Biden declares himself 'blameless' if US defaults on debt: 'I've done my part'

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by spiritgide, May 21, 2023.

  1. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    But this is what the Freedom Caucus wants with the Budget on future bills regardless of what the income stream is. Second, the whole point of my experiment is to see what you are willing to sacrifice in order to prove your endeavor. And not disappointingly, you proved me right in that you don't want to lead by example, but lead by exception. You want everyone else to do it regardless of their financial circumstances, but not you. You try to justify by what you did in the past. That is not the issue, it is what you are willing to do now and in the future and so far you are not going to agree to those terms I have laid out. Hence why your entire post is proven a falsity in and of itself. Again it is not about budgeting, it is about paying, and you are not willing to pay on a set amount, especially the credit card, and hope not paying the credit card will be a good thing.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  2. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The wall wouild not have solved illegal immigration. It was expensive, it didn't work, and it was all for the show, typical Trump style entertainment. My god, there were people who used simple tools to cut through that wall even though it "looked beautiful and was the most beautiful wall he has ever seen." And if you look at the Southern Border since 1873, we have put more officers on the border, did enforcement up to the nth degree, and they still came. So Trump tried to do the vengeance with certain types of policies and that made them even more determined to come.

    Again, why would you try to solve symptoms of a much larger issue than the root cause I will never know, but "I don't think you are so dumb that you don't understand, and it doesn't speak well for you to pretend that." Your own argument towards Quantem Nerd is exactly how I would describe you with the Southern Border.
  3. Steve N

    Steve N Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 4, 2015
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  4. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Well, if you look at the JCTA law of 2017, well yes, and the IRS has to follow said law.

    However, what you expressed in both individuals and corporations is basically the net formula. In business, earnings before taxes, EBT, is essentially net income on the corporate tax return. If you look at the corporate tax return, you have gross income, minus COGS, which is corporations adjustments to income, minus all direct expenses equals EBT. And based on that, the corporate tax rate is calculated. If you look at the JCTA, which gave far better treatment to corporations to lower EBT and with lower tax rates on that income, you are essentially looking at 3% on the corporate side compared to the 21% to the individual side.
  5. grapeape

    grapeape Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Ummmmmmm, YES……

    They are the same thing…..
  6. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Of course, you don't have locks on the doors of your house or car, because you know they can be breached. And if you were going somewhere and came up against a 30 ft tall steel wall, you'd just put on your superman cape and fly over it. You wouldn't suspect that it was a message that says stop- and it's one hell of a deterrent. And you back that up with consequence. No barrier is insurmountable-- and no motivation is either. When there are no barriers and you are encouraged to come on over.... assuming you don't give a damn about violating an unenforced law. You just come on in. Why not invite anyone that wants to- to move into your house without your permission? It IS the same thing.

    Conduct relates to consequence. You don't do things when you fear the consequence- and to stop unwanted behavior all we have to do is create and enforce the consequence that does that.

    Break into my house in the middle of the night for example. You will only do that once, and never again, anytime or anywhere.
    A border violator, at a minimum- should be recorded and deported, and forever barred from entering the US for any reason. If they get past the line to the inner country- same consequence when caught.
    If they violate a second time, when they are caught- they don't go home. If you entered Mexico illegally, the penalty is 10 years in prison.

    I don't know if you are just not that smart or if you are contrary to be contrary. Doesn't make a lot of difference.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  7. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    And all that crap is on those returns because the IRS makes the rules. The 21 IS the corporate side. Even the cost of tax prep and compliance is outrageous- and business isn't the cause of that either.

    I suspect my income tax exceeds your income, and you are talking about things you have no experience with. Sounds that way.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  8. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Well, for starters, you don't even net basic immigration law correctly. Second, there are three types of "illegal aliens:" EWI, visa overstay, and visa violations. A border wall only deals with EWI, which is not the bigger issue when it comes to immigration as a whole. Additionally, the wall does not prevent visa overstays and visa violations. Third, the immigration law is much more complex than what you are describing and there are legal ways in which a person who is out of status can get into status. Thus your analogy does not even work because a country is not private property. We have had illegal immigration with Cubans, East Germans, and even Russians all during the cold war. And our immigration law is still based on cold war mentality while the migration issues have evolved, to say the least. What you said is not even the law and has never been proposed, even by stanch anti-immigrant activists.

    Finally, with your analogy, to break into a house, a person does not have to have the place locked like Fort Knox or the doors unlocked, but private property and attempted burglary is not what is going on with immigration or even illegal immigration. If you want to make personal insults to me, then we will take this outside. Otherwise, you are just like Judy Kline in the video below:
  9. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Not crap, but it is how accounting and taxation works. This is just another prime example you speak not what you know but think you know sort of thing.
  10. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Biden can say that. But Biden is in charge, president and will get his share of the blame whether or not he wants it or not, whether or not he considers himself blameless. Check out question 18, More Responsible for Lack of Agreement on Debt Ceiling: Who is more responsible for the current lack of agreement on raising the debt ceiling?33% are blaming Biden, 27% the house republicans, 33% both equally.

