Latest findings on global warming

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by chainyanker, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. gjjemhunter1

    gjjemhunter1 New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    it's awfully cold here. I could use some of the global warming now.

    And so okay the virulent global corporate machine has enveloped and sickened all the Earth. But who or what can stop it - and what's next? And when will someone put a rope on this monster? Its the greed monster and no laws control it.

    Free enterprise just means free to lie, cheat and steal for unlimited profit. What did they expect....greed is human nature and they don't teach morality anymore....
  2. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    I'll take that glowing orb in the sky for $1000 Alex.
  3. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    and you have evidence that reducing man made CO2 will stop the change ?
    PatriotNews and (deleted member) like this.
  4. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    You seem to have all the answers, why don't you give me the answers. Isn't that what you are trying to do, educate us? Frankly those questions look like jokes. Warmer at night, colder days? Warmer winters, cooler summers? You must be joking.

    Seriously, you expect me to do homework? Why would I answer you stupid questions? That is so asinine. They are complete irrelevant as well. No, don't ask me stupid questions, and expect me to waste my time trying to prove what you say is right. That's even more asinine. If that is the way you think this works, answer these seven stupid questions:
    1 Why is the Sun so hot?
    2 Why is the ocean so wet?
    3 Why is it so cold at the North Pole?
    4 Where does rain come from?
    5 If the globe is warming, can I take my sweater off?
    6 If Bob gets on a plane in Mexico City headed north at 500 mph, and Susan takes the last train to Clarksville at 7pm, what time will the last glacier finnish melting?
    7 Why would you want the Earth to get colder?

    Well the entire article was offered as the "Latest finding on Global Warming" and not the "Latest finding on Gravitational pull of celestial bodies" so my logic is intact, however you logic just suffered a tremendous setback.
  5. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Thanks for your kind words, I may print some with better, corrected grammar!

    Rev A
  6. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I can explain ! It’s all part of a near sine wave* like cyclical regularity of NATURAL heating and warming that has been occurring for over 400 million years (see graphs). If we are silly enough to allow a bunch of soap box enabled talking heads that range from multi degreed educated idiots (but well meaning idiots) to malicious multi degreed professors all the way to branished internet gurus and blogging normal citizens to infect our best, the beloved youth of nations, and our not so best, geezers and other normal types with absolutely slanderous false ideas that AGW is true, we deserve what we get! What is that horrific terrible thing that we deserve? That would be creatures that roam the skys on wings of alloy, fat minions that eats its own (and probably any thing else it get can attack and kill intellectually, making it a 'bend over' on command 'yes man', "global warming IS TRUE Master " chanting once proud creature not reduced to a yes man little ale clone FREAKIN' ZOMBIE!!!)

    That would be Awful! I for one don't want to be a 'yes man little AL clone FREAKIN' ZOMBIE" ! Do you?

    Please Nooooo! Don’t eat me Awful Al Gore, I will even believe your slanderous propaganda.. ….

    Rev A

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  7. supaskip

    supaskip Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    That's not a definitive answer. If the ocean heats up, then it could heat up the surface too. The effect of the ocean on CO2 in the atmosphere also has to be considered; we don't know how the ocean cycles decide to "suck up or spit out" CO2.

    Certainly, if not manmade, no one factor can be blamed for the heating. A combination of EVERYTHING needs to be considered, with models of how they can affect each other. I haven't seen anything worthwhile as yet.

    As for what we do? Maybe we are not meant to do anything. Die, perhaps. Perhaps any action we take will have further affects/issues on the world.

    Whatever the reason, I do understand that the ice caps should disappear, in general, if we are leaving an ice age. The rate, the reasons, the how and why it has happened in the past as compared to now is still debateable.

    Anyway, my biggest concern about all this has been the job and tax creation for "green" credentials etc. The gov and others have jumped on this too quickly just to make money. It's certainly in many peoples interests to be ambigious.
  8. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    No - the retarded grammar is what I liked best. Leave it just as it is. It is perfect.

