you should know that the whole world is still in the process of cleaning up the historic characteristics of our nature. we are still barbaric....
the united states of america won the second world war. the united states of america rules the world. the 2 statements above is self...
so there is really this belief that a laser that strong could send its own reflection back to earth..... why do they have to undermine the...
hahahahaha....that's funny.
yeah, time does not exist. time was invented to serve the purpose of exploiting the slave by the master. man made time is also used as a tool,...
there is something wrong with hawkings. you cannot compare the brain to the computer. the brain exists well ahead of the computer. but one could...
I do not believe that Man has landed on the moon. Could you tell me without echoing NASA's statement that Man has landed on the moon. In...
time exists, in a man made concept. in absence of man, there is no time nor "god".
hijackers ain't for demands. the disappearance of this flight 370 is planned. my guess is that the plane will surface, no one is dead, but,...
no sign of the missing flight 370 is found within its flying boundaries because it did not go down and hit any part of the water. searching...
while I actually don't know what happened to flight 370, just like the rest, I could make a comment from what I might consider as an evidence...
incidents surrounding the disapperance of malaysian flight 370 days ago, to me looks like that it is a case of a hijacked flight. had it...
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