    I fall into both equally category. Now I’m more of a pragmatist than an Ideologue or partisan. I believe in compromise and playing the old political game of give and take. If both sides won’t do this, then both get blamed. But in today’s modern political era of polarization, the great divide, the super, mega, ultra-high partisanship, ideologues have come to dominate and control both major parties. That and this modern political era we’re now in could very well lead to the death of this country.
    Independent4ever likes this.
  11. Independent4ever

    Independent4ever Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I am a bit more pessimistic - the death of the US is coming, it just will be accelerated when the debt ceiling is not increased

    Nov 2024 will be the beginning of the end, regardless of the outcome, as 1/3 of the country will freak out
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    ButterBalls and perotista like this.
  12. Par10

    Par10 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    And when did this huge increase in spending happen? Could it have been in 2020-2022? If Biden get's his proposed budget, the deficit in 2023 will be roughly twice what it was under Trump in 2019. By the way, I'm still waiting for those Republican policies to be listed.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
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  13. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Did anyone actually think he meant it when he said the buck stops with him? Lol, he is delusional
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
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  14. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    There was a poll done just before the 2020 election which showed that 37% of Republicans viewed Biden voters and 35% viewed Trump voters as this nation’s number one enemy. More than China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, ISIS, terrorist, etc. This fits right in to what you just said.

    Then more recently, December 2022 you have this: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 25% of Likely U.S. voters believe that China is America’s biggest enemy as 2022 draws to a close, while 20% think Russia is the biggest enemy. However, 22% say Democrats are the nation’s biggest enemy and 17% name Republicans – dwarfing such hostile powers as North Korea (5%) and Iran (2%)

    This before the 2024 election which I think you’re correct. But instead of a third, l say 40%.
    ButterBalls and Independent4ever like this.
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    You seem to think the invasion of your home and the invasion of your country have no common grounds. I doubt however you would for a moment grant the access to your home that you think the illegals are entitled to.

    The argument isn't that immigration should not exist, but that is the right of every nation to regulate it and qualify who they grant entry, work permits or a path to citizenship.
    People who just walk in are not immigrants of that nature- they are entering a foreign nation covertly and illegally- and that alone indicates that person is not willing to respect our laws or our sovereignty, and should preclude that person from ever being allowed to be here.

    People who overstay or violate visas have entered the country through the prescribed process; they did not violate the border, but violated a time rule limit rule. This is not the topic here- this addresses a thousand people wading the Rio and moving in, with no vetting or restrictions or permission or respect for our laws. We are a very generous nation in terms of our immigration laws- but there are always people who will disrepect your laws if they are not enforced. That by itself says that person is not someone you want to allow in. Honest immigrants work hard to earn citizenship. But a pregnant woman can cross the river and give birth on the riverbank, thereby giving her child American citizenship- stolen by the act of illegal entry.

    You seem to think that we have no right to control our own borders. We have more than a right, we all have a duty to every American citizen to do so. You don't give your country away- and that is what is happening at our border, and there are people who see no problem with that. They are wrong, and negligent in their responsibilities as citizens. The American nation belongs to the American people. In that respect, it is indeed private property. We don't "own" it individually but as a population of citizens. Individually we are custodians of it- and responsible for its preservation while in our custody. This is the same for people of other nations. They have a homeland, and they should keep that land safe and secure. That may not be easy- but if you aren't willing to preserve the quality of life in your own nation, the chances are high that you will not do so in any other nation. The people who qualify to enter come to the door and ask to come in. The people who don't qualify and don't care about our laws sneak in the back window.

    We have a lot of liberals, democrats, and left that are defending those who violate our laws right now. Those people are failing in their civic duty to the nation- and themselves.

    Perhaps you should read up on the laws that apply to this. There's a link below. You might notice that anyone who even encourages illegal entry or in any way supports or facilitates the entry or the actions of such person inside the US is in violation of that law.

    Read the immigration law. The essential part is US Code 1824, section A. Find it at:
    ButterBalls likes this.
  16. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    One thing everyone should know is that the debt from excess spending and poor fiscal management- is yours. Technically, the source to repay that debt is the taxpayer.
    As a taxpayer- right now, your share of that debt is $248,041.00. That's a quarter Million you probably didn't know you owed.
    If something isn't done to bring spending under control and reverse this, your debt will continue to grow. And no doubt, it will be the can kicked down the road all your life- then your children will inherit it, and wonder why you didn't do something about it now instead of dumping it on them.

