I wonder if you have the same righteous indignation when white people burn down city blocks over ridiculous nonsense like their teams winning...
So wait... This is one guy saying crazy stuff, and he says he's affiliated with BLM, and this one guy is supposed to start a race war? That is...
There's something incredibly attractive about dark skin on a beautiful woman.
This discussion just shows how dumb the concept of race truly is. Check out the "white" girl; [img] Check out the "black" girl;...
And those that oppose the legalization of Marijuana are republican/right-leaning. Example;...
Didn't the GOP tell Obama to do something about immigration since they refused to do anything? At least one branch of government is working in...
If the right are so concerned about black people, howabout working with the left to decriminalize marijuana, reforming police forces that unfairly...
Republicans aren't going to nominate a minority for president any time soon. They're far too anti-minority and pro white male right now to do that.
Wasn't America originally filled with non-whites in the first place? In the end, the western hemisphere is the hemisphere of mixed race/ethnic...
Wasn't the Aztec capitol of Tenochtitlan one of the largest cities in the world (population-wise) at its time? The bottom line is that...
Blacks were quite successful in Africa. Considering that climate and fauna, that alone is an achievement.
Its pretty easy to do well on a test when you're the one making it.
Kenya, Botswana, Tanzania, South Africa, Nambia? We've given every African an IQ test? When did this take place? You expect an African to do...
So let's pick a random country and attempt to use it as a barometer of black intelligence... There's parts of Europe that are backwaters, and...
Actually they were the exact same, except they were locked into segregated neighborhoods and completely controlled by the police, and the...
Separate names with a comma.