Salut Comment êtes-vous ? :) Je sais que vous êtes en colère, mais je voulais vous faire savoir/comprendre comment est ma situation. Whatever, I will be banned, and you will get rid, be happy, you can easily make your Armenian propaganda ..... You always hated me because I am a Turkish boy.... Goodbye
Armenian tribes ? How many ? Please speak with archives and don't write irrelavent contents with the topic
Spy!!! Why are trying to change written history ! ? :D Turgeshes disappeared because of Arab attacks, we resisted Arabs over 150 years... This is similar to Roman Empire, they forced European Tribes to convert Christianity.... You can see " King Arthur " movie
What happened in France ? ? ? I heard that a heavy storm hit southwestern France and some people were killed! my condolences
:D Time shows what we should fight for ! I had debated i.bel very very before:D He was posting messages pro-PKK and used make signature about "Treaty Of Sevres" . . . Now we are in peace with İ.bel :)
I had only tried gesture to you ! :) I know French is as hard as Turkish language. . . I just only looked a simple French website ... Last 18 hours I am so ill. It is snowed here and still very cold, news said it will be snow at night again :(
Bonjour! :mrgreen: Ça va ? Désolée! I am in vacation and also getting ready law exams. . . :( I have no much free time these days :(
Are we in war ? ? ? You start to open anti-Turkish threads. You've attacking my counrty by opening 2 threads with missing info , So I had to open Rwanda!!! But I wanna say something This makes me sad. Both your attitudes and my reactional attitudes to you. My cousin was killed when he was seeing mandatory service in Tunceli city. You can't see my feelings. None of us, have a right to choose our nationality or race. I am just advocating my country.
The Europe only knows European Hun Empire in Hungary and the emperor Atilla However, there was one more Hun Empire ! ! !. . . . that is Great Asian Hun Empire which was before European Huns. Chineses attacked Asians Huns, and Asian Hun state collapesed, some of the Huns moved to west and created European Hun State and the Turks were originated Huns who stayed Central Asia and as you know Hungarians were originated from European Hun Empire. Modu Shanyu (this is Chinese name, we Turks call him Mete Kaan or Mete Han ) was our first common emperor. Still we have more than 2000 common words with Hungarian people even about 2100 years isolation between Turks and Hungarians.
We have same roots with Hungarians (Attila is Turkic word) visit the website to learn ancient history. Also click the map regions
Say as you are disaster :D
If you wanna learn something about Turkish History visit my personal blog page - Armenian Genocide Claims in a documentary episodes with mostly non-Turkish sources.. . . In your free time, watch them.
French , French Freeench ! :shamrock: Wat is your ideas about my country ? Are Turks monsters or united barbaric tribes (So do I? ) :) Please tell me from general French perspective about Turkic people!