Well since 2012 is just around the corner and no end of the world is in sight, doomsdayers can relax and monger over a new date. http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20101019/sc_livescience/endoftheearthpostponed current calander conversions off by 50-100 years. Now you are free to soothsay about any date you wish.
Didn't Nibiru come round in 2003 ??? http://www.rense.com/ufo5/nib2000.htm http://www.metatech.org/planet_x_nibiru_earth_changes.html http://ravenwoods.tripod.com/RavenwoodsNIBIRU.html When we all died ... remember !!!
Now, watch as the History Channel changes Nostradamus' predicted date for the world to end along with the Mayan date to whatever the Mayan date is now, after the dust has settled. December 21, 2062 or December 21, 2112? Perhaps, it's already passed us by and we're all supposed to be dead already.
Granny says, "Dat's right - the world gonna end an' we all gonna die... Mexican city installs digital clock to count down December 2012 'doomsday' Saturday 17th December, 2011 - A city in Mexico has installed a digital clock to count down the time left for December 21, 2012 - when some believe the world will end.
Awww shucks, is just the start of a new calendar... 2012 end of the world? It is not, says Mayan expert Jan 2, 2012: Contrary to what many believed, year 2012 will not mark the end of the world but will just be a start of a new calendar, according to Mayan timekeeper.
Who in their right mind pays attention to a civilization that isn't around to backup their claim that the world is ending? Their world ended, but ours will be here for millions of years to come...unless we blow ourselves up because our governments can't get along.
Oldest Mayan calendar unearthed... Mayan art and calendar at Xultun stun archaeologists 10 May 2012 - The preservation of the artwork surprised archaeologists, given the dwelling's shallow depth See also: Apocalypse never: Newly discovered Mayan calendar further disproves doomsday myth May 10, 2012 - Scientists have uncovered the oldest-known Mayan calendar ever discovered and it further shows that all this December 21, 2012, apocalypse talk is a bunch of hooey.
I was hoping that my installation as Eminent Commander of the Knights Templar coincided with the End of the World...dang...and I planned on having such an awesome going away party too...clowns and everything.
The Mayans did not make these claims , neither did their calendars . Writers made them , looking for money and a Spin headline .
Granny says, "Dat's right - it says in Revelation inna Bible we all gonna die an' den Jesus gonna put dem lefty lib'rals inna place where the Devil gonna be pokin' `em inna butt with his pitchfork... 2012 Doomsday: It's not just Mayan claim 22 July`12 - Countless cultures predict end-time scenario this year
Climate change did the Mayans in... New Evidence Links Mayan Collapse to Climate Change November 08, 2012 - Scientists get finding after analyzing a natural mineral formation called a stalagmite from a cave in Belize
I get installed as Eminent Commander for my Commandery of Knights Templar on the 20th! Maybe my installation is the cause...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Yea, Uncle Ferd wantin' to know if dey need any help at dat womens prison?... In Russia, its official: This isnt the end of the world Mon, Dec 03, 2012 - APOCALYPSE NOT NOW: One Russian official has proposed prosecuting people who spread a rumor that the world will end on Dec. 21 starting on Dec. 22
Chinese gonna save us from the Mayan apocalypse... Great Ball of China to save world on doomsday Fri, Dec 14, 2012 - As people across the globe tremble in anticipation of next weeks supposed Mayan-predicted apocalypse, one Chinese villager says he may have just what humanity needs: tsunami-proof survival pods.
Granny says China got their crazies too... Man who slashed 23 kids in China feared worlds end prophecy December 17, 2012 - The suspect who slashed 22 children in an elementary school in central China might have been paranoid about the world coming to end, authorities said on Monday. But it didnt prevent even the usually supportive state media from saying that official response to the violent incident was slow and cold and that details about the case remain sketchy.
Granny didn't know there was such a thing as Chinese Mayans... China arrests over 500 members of pseudo-Christian Mayan Apocalypse sect 18 December, 2012, If the end of the world does indeed happen on December 21, some of the people predicting it will meet it in a prison cell: Chinese authorities have arrested more than 500 members of a doomsday cult in a nationwide crackdown.
Granny says the sky gonna fall Friday... Mayan apocalypse: End of the world, or a new beginning? 19 December 2012 - One in 10 of us is said to be anxious that 21 December marks the end of the world. The Ancient Mayans predicted this doomsday, and the press is eating it up. But where are all the believers?
Granny says, "Dat's right - leave it to the Chinese to take alla fun outta it... Earthlings prepare for end of world Thu, Dec 20, 2012 - LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW:The end of the world purportedly foreseen in the Mayan calendar has been a boon for the tourism, hospitality and bunker industries See also: World Wont End on Friday, Chinese State Media Assure Nation December 19, 2012 Chinese authorities are trying to allay doomsday rumors that appear to be circulating quite widely in that county, and which police say were behind a frenzied knife attack on elementary school students last Friday.