    This incompetence, this unsustainable spending, can't go on forever. And the answer isn't more taxation, because they will not pay the debt down with more tax money- they will spend it elsewhere, continue to exceed the budgets, and raise the debt limit. Congress lacks the moral fiber and the respect for their sworn duty to do otherwise, and the people are letting it slide, time after time...

    It's time for what we call a "Come to Jesus" meeting for Congress, where you face up to the facts and your responsibilities. Until the SHTF and they have no other choice, there is no chance they will do that on their own. IF it doesn't hit the fan now, it will in the future- and it might be too late to fix it by then.
    ButterBalls likes this.
  17. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    You mean how Trump always takes responsibility when they get caught lol?
  18. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    If you look at your own chart, spending sarted going up in 2016 when Congress was controlled by the GOP. Then it continued when Trump was in office. 2020 is an unusual year because that is when Covid happened and Trump pretty much screwed the pooch starting in May 2020 of that year, which is why he lost.
  19. George Bailey

    George Bailey Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2019
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    Because Biden is a person of color? :roflol:
    ButterBalls likes this.
  20. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    I read the immigration law, and you are going to need to get the correct code section. For starters, there is no 1824. There is 1324 which deals with bringing in and harboring certain aliens, the human trafficking statute, and even that code section does not distinguish between EWI, Visa Overstay, and Visa Violations. That law is specific and is not as broad-based as you may want to think it is. If you want it that way, then even Trump violated this law because he hired them. And you don't want your Furher to get into trouble with the US law, now will you? And Trump was also violating 8 USC 1324A of the said immigration code.

    But lets look at the law again, specifically, 8 USC 1324(a)(2) which states, "Any person who, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has not received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever, such alien, regardless of any official action which may later be taken with respect to such alien shall, for each alien in respect to whom a violation of this paragraph occurs" will not apply to migrants because they were given permission to enter through the Port of Entry and thus this entire section would not be applicable, would it? You may not want them here, but CBP authorized them to enter based on other code sections of the immigration law. But the key is that they must remain in status for this to apply. If not, then 8 USC 1324(a)(1) would apply.

    Furthermore, it is not an invasion. I understand why they are coming. Understanding is not encouraging, harboring, or even defending. And that is why I said a wall is not going to help. It only deals with some of the symptoms of a broken immigration system, one of which is illegal immigration. But the term invasion is a military term generally, and that is how it is being applied to anti-immigrant persons such as yourself. And even with legal immigration, you don't want them to come for any reason or be allowed in anyway. So there's that.

    But they are coming because there are jobs here for them and they are coming because there are no jobs or work where they live. Hence the root cause is in their home country. Want to solve illegal immigration, then solve the root cause, not the symptoms. But i guess that is too complicated for you to understand huh.
  21. Par10

    Par10 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Actually, your children don't inherit your debt. They already owe their own $248,041. Their children will also owe that much and more.

    You are right. Republicans were spending too much. They increased the deficit by 100% between 2016 and 2019. You didn't address why Biden/Pelosi continue to spend like crazy in 2021, 2022, 2023, and now want to continue into 2024. Biden is asking for an $1.8 Trillion deficit. That's 300% higher than 2016. When it's higher than even the Republicans want, you should question why.
    Last edited: May 24, 2023
  22. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    If you look at your own chart it was starting to go down and not increasing. And most of that was residual Covid issues, among other things.
  23. Moolk

    Moolk Banned

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Only when it is relevant
  24. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Since nothing is relevant to him, that would be an affirmative big NO, wouldn't it?
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Some people have deaf ears- other deaf minds. Tunnel vision by choice is worse than by accident. It means you don't discuss, you argue with the objective of thinking you won something.
    Not happening.

    The root cause may be in their country- and I fully agree that is the overall solution, but we have no control over that, and you missed the real point. It's not that they want to come to America, it's that they ignore our laws and sneak over the border illegally. Fixing their home nation is not our job to fix, but theirs. If they wish to abandon their own country and come here- they owe at a minimum the respect of our processes. If they ignore that, that tells you that they are not qualified anyway. A nation is like a mix, you might say a soup. If you want the overall to be good- you don't put trash in the pot. Neither do you let people enter and live in your country when they have no respect for our laws in the first place. I'm quite sure that you don't understand that. I was teaching root cause analysis and critical thinking 40 years ago. The root cause of their distress may be in their country. It may be related to why they want to come to America. That is not why they violate the border, nor does it justify it, any more than you being short on money justifies robbing the bank instead of asking for a loan.

    Teddy Roosevelt gave a speech on immigration long ago that I fully agree with.

    And invasion as a military term is only a use, not the limit of the word. Merriam-Webster provides examples of use-

    The town is gearing up for the annual tourist invasion.
    Protecting the house from insect invasion

    Theodore Roosevelt > Quotes > Quotable Quote

    “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

    ― Theodore Roosevelt

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