What should the legal status of Palestinians be?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by TCassa89, Jul 21, 2019.


What should the legal status of Palestinians be

  1. They should be recognized as citizens of their own sovereign nation

  2. They should be recognized as citizens of Israel

    0 vote(s)
  3. They should not be recognized as citizens of Israel, nor their own sovereign country

  1. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    LOL I don't give a flying f*ck whether they would passionately agree or disagree with me. Jordan did not accept 1947 borders, started wars to redefine them. After those wars two sovereign UN members in good standing Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty and established mutually acceptable borders between Israel and Jordan, the peace agreement and the border were recognized by the UN and international law. The WB is a separate and unrelated entity. Period.

    If you have other questions regarding this matter, please ask google or Siri or Alexa, not me. And if you want to make a point, just go ahead and make it, no one here is going to do your research for you.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  2. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Again, it is not an Islamic lie, that map is from UN when they were establishing the creation of Israel. It wasn't created by Islamist, it was created by the UN, which is the same organization that created Israel, and again territory is not determined based on land that is inhabited, if it was then 47% of the US would not be considered a part of the US at all

    They only started holding elections after establishing an agreement with the Israel government. It's called the Gaza–Jericho Agreement, look it up. If Israel doesn't have control over them, then they wouldn't have had to get their permission to hold their own elections
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  3. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    The UN partition map is correct. the pre-partition Arab propaganda map that you posted depicting uninhibited Negev (40% of the territory on the map) as belonging to Arabs is lying Islamic propaganda.

    When the Arabs have their own elections and their own government, the claim made by your map that the land is owned by Israel is nothing but lying Islamic propaganda.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  4. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Prior to the 1967 war, the WB was part of Jordan - the Israeli-Jordanian border was the western limit of the WB.
    As per the 1994 peace treaty, the Israeli-Jordanian border moved, most relevantly, to the nominal center of the River Jordan.
    This means the WB sits with in the borders of Israel - and thus, belongs to Israel - as established by International law.

    Thus, your post:
    Has little to no basis in fact.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  5. Jimmy79

    Jimmy79 Banned

    Nov 28, 2014
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    If the Palestinians want their own state they should get it. With that said, until Palestinians show they can stop lobbing rockets at Israeli cities, they dont deserve their own state. Instead of Israel trying to keep the peace though, I think some Muslim nations need to step up and disarm Hamas and Hezbollah and secure the border region.
  6. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Once again, you keep bringing up that 40% of the map was uninhabited. Again, 47% of the United States today is uninhabited, territory is not determined by what areas are inhabited. Your argument that the map is an Islamic lie because parts of it were inhabited is ridiculous, the map doesn't suggest the area is 100% inhabited to begin with. Nothing about the map is a lie

    and as I said before, Palestine only started holding their own elections after they were granted permission from the Israeli government. This permission did not happen until the 1990s
  7. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    it depends, either a separate state or like the American Indians, they should be considered Americans and maybe given reservations they can call their own - that is how we handled our dispute with the Indians

    Israel wants to be a Jewish nation, so it may be hard for them to be a nation of religions freedom for all - not sure

    what we did is made it a crime for non-Indians to practice the Peyote religion
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  8. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Claims that uninhibited land that does not belong to Arabs and is not part of an Arab country is Arab land are bold-faced lies and Islamic propaganda.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2019
  9. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    Again, that is not Islamic propaganda, that is literally what the United Nations had established, before that the territory was one of Britain's colonies
  10. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Indeed, the UN gave Israel the uninhabited, uninhabitable, unsuitable for agriculture and not belonging to anyone or any country Negev desert (which constituted 60% of the Jewish partition).

    The arab claims which you're here regurgitating that Israel got Arab land during the partition are nothing but Islamic lies and propaganda.
  11. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    I'm sorry, what part of this map is inaccurate again?

  12. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    50% of the green area on the left-most map didn't belong to Arabs, it's Islamic lie and propaganda

    50% of the white area on the right-most map isn't owned by Israel. It's Islamic lie and propaganda.
  13. TOG 6

    TOG 6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Israel doesn't "Occupy" any of that land.
  14. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    There are several unfounded claims in various posts in this thread.

    1. Palestine was an Arab country
    2. Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine
    3. Israel was created by the UN
    4. Israel occupied territories destined to Palestinians by the UN

    I never understood how can some people believe something without a shadow of a shred of a proof.

    1. History tells us that the territory of Palestine had been an Ottoman province for 4 centuries. With the fall of the Ottoman empire at the end of WWI, Palestine became for a brief period a British colony, only to be divided into Western Palestine - where Israel and the territories claimed by Palestinians are, known today as simply Palestine - and Eastern Palestine as part of Transjordan, the gift the British gave the Hashemite tribe of the Arabian Peninsula for their help against the Ottomans (the Hashemite chiefs also received the thrones of Iraq and Syria, but couldn't keep those). About 30% of Palestine is today indeed part of an Arab country - Jordan - but before WWI all of Palestine belonged to the Ottomans. It was Turkish territory.

    Some of the posters here will surely reply that local Arabs were the owners of the land in Palestine. Not quite. The Ottoman state owned 80% of the land, while most of the rest belonged to absentee landlords, like the Sursock family in Lebanon (Greek Orthodox). Most Arabs in Palestine were tenants, not owners.

    Throughout its history, Palestine had been home to Druze, Kurds, Jews, Arameans, Turks, and Arabs. Of all those, only Jews have ever had a country on the territory of Palestine. Not Arabs.

    2. If a non-Jewish population indigenous to Palestine has been living on the same territory for centuries, they must have left traces in history. We'd expect mentions of this population in documents of other countries, or at least those countries that fought over Palestine - home countries of the Crusaders, Turkey, Egypt, Napoleon's France. We'd expect descriptions of this population in books written by travelers, archeologists, and historians. We'd expect to find Palestinian artifacts in archeological digs conducted by international teams in Gaza instead of Churches and Egyptian cities. In short, we'd expect evidence. Where is it?

    3. UN doesn't create countries. The legal basis for the creation of the modern state of Israel is the San Remo Treaty of 1920.

    4. The UN partition plan was never binding, only a General Assembly proposal that was never implemented. Israel didn't occupy Arab land, only land that was being abandoned by the colonial power, according to the principle of international law utis possidetis juris. Arabs, by the way, already received the bigger part of the British Mandate, including 30% of Palestine.

    Regarding the OP, I don't believe there's a possible solution to the conflict in the foreseeable future. Palestinian Arabs are not a nation. Giving them a state isn't going to make them one, as proved by the almost instant collapse of their shiny new autonomous territory into two distinct rival entities. Instead of one enemy, we now have two.

    Why didn't Palestinian Arabs, or the international community, ask for an independent Palestinian state in West Bank and Gaza while those territories were ruled by Jordan and Egypt? Why don't Palestinians, or the international community, ask Jordan to make painful sacrifices for the sake of their Palestinian brothers, giving them Eastern Palestine, which is on Jordanian territory?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
  15. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    The left map doesn't say anything about Arabs, you're just making crap up

    The map on the right clearly says Israel and occupied land, referring to the land that is under Israeli military occupation. There is nothing inaccurate about the four maps.

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