Many African heads of state are surprised by Europe’s open border policy and urge the continent to change it, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said to German tabloid Bild. Kurz, who was on a trip in Africa, said some heads of state urged him to “stop your policy of open borders in Europe” as it leads to African youth leaving the continent. “This only motivates the African youth ‘to break up’ in the first place,” the Austrian Chancellor quoted his unnamed counterparts. According to Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde it’s better if the African youth remained in their countries and don’t even want to come to Europe. “It is clear that we must not lose our youth because they flee to Europe. We need to tackle the causes rather than worry about the symptoms. “The escape is dangerous. Criminal human smugglers make money with it. We must keep the people who will lead Ethiopia – and Africa – into a better future,” Sahle-Work Zewde said. I hope the stupid EU leaders will hear his words !
To install borders on every road which goes between two countries would necessitate hiring thousands of people to man the borders round the clock to stop each and every vehicle to verify the passports of every traveler and to make sure no contraband was being smughled.Stops would have to be initiated for every train or public transit bus travelling between countries to do the same,all resulting in huge delays and traffic jams.A nightmare.Would be a boon for government growth and higher taxation.
While true, nobody complains about Eastern Europe brain-drag, it is nothing compared to what Africa experiences. I dont even want to get started on the economic blight eastern Europe is experiencing from the youth being missing. Lets say, I open a business in Romania. A private hospital. How the fck can I compete with Germany, for example?
There are African countries that ain’t no war zones. Why don’t people fleeing warzones flee to Africa?
I am half romanian, but im not sure what that means? Travel or move with just the ID? Yes, because of the EU. One of my neighbors is swedish, he marked our forest border by painting the swedish flag on trees, lol. But its uncommon unlike the easterners in the west. I meant that opening a business in eastern europe is v hard because of the exodus. In my example with the hospital, how can I hire doctors? Will they work for 1k in România or 5k in Germany? The Gov is thinking about importing poor asians...the situation is just aweful
Uhm... is the cost of living in Romania the same as in Germany? Where can you live more comfortably - in Romania for $1k/mo or in Germany for $5k/mo? Be hones now.
Depends but Id say Germany. Mind you this is a doctors salary, the average is 500e. Ofc, i can move but i have a good economic situation. I can tell you for sure most romanians have no wish to move, we find english/germans way too different - not latins, we dont to be associated with criminals(all left to the west) or gipsies while wipping the **** out of the elderly. But they do it because of the hardships.
They can tell the difference between a guy from Ghana and a guy coming from Syria. They usually don't speak the Syrian version of Arab etc. And than there are the questions of: where did you go to school? Name a local newspaper. Who is your dentist? Point on the map the police station of your city... Yeah.. I heard they just ask them random questions anybody any local should be able to answer without any problems but not an imposter from 10.000 miles away.
I wish they were Only economic migrants. 98% of Chinese migrants for example.. work for about 4 or 5 years and return to their country. Arab Muslims come to stay. They bring their families and violence with them.
Most migrants bring their family in time, yes. The majority are decent though, muslims more than africans. But we dont need any, thats the issue, and in times of internal migration.