North Pole Resident
Last Activity:
Dec 19, 2008
Jun 24, 2008
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North Pole Resident

New Member

North Pole Resident was last seen:
Dec 19, 2008
    1. Joe Castro
      Joe Castro
      NPR we need you back. Where you been?
    2. Turkic Brat
    3. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Am I seeing a dream ?

      North Pole!!!


      I happy to see you after a long time!!

      Çaka - I changed my nick
    4. UShadItComing
      Hi NPR. You will know me from other forums. I see you are keeping up your good work here by the comments from the Americans who need to attack those with opposing views.
    5. Leviathon
      What kind of f*cking idiot would start a convo with someone just to insult them. Guys, if you don't like what NPR posts ignore his threads, don't go on his profile and act like b*tches. Ain't you got anything better to do with your time?
    6. Turkic Brat
      Turkic Brat
      Hey! What's up ? :)
    7. Foolosophy
      No I dont know why AmusedToDeath is banned - ONE CAN MAKE AN EDUCATED GUESS THOUGH

      You know how mods behave in here
    8. i.beletesri
      You SPAM this board mercilessly with Huge Quantities of Propaganda.. Burying real discussion with Spun Headline after Spun Headline, Replete with Needless-except-for-attention, Abusive amounts of pictures and videos per post.

      So much Crap in an attempt to control the agenda, in fact, it's Counterproductive and makes a poor/Bullying representation of the country you are promoting.

      thank you
    9. WW3-thxRUS
      How come Russians have short term memory loss?
    10. WW3-thxRUS
    11. WW3-thxRUS
      Just in case you missed my reply. Here he is:


      Charlie Wilson

      In 1980, Wilson read an Associated Press dispatch on the congressional wires describing the refugees fleeing Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. According to biographer George Crile III, Wilson called the staff of the United States House Appropriations Committee dealing with "black appropriations" and requested a two-fold appropriation increase for Afghanistan. Because Wilson had just been named to the United States House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense (which is responsible for funding CIA operations), his request went through.[7]

      That was not the last time he increased the CIA budget for its Afghan operation. In 1983, he won an additional $40 million, $17 million of which was allocated for anti-aircraft weapons to shoot down Mil Mi-24 Hind helicopters.[8] The next year, CIA officer Gust Avrakotos directly approached Wilson – breaking the CIA's policy against lobbying Congress for money – asking Wilson for $50 million more. Wilson agreed and convinced Congress, saying, "The U.S. had nothing whatsoever to do with these people's decision to fight ... but we'll be (*)(*)(*)(*)ed by history if we let them fight with stones."[9] Later, Wilson succeeded in giving the Afghans $300 million of unused Pentagon money before the end of the fiscal year.[10] Thus, Wilson directly influenced the level of U.S. support for the Afghan Mujahideen. Wilson has said that the covert operation succeeded because "there was no partisanship or damaging leaks."[11]
    12. WW3-thxRUS
      Since you like pictures I figured you would like this one.[IMG]
    13. i.beletesri
      You SPAM this board mercilessly with Huge Quantities of Propaganda.. Burying real discussion with Spun Headline after Spun Headline.

      So much Crap in an attempt to control the agenda, in fact, it's Counterproductive and makes a poor/Bullying representation of the country you are promoting.

      thank you
    14. WW3-thxRUS
      Russia military is as good as this guy is a boxer.[IMG]

      Real men don't drink this:[IMG]

      They drink this:[IMG]
    15. Odin
      min vän,jag har sendt prosjekt med e n utgiver av två dokumentärer o m Finland och Ryssland.vill ni hjälpa mig med ryska projektet också?

      tack så mycket,


      n u är detta brev till min utgiveren.

      i am from Sweden and m y familie they move to Québec when i was 7years. i will attend Gr8 Ekäranskolan in Montréal in few days it begin. my favourite subjkets are science projette, genetique, historie. i speak and write Swedish, French and English. this year many school in Québec will have Russian spraket as 2nd programme. i like to read books. my favourite authors are Sonja
      Åkesson, Gustaf Fredrick,Gunnar Hansson and Nils Aspenburg from Norge. i read some books b y Stephen King but i like the short storys he write
      better.i allso read abaout his book as Richard Bachman.i read The Running Man becuase i like Arnold Swartznaager he star i n the filmen. i am work on 2projette now. the onst projette is dokument o n Finland and Russia in world war. next projette is dokument on member of m y familie who was soldier in world war in Finland. both will be dokumentar. thank you avery much for considerateion.

      Svante Carlsson
    16. WW3-thxRUS
      Russia showing its (SOVIET COLORS.) Russia is not protecting Georgia from genocide, they are using South Ossetia as a means of keeping a NATO country from bordering the (MOTHERLAND.)
    17. Turkic Brat
    18. Odin
      ni,jag går fran forumet nu.det är inte kul här längre.det mod han bort mitt inlägg, som han startar tråden * A Request From A Moderator* har alla tycker han är rolig. Kanskje han vil t a bort detta message.

      Vi ses,

    19. Grond
      Да....давненько пора бить тех высокомерных, тупых и тослстожопых уродов повсеместно!
    20. AmusedToDeath
      Приветствуйте, российский брат! Мы будем колотить этих американских империалистов! :)
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    War between Russia and Georgia orchestrated from USA