    I will have the T-shirt printed to look like crayon scrawl with a few brown marks added that look like random faecal matter.

    You are really funny.
  9. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    No it isn't. Don't be silly.

    Even your own link doesn't show that.

    And even if it did - what is causing this "sinusoidal" pattern?




    Seriously - you are making a fool of yourself.

    You really should stop....after I make my T-Shirt.
  10. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Becasue it is a huge nuclear fusion reactor
    Because it is full of water

    Because the suns rays strike the poles at a shallower angle than the equator

    Water vapour in the atmosphere
    I think you meant "finish".
    Who want's the earth to get colder?
  11. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    People thought that CFCs released into the atmosphere and creating holes in out protective Ozone layer were a hoax too. I think the fact that since the ban the Ozone holes are closing up is evidence that anthropogenic climate change can, indeed, occur.
    Simply put, man can and does affect our atmosphere in a dangerously negative way. You want more skin cancers? Fine, get back to churning-out CFCs. You want to see food crops damaged beyond use? Great, the CFCs will do that for you too.

    (I'm not sure but I don't think the EPA is a Marxist organisation)
  12. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Common knowledge to all except the uninformed.
  13. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    The amusing thing about AGW deniers is that they are cutting their own throats. They like pointing to the extremist elements of the AGW movement and moaning about how much battling AGW will cost and cite that as good reasons to do nothing. Unfotunately closing your eyes while standing in the road doesn't make the oncoming traffic go away.

    Some years from now, if the deniers have their way, we will be faced with a much worse crisis which will cost a lot more to tackle and with a public a lot more desperate to embrace any possible solution. At that point the hit to the economy will be massive and all kinds of pseudo-green crazyness will be embraced and tried out. By working against AGW, the deniers are ensuring they will get the dystopic scenario they are afraid of.
  14. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Who is suggesting we do nothing?

    Global warming followed by cooling has occured for millions of years. We cant stop it.
  15. sherp

    sherp New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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  16. Poor Debater

    Poor Debater New Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Do you actually read your own posts? It seems that you yourself are suggesting we do nothing.
  17. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Never suggested any such thing.
  18. bugalugs

    bugalugs Banned

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Did you read your own link:
    The consensus is that several factors are important: atmospheric composition, such as the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane (the specific levels of the previously mentioned gases are now able to be seen with the new ice core samples from the Antarctic shelf over the past 650,000 years);[citation needed] changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun known as Milankovitch cycles (and possibly the Sun's orbit around the galaxy); the motion of tectonic plates resulting in changes in the relative location and amount of continental and oceanic crust on the Earth's surface, which affect wind and ocean currents; variations in solar output; the orbital dynamics of the Earth-Moon system; and the impact of relatively large meteorites, and volcanism including eruptions of supervolcanoes.

    The sum of those various forcings DOES NOT equal "sinusoidal"

    Now - are you trying to tell us that the observed warming of recent decades is caused by Milankovitch cycles?!?! Or the motion of tectonic plates?!?!?

  19. Poor Debater

    Poor Debater New Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    So ... you're saying we can't stop it ... but we should try anyway?
  20. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    ???? The term was

    I dont even know what a "sinusoidal" wave of temperature is, and simply assumed it is characterized by "cyclical regularity of NATURAL heating and warming"......? I assume he meant to say 'heating and cooling'. Whatever you call


    peaks of temperatures every 100,000 or so years, with valleys of low temperature between. Called "Ice ages". Technical name for that pattern couldnt be more irrelevant..... but thats probably why you went there.
  21. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    See the peak in temperature 140,000 years ago?


    We should expect to hit a similiar peak in the future. We cant stop it. The polar ice caps will disappear just as they have repeatedly in the past.

