticed that the Russian soldiers eyes are clear and not glassy. Haven't heard any stories of drunken Russian soldiers that were common going back to the eastern front during WW ll.

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