who will you want to see run IMF.:sun: http://www.politicalforum.com/political-opinions-beliefs/188717-will-china-run-world-bank-imf-since-china-super-power-2016-a.html
it is very hard Turkic dialect, I understood 45% of it. The little boy was so sweet and the music is lively. Thank you.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jBzHVAofm0
Since I can't reply to your thread I'll post it here: 1.) There is a reason I put 50 million, 25 for the war, 25 during his time in power. It could be less, like 40 million but its still the most by one leader other than Mao. However, negligence is different than evil. 2.) Why are you typing to me in Russian?