    Yes, we need to stop putting so much CO2 in the atmosphere
  22. dilligaf

    dilligaf New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    So they have at least a possible link to the sun causing climate change only saying that cautious because of the climate change alarmists thug mentality, lets not forget the media and gov support of them..Guess who controls the Cern's funding, yes the climate change believing corrupt wannabe communist western governments.

    Now where are your climate change alarmists link between man causing climate change?

    Oh and i dont mean causing pollution because i am a big supporter of stopping pollution but show me the direct link between humans causing climate change?
  23. dilligaf

    dilligaf New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Climate change alarmists and there wannabe communist ,politically correct,cultural marxist govs are always changing the goal posts on this issue.

    Now where was that direct link to humans causing climate change again?

    Oh and spare me the irrelavant nonsense.
  24. dilligaf

    dilligaf New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    A little story for you climate change alarmists/facists.

    The Story of Chicken Little

    "Chicken Little"" is a story for teaching courage.
    Don't be a chicken little. Don't be afraid. The sky is not falling.

    Click on the dialogue for audio.


    1. Narrator
    2. Chicken Little
    3. Henny Penny
    4. Ducky Lucky
    5. Goosey Loosey
    6. Turkey Lurkey
    7. Villain: Foxy Loxy

    Narrator: Chicken Little was in the woods one day when an acorn fell on her head. It scared her so much she trembled all over. She shook so hard, half her feathers fell out.

    Chicken Little: "Help! Help! The sky is falling! I have to go tell the king!"

    Narrator: So she ran in great fright to tell the king. Along the way she met Henny Penny.

    Henny Penny: "Where are you going, Chicken Little?"

    Chicken Little: "Oh, help! The sky is falling!"

    Henny Penny: "How do you know?"

    Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

    Henny Penny: "This is terrible, just terrible! We'd better hurry up."

    Narrator: So they both ran away as fast as they could. Soon they met Ducky Lucky.

    Ducky Lucky: "Where are you going, Chicken Little and Henny Penny?"

    Chicken Little & Henny Penny: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We're going to tell the king!"

    Ducky Lucky: "How do you know?"

    Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head."

    Ducky Lucky: "Oh dear, oh dear! We'd better run!"

    Narrator: So they all ran down the road as fast as they could. Soon they met Goosey Loosey walking down the roadside.

    Goosey Loosey "Hello there. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"

    Chicken Little: "We're running for our lives!"

    Henny Penny: "The sky is falling!"

    Ducky Lucky: "And we're running to tell the king!"

    Goosey Loosey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

    Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

    Goosey Loosey: "Goodness! Then I'd better run with you."

    Narrator: And they all ran in great fright across a field. Before long they met Turkey Lurkey strutting back and forth..

    Turkey Lurkey: "Hello there, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, and Goosey Loosey. Where are you all going in such a hurry?"

    Chicken Little: "Help! Help!"

    Henny Penny: "We're running for our lives!"

    Ducky Lucky: "The sky is falling!"

    Goosey Loosey: "And we're running to tell the king!"

    Turkey Lurkey: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

    Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

    Turkey Lurkey: "Oh dear! I always suspected the sky would fall someday. I'd better run with you."

    Narrator: So they ran with all their might, until they met Foxy Loxy.

    Foxy Loxy: "Well, well. Where are you rushing on such a fine day?"

    Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey (together) "Help! Help!" It's not a fine day at all. The sky is falling, and we're running to tell the king!"

    Foxy Loxy: "How do you know the sky is falling?"

    Chicken Little: "I saw it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, and part of it fell on my head!"

    Foxy Loxy: "I see. Well then, follow me, and I'll show you the way to the king."

    Narrator: So Foxy Loxy led Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey across a field and through the woods. He led them straight to his den, and they never saw the king to tell him that the sky is falling.
  25. supaskip

    supaskip Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
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    My kids used to love that story when they were little.
    Oh how I never realised what a prophecy it would be for them! :mrgreen:

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